Source code for plot

# Plot module version 1.0.0 26/10/2021

# The module defines the class plot_class to produce plots of data computed
# by functions in the main bm3_thermal_2 module  

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl

[docs]class plot_class(): """ Defines parameters and methods for the plotting of data produced by functions belonging to the bm3_thermal_2 module """ def __init__(self, path): self.fsize=10 self.tsize=10 self.dpi=80 self.xlab='X' self.ylab='Y''k-' self.ext='jpg''myplot' self.path=path self.tex=False
[docs] def set_param(self, dpi=0, fsize=0, tsize=0, style='', name='', ext='', tex=''): """ Sets parameters relevant to the production of plots. Args: dpi: resolution of the saved picture (default 80) fsize: fontsize of labels and title (default 10) tsize: fontsize of ticks (default 10) style: style of the plot (line or point types and color; default 'k-') name: name of the saved file (default 'myplot') ext: extension (and format) of the saved file (default jpg) tex: if True, LaTeX fonts and format is used (default False) Note: Some of these parameters affect the output from the methods 'simple' and 'multi' of the class, as a function of the argument 'save' passed to the methods themselves. """ if dpi != 0: self.dpi=dpi if fsize != 0: self.fsize=fsize if tsize != 0: self.tsize=tsize if style != '': if name != '': if ext != '': self.ext=ext if tex != '': self.tex=tex
[docs] def reset_param(self): """ Resets parameters to their default values """ self.fsize=10 self.tsize=10 self.dpi=80 self.xlab='X' self.ylab='Y''k-' self.ext='jpg''myplot' self.tex=False
[docs] def simple(self, x, y, title='', style='default', xlab='default', ylab='default',\ fsize=0, tsize=0, save=False, dpi=0, name='default', ext='default',\ tex='default'): """ Plots a single (x, y) curve. Args: x: independent variable (array of data) y: dependent variable (array of data) title: plot title (default no title '') style: style of the plot (default xlab: X axis label (default self.xlab) ylab: Y axis label (default self.ylab) fsize: label and title size (default self.fsize) tsize: tick size (default self.tsize) save: if True, the plot will be saved on a file (default False) dpi: resolution of the saved file (default self.dpi) name: name of the saved file (default ext: extension (and format) of the saved file (default self.ext) tex: if True, tex fonts and format are used Note: The arguments dpi, name and ext are relevant only if save is True Examples: >>> plot.simple(x,y, style='r-', xlab='T (K)', ylab='Alpha (K^-1)', fsize=12) >>> plot.set_param(fsize=12, style='r-') >>> plot.simple(x,y, xlab='T (K)', ylab='alpha (K^-1)') """ if fsize == 0: fsize=self.fsize if tsize == 0: tsize=self.tsize if xlab == 'default': xlab=self.xlab if ylab == 'default': ylab=self.ylab if style == 'default': if name == 'default': if ext == 'default': ext=self.ext if tex == 'default': mpl.rc('text', usetex=self.tex) else: mpl.rc('text', usetex=tex) plt.figure() plt.plot(x,y,style) plt.xlabel(xlab, fontsize=fsize) plt.ylabel(ylab, fontsize=fsize) plt.xticks(fontsize=tsize) plt.yticks(fontsize=tsize) if title != '': plt.suptitle(title, fontsize=fsize) if save: name=self.path+'/'+name+'.'+ext plt.savefig(name, dpi=self.dpi, bbox_inches='tight') mpl.rc('text', usetex=self.tex)
[docs] def multi(self, x, y, sl, lgl, title='', xlab='default', ylab='default',\ fsize=0, tsize=0, save=False, dpi=0, name='default', ext='default',\ tex='default'): """ Plot multiple curves. Args: x: array of independent variable arrays y: array of dependent variable arrays sl: array of styles (one for each curve) lgl: array of curve labels (for the legend) Note: See the documentation for the 'simple' method for information about the other keyword arguments. Example: >>> x=np.linspace(-2, 2, 24) >>> y1=x**2 >>> y2=x**3 >>> x=[x,x] >>> y=[y1,y2] >>> style=['k-', 'r+'] >>> label=[r'Y=X$^2$', r'Y=X$^3$'] >>> plot.multi(x,y, style, label, tex=True) """ if fsize == 0: fsize=self.fsize if tsize == 0: tsize=self.tsize if xlab == 'default': xlab=self.xlab if ylab == 'default': ylab=self.ylab if name == 'default': if ext == 'default': ext=self.ext if tex == 'default': mpl.rc('text', usetex=self.tex) else: mpl.rc('text', usetex=tex) plt.figure() for ix, iy, isl, ilgl in zip(x,y,sl,lgl): plt.plot(ix,iy,isl, label=ilgl) plt.xlabel(xlab, fontsize=fsize) plt.ylabel(ylab, fontsize=fsize) plt.xticks(fontsize=tsize) plt.yticks(fontsize=tsize) plt.legend(frameon=False, prop={'size': fsize}) if title != '': plt.suptitle(title, fontsize=fsize) if save: name=self.path+'/'+name+'.'+ext plt.savefig(name, dpi=self.dpi, bbox_inches='tight') mpl.rc('text', usetex=self.tex)