Source code for bm3_thermal_2

# Ab initio Elasticity and  Thermodynamics of Minerals
# Version 2.8.1 18/10/2022

# Comment the following three lines to produce the documentation 
# with readthedocs

# from IPython import get_ipython
# get_ipython().magic('cls')
# get_ipython().magic('reset -sf')

# Set to True to compile an executable version

import datetime
import os  
import sys 
import warnings 
import scipy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl

if exe_flag:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as mtick 

# from matplotlib import rc

import pandas as pd
import sympy as sym
import parame as pr

from scipy.optimize import curve_fit, fmin, minimize_scalar, minimize
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline, Rbf
from scipy import integrate

from plot import plot_class
from mineral_data import mineral, load_database, equilib, reaction,\
     pressure_react, export, field, import_database, name_list
from mineral_data import ens, cor, py, coe, q, fo, ky, sill, andal, per, sp, \
     mao, fmao, stv, cc, arag, jeff, jeff_fe, jeff_fe3p, jeff_feb, zrc, diam, \
     tui, flo




[docs]class latex_class(): """ Setup for the use of LaTeX for axis labels and titles; sets of parameters for graphics output. """ def __init__(self): self.flag=False self.dpi=300 self.font_size=14 self.tick_size=12 self.ext='jpg' mpl.rc('text', usetex=False)
[docs] def on(self): self.flag=True mpl.rc('text', usetex=True)
[docs] def off(self): self.flag=False mpl.rc('text', usetex=False)
[docs] def set_param(self, dpi=300, fsize=14, tsize=12, ext='jpg'): """ Args: dpi: resolution of the graphics file (default 300) fsize: size of the labels of the axes in points (default 14) tsize: size of the ticks in points (default 12) ext: extension of the graphics file (default 'jpg'); this argument is only used in those routines where the name of the file is automatically produced by the program (e.g. check_poly or check_spline functions). In other cases, the extension is directly part of the name of the file given as argument to the function itself, and 'ext' is ignored. """ self.dpi=dpi self.font_size=fsize self.tick_size=tsize self.ext=ext
[docs] def get_dpi(self): return self.dpi
[docs] def get_fontsize(self): return self.font_size
[docs] def get_ext(self): return self.ext
[docs] def get_tsize(self): return self.tick_size
[docs]class flag: def __init__(self,value): self.value=value self.jwar=0
[docs] def on(self): self.value=True
[docs] def off(self): self.value=False
[docs] def inc(self): self.jwar += 1
[docs] def reset(self): self.jwar=0
[docs]class zero_point: def __init__(self): self.flag=True
[docs] def on(self): self.flag=True print("Zero point energy computation on")
[docs] def off(self): self.flag=False print("Zero point energy computation off")
[docs]class verbose_class(): def __init__(self,value): self.flag=value
[docs] def on(self): self.flag=True print("Verbose mode on")
[docs] def off(self): self.flag=False print("Verbose mode off")
[docs]class BM3_error(Exception): pass
[docs]class vol_corr_class: def __init__(self): self.flag=False self.v0_init=None
[docs] def on(self): self.flag=True
[docs] def off(self): self.flag=False
[docs] def set_volume(self,vv): self.v0_init=vv
[docs]class data_info(): """ Stores information about the current settings """ def __init__(self): self.min_static_vol=None self.max_static_vol=None self.static_points=None self.min_freq_vol=None self.max_freq_vol=None self.freq_points=None self.min_select_vol=None self.max_select_vol=None self.select_points=None self.freq_sets=None self.fit_type='No fit' self.min_vol_fit=None self.max_vol_fit=None self.fit_points=None self.fit_degree=None self.fit_smooth=None self.k0=None self.v0=None self.temp=None self.k0_static=None self.kp_static=None self.v0_static=None self.popt=None self.popt_orig=None self.min_names=name_list.mineral_names self.title=None
[docs] def show(self): """ Prints information about the current settings stored in the classes """ if self.title !=None: print(self.title) print("\nCurrent settings and results\n") if self.min_static_vol != None: print("Static data ** min, max volumes: %8.4f, %8.4f; points: %d"\ % (self.min_static_vol, self.max_static_vol, self.static_points)) if self.min_freq_vol != None: print("Frequency volume range ** min, max volumes: %8.4f, %8.4f; points: %d"\ % (self.min_freq_vol, self.max_freq_vol, self.freq_points)) if self.min_select_vol != None: print("Selected freq. sets ** min, max volumes: %8.4f, %8.4f; points: %d"\ % (self.min_select_vol, self.max_select_vol, self.select_points)) print("Frequency sets: %s" % str(self.freq_sets)) if self.fit_type != 'No fit': if self.fit_type=='poly': print("\nFit of frequencies ** type: %s, degree: %d" \ % (self.fit_type, self.fit_degree)) else: print("\nFit of frequencies ** type: %s, degree: %d, smooth: %2.1f" \ % (self.fit_type, self.fit_degree, self.fit_smooth)) print(" min, max volumes: %8.4f, %8.4f; points %d" %\ (self.min_vol_fit, self.max_vol_fit, self.fit_points)) else: print("No fit of frequencies") if supercell.flag: print("\n*** This is a computation performed on SUPERCELL data") print(" (SCELPHONO and QHA keywords in CRYSTAL). Number of cells: %3i" % supercell.number) if self.k0_static != None: print("\n*** Static EoS (BM3) ***") print("K0: %6.2f GPa, Kp: %4.2f, V0: %8.4f A^3" %\ (self.k0_static, self.kp_static, self.v0_static)) if static_range.flag: print("\n*** Static EoS is from a restricted volume range:") print("Minimum volume: %8.3f" % static_range.vmin) print("Maximum volume: %8.3f" % static_range.vmax) if p_stat.flag: print("\n*** Static EoS from P(V) data ***") print("Data points num: %3i" % p_stat.npoints) print("Volume range: %8.4f, %8.4f (A^3)" % (p_stat.vmin, p_stat.vmax)) print("Pressure range: %5.2f, %5.2f (GPa)" % (p_stat.pmax, p_stat.pmin)) print("EoS -- K0: %6.2f (GPa), Kp: %4.2f, V0: %8.4f (A^3)" % (p_stat.k0,\, p_stat.v0)) print("Energy at V0: %12.9e (hartree)" % p_stat.e0) if self.k0 != None: print("\n** BM3 EoS from the last computation, at the temperature of %5.2f K **" % self.temp) print("K0: %6.2f GPa, Kp: %4.2f, V0: %8.4f A^3" %\ (self.k0,, self.v0)) if not f_fix.flag: print("Kp not fixed") else: print("Kp fixed") if exclude.ex_mode != []: uniq=np.unique(exclude.ex_mode) print("\nZone center excluded modes: %s" % str(uniq)) else: print("\nNo zone center excluded modes") if zp.flag: print("\nZero point energy is explicitly computed\n") else: print("\nZero point energy is not computed: it must be included") print("in the static energy file\n") if disp.ex_flag: uniq=np.unique(disp.excluded_list) print("Off center excluded modes: %s" % str(uniq)) else: print("No off center excluded modes") if kieffer.flag==True: print("\nKieffer model on; frequencies %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f cm^-1" %\ (kieffer.kief_freq_inp[0], kieffer.kief_freq_inp[1], \ kieffer.kief_freq_inp[2])) else: print("\nKieffer model off") if anharm.flag: print("\nAnharmonic correction for mode(s) N. %s" % str(anharm.mode).strip('[]')) print("Brillouin flag(s): %s" % str(anharm.brill).strip('[]')) print("Anharmonic F(V,T) fit - degree V: %2i, degree T: %2i" % (anharm.vdeg, anharm.tdeg)) if disp.flag: print("\n--------------- Phonon dispersion --------------------") print("\nDispersion correction activated for the computation of entropy and") print("specific heat:") print("Number of frequency sets: %3i" % disp.nset) if disp.nset > 1: if disp.fit_type == 0: print("Polynomial fit of the frequencies; degree: %3i " % disp.fit_degree) else: print("Spline fit of the frequencies; degree: %3i, smooth: %3.1f"\ % (disp.fit_degree, disp.fit_type)) print("Number of off-centered modes: %5i" % disp.f_size) if disp.eos_flag: print("\nThe phonon dispersion is used for the computation of the bulk modulus") print("if the bulk_dir or the bulk_modulus_p functions are used, the latter") print("in connection with the noeos option.") if disp.fit_vt_flag: print("The required V,T-fit of the free energy contribution from") print("the off-centered modes is ready. Fit V,T-powers: %3i, %3i" % (disp.fit_vt_deg_v, disp.fit_vt_deg_t)) else: print("The required V,T-fit of the free energy contribution from") print("the off-centered mode is NOT ready.") else: print("\nThe phonon dispersion correction is not used for the computation") print("of the bulk modulus") if disp.thermo_vt_flag & (disp.nset > 1): print("\nVT-phonon dispersion correction to the thermodynamic properties") elif (not disp.thermo_vt_flag) & (disp.nset > 1): print("\nT-phonon dispersion correction to the thermodynamic properties") print("Use disp.thermo_vt_on() to activate the V,T-correction") print("\n --------------------------------------------------------") if ac_approx.flag: print("\nEstimation of the contribution to the vibrational pressure") print("from acoustic phonon branches (no DISP computation) is activated\n") print("Number of bins of the histogram of frequencies: %2i" % ac_approx.nbin) print("\nLower frequency bin:") print("Number of modes: %3i" % ac_approx.nmode) print("Minimum frequency: %5.1f" % ac_approx.fmin) print("Maximum frequency: %5.1f" % ac_approx.fmax) print("Mean frequency: %5.1f" % ac_approx.fmean) if lo.flag: out_lo=(lo.mode, lo.split) df_out=pd.DataFrame(out_lo, index=['Mode', 'Split']) df_out=df_out.T df_out['Mode']=np.array([int(x) for x in df_out['Mode']], dtype=object) print("\nFrequencies corrected for LO-TO splitting.\n") if verbose.flag: print(df_out.to_string(index=False)) print("---------------------------------------------") print("\n**** Volume driver for volume_dir function ****") print("Delta: %3.1f; degree: %2i; left: %3.1f; right: %3.1f, Kp_fix: %s; t_max: %5.2f"\ % (,, volume_ctrl.left, volume_ctrl.right,\ volume_ctrl.kp_fix, volume_ctrl.t_max)) print("EoS shift: %3.1f; Quad_shrink: %2i; T_dump: %3.1f; Dump fact.: %2.1f, T_last %4.1f" % \ (volume_ctrl.shift, volume_ctrl.quad_shrink, volume_ctrl.t_dump, volume_ctrl.dump,\ volume_ctrl.t_last)) print("Upgrade shift: %r" % volume_ctrl.upgrade_shift) print("\n**** Volume driver for volume_from_F function ****") print("In addition to the attributes set in the parent volume_control_class:") print("shift: %3.1f, flag: %r, upgrade_shift: %r" % (volume_F_ctrl.get_shift(), \ volume_F_ctrl.get_flag(), volume_F_ctrl.get_upgrade_status())) print("\n**** Numerical T-derivatives driver class (delta_ctrl) ****") if not delta_ctrl.adaptive: print("Delta: %3.1f" % print("Degree: %3i" % print("N. of points %3i" % delta_ctrl.nump) else: print("Adaptive scheme active:") print("T_min, T_max: %4.1f, %6.1f K" % (delta_ctrl.tmin, delta_ctrl.tmax)) print("Delta_min, Delta_max: %4.1f, %6.1f K" % (delta_ctrl.dmin, delta_ctrl.dmax)) print("Degree: %3i" % print("N. of points %3i" % delta_ctrl.nump) if verbose.flag: print("\n--------- Database section ---------") print("Loaded phases:") print(self.min_names)
[docs]class exclude_class(): """ Contains the list of modes to be excluded from the calculation of the Helmholtz free energy. It can be constructed by using the keyword EXCLUDE in the input.txt file. """ def __init__(self): self.ex_mode=[] self.ex_mode_keep=[] self.flag=False def __str__(self): return "Excluded modes:" + str(self.ex_mode)
[docs] def add(self,modes): """ Args: n : can be a scalar or a list of modes to be excluded """ if type(modes) is list: self.ex_mode.extend(modes) self.flag=True elif type(modes) is int: self.ex_mode.append(modes) self.flag=True else: print("** Warning ** exclude.add(): invalid input type") return
[docs] def restore(self): """ Restores all the excluded modes """ if self.flag: self.ex_mode_keep=self.ex_mode self.ex_mode=[] self.flag=False
[docs] def on(self): self.ex_mode=self.ex_mode_keep self.flag=True
[docs]class fix_flag: def __init__(self,value=0.): self.value=value self.flag=False
[docs] def on(self,value=4): self.value=value self.flag=True
[docs] def off(self): self.value=0. self.flag=False
[docs]class fit_flag: def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def on(self): self.flag=True
[docs] def off(self): self.flag=False
[docs]class spline_flag(fit_flag): """ Sets up the spline fit of the frequencies as functions of the volume of the unit cell. Several variables are defined: 1. flag: (boolean); if True, frequencies are fitted with splines 2. degree: degree of the spline 3. smooth: *smoothness* of the spline 4. flag_stack: (boolean) signals the presence of the spline stack 5. pol_stack: it is the stack containing parameters for the spline fit Note: The spline stack can be set up and initialized by using the keyword\ SPLINE under the keyword FITVOL in the *input.txt* file Methods: """ def __init__(self,flag=False,degree=3,smooth=0): super().__init__() self.flag=False self.flag_stack=False self.smooth=smooth self.pol_stack=np.array([])
[docs] def on(self): super().on()
[docs] def off(self): super().off()
[docs] def set_degree(self,degree):
[docs] def set_smooth(self,smooth): self.smooth=smooth
[docs] def stack(self): self.pol_stack=freq_stack_spline() self.flag_stack=True
[docs] def vol_range(self,v_ini, v_fin, npoint): self.fit_vol=np.linspace(v_ini, v_fin, npoint)
[docs]class poly_flag(fit_flag): def __init__(self,flag=False,degree=2): super().__init__() self.flag=flag self.flag_stack=False self.pol_stack=np.array([])
[docs] def on(self): super().on()
[docs] def off(self): super().off()
[docs] def set_degree(self,degree):
[docs] def stack(self): self.pol_stack=freq_stack_fit() self.flag_stack=True
[docs] def vol_range(self,v_ini, v_fin, npoint): self.fit_vol=np.linspace(v_ini, v_fin, npoint)
[docs]class kieffer_class(): def __str__(self): return "Application of the Kieffer model for acoustic phonons" def __init__(self,flag=False): self.flag=False self.stack_flag=False self.kief_freq=None self.kief_freq_inp=None self.t_range=None self.f_list=None self.input=False
[docs] def stack(self, t_range, f_list): self.t_range=t_range self.f_list=f_list
[docs] def get_value(self,temperature): free=scipy.interpolate.interp1d(self.t_range, self.f_list, kind='quadratic') return free(temperature)*zu
[docs] def on(self): self.flag=True print("Kieffer correction on") if disp.flag: disp.flag=False print("Phonon dispersion is deactivated") if not self.stack_flag: free_stack_t(pr.kt_init,pr.kt_fin,pr.kt_points)
[docs] def off(self): self.flag=False print("Kieffer correction off")
[docs] def freq(self,f1,f2,f3): self.kief_freq_inp=np.array([f1, f2, f3]) self.kief_freq=self.kief_freq_inp*csl*h/kb free_stack_t(pr.kt_init,pr.kt_fin,pr.kt_points)
[docs] def rescale(self, fact=1., save=False): k0=self.kief_freq_inp[0]*fact k1=self.kief_freq_inp[1]*fact k2=self.kief_freq_inp[2]*fact k_list=[k0, k1, k2] k_print=list(round(ik,1) for ik in k_list) print("Kieffer frequencies rescaled to ", k_print) if save: self.kief_freq_inp=np.array([k0, k1, k2]) self.kief_freq=np.array([k0, k1, k2])*csl*h/kb free_stack_t(pr.kt_init,pr.kt_fin,pr.kt_points)
[docs] def plot(self): plt.figure() plt.plot(self.t_range, self.f_list, "k-") plt.xlabel("Temperature (K)") plt.ylabel("F free energy (J/mol apfu)") plt.title("Free energy from acustic modes (Kieffer model)")
[docs]class acoustic_approx_class(): """ Class used for the estimation of the contribution to the vibrational pressure from acoustic modes, in case supercell data are not available. Use the method 'on' to switch on the correction ('off' to switch it off) The algorithm is used to compute such contribution if the total pressure at given temperature and volume is evaluated by the pressure_dir function Example: >>> ac_approx.on() >>> bulk_dir(298) """ def __init__(self): self.flag=False self.deg=3 self.nt=12 self.tmax=1000. self.tmin=20. self.nbin=4 self.fit_flag=True self.disp=False
[docs] def set(self, tmin=20., tmax=1000., deg=3, nt=12, nbin=4, on=True): """ Sets parameters for the estimation of the vibrational pressure of low frequency modes, as a function of temperature Args: tmin, tmax, nt: minimum, maximum and number of points defining the temperature range for the estimation of the vibrational pressure as a function of T deg: degree of the polynomial fitting the P(T) values nbin: number of bins for the construction of the frequency histogram on: if True, the P(T) polynomial is computed after the set method was invoked, and the acoustic correction is switched on; if 'on' is False, the requested parameters are changed but the correction is not switched on, or recomputed. """ self.tmin=tmin self.tmax=tmax self.deg=deg self.nt=nt self.nbin=nbin if on: self.on()
[docs] def on(self): if disp.flag: print("\n**** Note ****") self.disp=True if self.fit_flag: self.flag=True else: self.flag=False print("The acoustic approximation requires the polynomial") print("fits of the frequencies")
[docs] def off(self): self.flag=False if self.disp: print("\n**** Note ****") disp.on()
[docs]class bm4_class(): """ Set up and information for a 4^ order Birch-Murnaghan EoS (BM4) It provides: 1. energy: function; Volume integrated BM4 (V-BM4) 2. pressure: function; BM4 3. bm4_static_eos: BM4 parameters for the static energy calculation as a function of V 4. en_ini: initial values for the BM4 fit 5. bm4_store: BM4 parameters from a fitting at a given temperature methods: """ def __init__(self): self.flag=False self.start=True self.pressure=None self.en_ini=None self.bm4_static_eos=None self.bm4_store=None def __str__(self): return "BM4 setting: " + str(self.flag)
[docs] def on(self): """ Switches on the BM4 calculation """ self.flag=True if self.start:, self.pressure=bm4_def() self.start=False
[docs] def estimates(self,v4,e4): """ Estimates initial values of BM4 parameters for the fit """ ini=init_bm4(v4,e4,4.0) new_ini,dum=curve_fit(v_bm3, v4, e4, \ p0=ini,ftol=1e-15,xtol=1e-15) kpp=(-1/new_ini[1])*((3.-new_ini[2])*\ (4.-new_ini[2])+35./9.)*1e-21/conv self.en_ini=[new_ini[0], new_ini[1],\ new_ini[2], kpp, new_ini[3]] k0_ini=new_ini[1]*conv/1e-21 print("\nBM4-EoS initial estimate:") print("\nV0: %6.4f" % self.en_ini[0]) print("K0: %6.2f" % k0_ini) print("Kp: %6.2f" % self.en_ini[2]) print("Kpp: %6.2f" % self.en_ini[3]) print("E0: %8.6e" % self.en_ini[4])
[docs] def store(self,bm4st): """ Stores BM4 parameters from a fit a given temperature """ self.bm4_store=bm4st
[docs] def upload(self,bm4_eos): """ Loads the parameters from the static calculation (that are then stored in bm4_static_eos) """ self.bm4_static_eos=bm4_eos
[docs] def upgrade(self): """ Uses the stored values of parameters [from the application of store()] to upgrade the initial estimation done with estimates() """ self.en_ini=self.bm4_store
[docs] def off(self): """ Switches off the BM4 calculation """ self.flag=False
[docs] def status(self): """ Informs on the status of BM4 (on, or off) """ print("\nBM4 setting: %s " % self.flag)
[docs]class gamma_class(): """ Store coefficients of a gamma(T) fit """ def __init__(self): self.flag=False self.pol=np.array([])
[docs] def upload(self,deg,pcoef): self.flag=True self.pol=pcoef
[docs]class super_class(): """ Store supercell data: number of cells on which the frequencies computation was done. To be used in connection with CRYSTAL calculations performed with SCELPHONO and QHA keywords. Default value: 1 """ def __init__(self): self.number=1 self.flag=False
[docs] def set(self,snum): self.flag=True self.number=snum print("\n*** Supercell *** Number of cells: %3i" % snum)
[docs] def reset(self): self.flag=False self.number=1 print("\n*** Supercell deactivated *** Number of cells set to 1")
[docs]class lo_class(): """ LO/TO splitting correction. The class stores a copy of the original TO frequencies, the modes affected by LO/TO splitting and the splitting values. Modes are identified by their progressive number (starting from 0) stored in the *mode* attribute. When the correction is activated, new values of frequencies (*f_eff*) are computed for the relevant modes, according to the formula: f_eff = 2/3 f_TO + 1/3 f_LO where f_LO = f_TO + split. Correction is activated by the keyword LO in the input.txt file, followed by the name of the file containing the splitting data (two columns: mode number and the corresponding split in cm^-1). Internally, the methods *on* and *off* switch respectively on and off the correction. The method *apply* does the computation of the frequencies *f_eff*. """ def __init__(self): self.flag=False self.mode=np.array([]) self.split=np.array([]) self.data_freq_orig=np.array([]) self.data_freq=np.array([])
[docs] def on(self): self.apply() if flag_spline.flag: flag_spline.stack() elif flag_poly.flag: flag_poly.stack() self.flag=True print("Frequencies corrected for LO-TO splitting")
[docs] def off(self): self.flag=False self.data_freq=np.copy(self.data_freq_orig) if flag_spline.flag: flag_spline.stack() elif flag_poly.flag: flag_poly.stack() print("LO-TO splitting not taken into account")
[docs] def apply(self): for ifr in np.arange(lo.mode.size): im=lo.mode[ifr] for iv in int_set: freq_lo=self.data_freq_orig[im,iv+1]+self.split[ifr] self.data_freq[im,iv+1]=(2./3.)*self.data_freq_orig[im,iv+1]\ +(1./3.)*freq_lo
[docs]class anh_class(): def __init__(self): self.flag=False self.disp_off=0
[docs] def off(self): self.flag=False exclude.restore() if disp.input_flag: disp.free_exclude_restore() print("Anharmonic correction is turned off") print("Warning: all the excluded modes are restored")
[docs] def on(self): self.flag=True self.flag_brill=False for im, ib in zip(anharm.mode, anharm.brill): if ib == 0: exclude.add([im]) elif disp.input_flag: disp.free_exclude([im]) self.flag_brill=True if self.flag_brill: disp.free_fit_vt() print("Anharmonic correction is turned on")
[docs]class static_class(): """ Defines the volume range for the fit of the static EoS If not specified (default) such range is defined from the volumes found in the static energies file. """ def __init__(self): self.flag=False
[docs] def set(self, vmin, vmax): """ Sets the minimum and maximum volumes for the V-range Args: vmin: minimum volume vmax: maximum volume """ self.vmin=vmin self.vmax=vmax
[docs] def off(self): """ Restores the original V-range (actually, it switches off the volume selection for the fit of the static EoS) """ self.flag=False
[docs] def on(self): """ It switches on the volume selection for the fit of the static EoS Note: The minimum and maximum V-values are set by the 'set' method of the class """ self.flag=True
[docs]class p_static_class(): def __init__(self): self.flag=False self.vmin=None self.vmax=None self.pmin=None self.pmax=None self.npoints=None self.k0=None self.v0=None self.e0=None
[docs]class volume_control_class(): """ Defines suitable parameters for the volume_dir function """ def __init__(self): self.t_max=500. self.shift=0. self.t_dump=0. self.dump=1. self.quad_shrink=4 self.kp_fix=False self.debug=False self.upgrade_shift=False self.skew=1. self.t_last=0. self.t_last_flag=False self.v_last=None
[docs] def set_degree(self, degree): """ Sets the degree of polynomial used to fit the (P(V)-P0)^2 data. The fitted curve is the minimized to get the equilibrium volume at each T and P. For each of the single parameter revelant in this class, there exist a specific method to set its value. The method set_all can be used to set the values of a number of that, at the same time, by using appropriate keywords as argument. The arguments to set_all are: Args: degree: degree of the fitting polynomial (default=2) delta: volume range where the minimum of the fitting function is to be searched (default=2.) skew: the Volume range is centered around the equilibrium volume approximated by the EoS-based new_volume function The symmetry around such point can be controlled by the skew parameter (default=1.: symmetric interval) shift: Systematic shift from the new_volume estimation (default=0.) t_max: In the initial estimation of the volume at P/T with the EoS-based new_volume function, the Kp is refined if T < t_max. If T > t_max and kp_fix=True, Kp is fixed at the value refined at t_max (default=500K) kp_fix: See t_max (default=True) quad_shrink: if degree=2, it restricts the volume range around the approximated volume found. The new range is delta/quad_shrink (default=4) upgrade_shift: at the end of the computation, the difference between the volume found and the initial one (from the EoS- based new_volume function) is calculated. The shift attribute is then upgraded if upgrade_shift is True (default=False) debug: if True, the (P(V)-P0)**2 function is plotted as a function of V (default=False) t_dump: temperature over which a dumping on the shift parameter is applied (default=0.) dump: dumping on the shift parameter (shift=shift/dump; default=1.) t_last: if t_last > 10., the last volume computed is used as the initial guess value (vini) for the next computation at a new temperature. """
[docs] def set_delta(self, delta):
[docs] def set_tmax(self,tmax): self.t_max=tmax
[docs] def set_skew(self, skew): self.left=skew+1 self.right=(skew+1)/skew
[docs] def kp_on(self): self.kp_fix=True
[docs] def kp_off(self): self.kp_fix=False
[docs] def debug_on(self): self.debug=True
[docs] def debug_off(self): self.debug=False
[docs] def set_shift(self, shift): self.shift=shift
[docs] def upgrade_shift_on(self): self.upgrade_shift=True
[docs] def upgrade_shift_off(self): self.ugrade_shift=False
[docs] def set_shrink(self, shrink): self.quad_shrink=shrink
[docs] def shift_reset(self): self.shift=0.
[docs] def set_t_dump(self,t_dump=0., dump=1.0): self.t_dump=t_dump self.dump=dump
[docs] def set_t_last(self, t_last): self.t_last=t_last
[docs] def set_all(self,degree=2, delta=2., skew=1., shift=0., t_max=500.,\ quad_shrink=4, kp_fix=True, upgrade_shift=False, debug=False,\ t_dump=0., dump=1., t_last=0.): self.t_max=t_max self.kp_fix=kp_fix self.debug=debug self.left=skew+1 self.right=(skew+1)/skew self.shift=shift self.quad_shrink=quad_shrink self.upgrade_shift=upgrade_shift self.skew=skew self.t_last=t_last
[docs]class volume_F_control_class(): """ Class controlling some parameters relevant for the computation of volume and thermal expansion by using the volume_from_F function. Precisely, the initial volume (around which the refined volume vref is to be searched) is set to vini+shift, where vini is the output from the volume_dir, whereas shift is from this class. Shift is computed as the difference vref-vini; it can be upgraded provided the flag upgrade_shift is set to True. """ def __init__(self): self.shift=0. self.upgrade_shift=False self.flag=False
[docs] def on(self): self.flag=True
[docs] def off(self): self.flag=False
[docs] def set_shift(self, sh): self.shift=sh
[docs] def upgrade_on(self): self.upgrade_shift=True
[docs] def upgrade_off(self): self.upgrade_shift=False
[docs] def get_shift(self): return self.shift
[docs] def get_upgrade_status(self): return self.upgrade_shift
[docs] def get_flag(self): return self.flag
[docs]class delta_class(): """ Control parameters for the numerical evaluation of the first and second derivatives of the Helmholtz free energy as a function of T. They are relevant for the entropy_v function that computes both the entropy and specific heat at a fixed volume, as well as the computation of thermal expansion. Initial values of delta, degree and number of points are read from the parameters file '' New values can be set by the methods set_delta, set_degree and set_nump of the class. values can be retrieved by the corresponding 'get' methods. The reset method set the default values. An adaptive scheme is activated by the method adaptive_on (adaptive_off deactivates the scheme). In this case the delta value is computed as a function of temperature (T). Precisely: delta=delta_min+(T-t_min)*(delta_max-delta_min)/(t_max-t_min) delta=delta_min if T < t_min delta=delta_max if T > t_max The paramaters t_min, t_max, delta_min and delta_max can be set by the adaptive_set method (default values 50, 1000, 10, 50, respectively) """ def __init__(self): self.nump=pr.nump self.adaptive=False self.tmin=50. self.tmax=1000. self.dmin=10. self.dmax=50.
[docs] def adaptive_on(self): self.adaptive=True
[docs] def adaptive_off(self): self.adaptive=False
[docs] def adaptive_set(self, tmin=50., tmax=1000., dmin=10., dmax=50.): self.tmin=tmin self.tmax=tmax self.dmin=dmin self.dmax=dmax
[docs] def set_delta(self,delta): print("Delta T value, for the computation of entropy, Cv and thermal expansion set to %4.1f" \ %
[docs] def set_degree(self,degree): print("Degree for the computation of entropy, Cv and thermal expansion set to %3i" \ %
[docs] def set_nump(self,nump): self.nump=nump print("N. points for the computation of entropy, Cv and thermal expansion set to %3i" \ % self.nump)
[docs] def get_delta(self, tt=300): if not self.adaptive: return else: if tt < self.tmin: return self.dmin elif tt > self.tmax: return self.dmax else: return self.dmin+((tt-self.tmin)/(self.tmax-self.tmin))*(self.dmax-self.dmin)
[docs] def get_degree(self): return
[docs] def get_nump(self): return self.nump
[docs] def reset(self): self.nump=pr.nump print("\nDefault parameters for the computation of entropy, Cv and thermal expansion:") print("Delta: %3.1f" % print("Degree: %3i" % print("Num. points: %3i" % self.nump)
[docs]class disp_class(): """ Sets up the computation for the inclusion of phonon dispersion effects the EoS computation or for the calculation of all the thermodynamic properties. The class is relevant and activated if the DISP keyword is contained in the input.txt input file. Dispersion effects can be switched on or off by using the on() and off() methods. Note: To apply the phonon dispersion correction to computation of an equation of state, the method eos_on() must be invoked [the method eos_off() switches it off]. In this case, more than one volume must be present in the input file for dispersion. Note: If phonon frequencies are computed for several values of the unit cell volume, in order to apply a VT-phonon dispersion correction to thermodynamic properties, the method thermo_vt_on() must be invoked [the method thermo_vt_off() switches it off]. On the contrary, a T-phonon dispersion correction is applied (it is assumed that phonon frequencies do not change with volume). Note: The method free_fit_vt() must be used to get the F(V,T) function for off-center phonon modes. """ def __init__(self): self.input_flag=False self.flag=False self.eos_flag=False self.thermo_vt_flag=False self.freq=None self.deg=None self.fit_type=None self.input=False self.fit_vt_flag=False self.fit_vt=None self.temp=None self.error_flag=False self.ex_flag=False self.free_min_t=10. self.fit_vt_deg_t=4 self.fit_vt_deg_v=4 self.fit_t_deg=6 self.free_nt=24 self.free_disp=True
[docs] def on(self): self.flag=True if anharm.disp_off > 0: anharm.mode=np.copy(anharm.mode_orig) anharm.brill=np.copy(anharm.brill_orig) anharm.nmode=anharm.nmode_orig print("Dispersion correction activated") if kieffer.flag: kieffer.flag=False print("Kieffer correction is deactivated")
[docs] def off(self): self.flag=False print("Dispersion correction off") if anharm.flag: mode_a=np.array([]) mode_b=np.array([]) for ia, ib in zip(anharm.mode, anharm.brill): if ib == 1: print("\nWarning: the anharmonic mode n. %2i has Brillouin flag" % ia) print("equal to 1; it should not be considered if the dispersion") print("correction is deactivated.\n") anharm.disp_off=anharm.disp_off+1 else: mode_a=np.append(mode_a, ia) mode_b=np.append(mode_b, ib) if anharm.disp_off == 1: anharm.nmode_orig=anharm.nmode anharm.mode_orig=np.copy(anharm.mode) anharm.brill_orig=np.copy(anharm.brill) anharm.nmode=mode_a.size anharm.mode=np.copy(mode_a) anharm.brill=np.copy(mode_b) print("List of anharmonic modes considered: %s" % anharm.mode)
[docs] def eos_on(self): if self.flag : if not self.error_flag: self.eos_flag=True print("\nPhonon dispersion correction for bulk_dir or bulk_modulus_p computations") else: print("Only 1 volume found in the 'disp' files; NO disp_eos possible") else: if self.input_flag: print("Phonon dispersion is not on; use disp.on() to activate") else: print("No input of dispersion data; eos_on ignored")
[docs] def eos_off(self): self.eos_flag=False print("No phonon dispersion correction for bulk_dir computation")
[docs] def thermo_vt_on(self): if self.nset > 1: self.thermo_vt_flag=True print("VT-dispersion correction of thermodynamic properties\n") if not self.fit_vt_flag: self.free_fit_vt() else: print("One volume only found in the DISP file")
[docs] def thermo_vt_off(self): self.thermo_vt_flag=False print("T-dispersion correction of thermodynamic properties") print("No volume dependence considered")
[docs] def freq_spline_fit(self): """ It requests and makes spline fits of the frequencies of the off center modes as function of volumes. Relevant parameters for the fit (degree and smooth parameters) are specified in the appropriate input file. """ self.spline=np.array([]) ord_vol=list(np.argsort(self.vol)) vol = [self.vol[iv] for iv in ord_vol] for ifr in np.arange(self.f_size): freq=self.freq[:,ifr] freq=[freq[iv] for iv in ord_vol] ifit=UnivariateSpline(vol, freq, k=self.fit_degree, s=self.fit_type) self.spline=np.append(self.spline, ifit)
[docs] def freq_fit(self): """ It requests and makes polynomial fits of the frequencies of the off center modes as function of volumes. The relevant parameter for the fit (degree) is specified in the appropriate input file. """ self.poly=np.array([]) for ifr in np.arange(self.f_size): if self.nset > 1: freq=self.freq[:,ifr] ifit=np.polyfit(self.vol, freq, self.fit_degree) self.poly=np.append(self.poly,ifit) else: self.poly=np.append(self.poly, (0, self.freq[:,ifr][0])) if self.nset == 1: self.poly=self.poly.reshape(self.f_size,2) else: self.poly=self.poly.reshape(self.f_size,self.fit_degree+1)
[docs] def freq_func(self,ifr,vv): fit=self.poly[ifr] return np.polyval(fit,vv)
[docs] def freq_spline_func(self,ifr,vv): fit=self.spline[ifr](vv) return fit.item(0)
[docs] def select(self, mfreq, fit=False): """ Selects off-center modes whose frequencies are below a given threshold. It may be useful in order to exclude, from the calculation of the F(V,T) surface, those modes which could be affected by intrinsic anharmonicity. Args: mfreq: frequency threshold fit: if True, the selected modes are added to the excluded list, and a fit of the F(V,T) surface is computed. Examples: >>> disp.free_exclude( >>> disp.free_fit_vt() >>>, fit=True) Note: The elimination of some modes in the computation of the F(V,T) surface is not, in principle, a correct procedure to follow, no matter about the reason behind their exclusion. In this view, the select function here defined should be used to just estimate the impact of those 'troublesome' modes, and not a way to produce stable and reliable results. """ sel=np.array([], dtype=int) for iset in range(self.nset): isel=np.where(self.freq[iset] < mfreq) sel=np.append(sel, isel) sel=np.unique(sel) if fit: self.free_exclude(sel) self.free_fit_vt() else: return list(sel)
[docs] def check(self,ifr): """ Check of the frequencies fit quality for a specified mode Args: ifr: sequence number of the mode to be checked """ v_list=np.linspace(np.min(disp.vol), np.max(disp.vol),40) if self.fit_type == 0: f_list=[self.freq_func(ifr,iv) for iv in v_list] else: f_list=[self.freq_spline_func(ifr,iv) for iv in v_list] tlt="Check fit for mode N. "+ str(ifr) plt.figure() plt.plot(v_list,f_list, "k-") plt.plot(disp.vol, disp.freq[:,ifr],"b*") plt.xlabel("Volume (A^3)") plt.ylabel("Frequency (cm^-1)") plt.title(tlt)
[docs] def check_multi(self, fr_l): """ Check of the frequencies fit quality for a list of modes Args: fr_l: list of sequence numbers of the various modes to be checked Example: >>> disp.check_multi([0, 1, 2, 3]) >>> disp.check_multi(np.arange(10)) """ for ifr in fr_l: self.check(ifr)
[docs] def check_all(self): """ Check of the frequencies fit quality for all the off-center modes """ for ifr in range(self.f_size): self.check(ifr)
[docs] def free_exclude(self,ex_list): """ Excludes the indicated off-center modes from the computation of the free energy Args: ex_list: list of modes to be excluded Note: Even a single excluded mode must be specified as a list; for instance disp.free_exclude([0]) Note: after the exclusion of some modes, the F(V,T) function has to be recomputed by the free_fit_vt method """ if not self.input_flag: print("no input of dispersion data") return self.ex_flag=True self.excluded_list=ex_list print("Off center modes excluded: ", self.excluded_list) print("Compute a new disp.free_fit_vt surface")
[docs] def free_exclude_restore(self): """ The excluded modes are restored """ self.ex_flag=False print("All off centered mode restored") print("Compute a new disp.free_fit_vt surface")
[docs] def free(self,temp,vv): nf_list=np.arange(self.f_size) if self.fit_type == 0: freq=(self.freq_func(ifr,vv) for ifr in nf_list) else: freq=(self.freq_spline_func(ifr,vv) for ifr in nf_list) d_deg=self.deg wgh=self.w_list enz=0. fth=0. idx=0 nfreq=0 for ifr in freq: if not self.ex_flag: nfreq=nfreq+1 fth=fth+d_deg[idx]*np.log(1-np.e**(ifr*e_fact/temp))*wgh[idx] if zp.flag: enz=enz+d_deg[idx]*ifr*ez_fact*wgh[idx] else: if not (idx in self.excluded_list): nfreq=nfreq+1 fth=fth+d_deg[idx]*np.log(1-np.e**(ifr*e_fact/temp))*wgh[idx] if zp.flag: enz=enz+d_deg[idx]*ifr*ez_fact*wgh[idx] idx=idx+1 return enz+fth*kb*temp/conv
[docs] def free_fit(self,mxt,vv,disp=True): fit_deg=self.fit_t_deg nt=24 nt_plot=50 tl=np.linspace(10,mxt,nt) free=np.array([]) for it in tl:,vv) free=np.append(free,ifree) fit=np.polyfit(tl,free,fit_deg) if disp: tl_plot=np.linspace(10,mxt,nt_plot) free_plot=self.free_func(tl_plot) print("Phonon dispersion correction activated") print("the contribution to the entropy and to the") print("specific heat is taken into account.\n") if verbose.flag: plt.figure() plt.plot(tl,free,"b*",label="Actual values") plt.plot(tl_plot, free_plot,"k-",label="Fitted curve") plt.legend(frameon=False) plt.xlabel("T (K)") plt.ylabel("F (a.u.)") plt.title("Helmholtz free energy from off-centered modes")
[docs] def free_fit_ctrl(self, min_t=10., t_only_deg=6, degree_v=4, degree_t=4, nt=24, fit=True, disp=True): """ Free fit driver: sets the relevant parameters for the fit computation of the F(V,T) function, on the values of F calculated on a grid of V and T points. Args: min_t: minimum temperature for the construction of the VT grid (default=10.) degree_v: maximum degree of V terms of the surface (default=4) degree_t: maximum degree ot T terms of the surface (default=4) t_only_degree: degree of the T polynomial for a single volume phonon dispersion (default=4) nt: number of points along the T axis for the definition of the (default=24) grid disp: it True, a plot of the surface is shown (default=True) Note: By default the method does execute the fit, unless fit=False; in the latter case, it just defines the most important parameters for the fit (which is done by the free_fit_vt() method). Note: the volumes used for the construction of the VT grid are those provided in the appropriate input file. They are available in the disp.vol variable. """ self.free_min_t=min_t self.fit_t_deg=t_only_deg self.fit_vt_deg_t=degree_t self.fit_vt_deg_v=degree_v self.free_nt=nt self.free_disp=disp if self.input_flag & fit: self.free_fit_vt() self.free_fit(self.temp,self.vol[0])
[docs] def set_tmin(self,tmin): self.min_t=tmin
[docs] def set_nt(self,nt): self.nt=nt
[docs] def free_fit_vt(self): self.fit_vt_flag=True min_t=self.free_min_t nt=self.free_nt disp=self.free_disp deg_t=self.fit_vt_deg_t deg_v=self.fit_vt_deg_v max_t=self.temp pvv=np.arange(deg_v+1) ptt=np.arange(deg_t+1) p_list=np.array([],dtype=int) maxvt=np.max([deg_v, deg_t]) for ip1 in np.arange(maxvt+1): for ip2 in np.arange(maxvt+1): i1=ip2 i2=ip1-ip2 if i2 < 0: break ic=(i1, i2) if (i1 <= deg_v) and (i2 <= deg_t): p_list=np.append(p_list,ic) psize=p_list.size pterm=int(psize/2) self.p_list=p_list.reshape(pterm,2) x0=np.zeros(pterm) t_list=np.linspace(min_t,max_t,nt) v_list=self.vol nv=len(v_list) if nv == 1: print("\n**** WARNING ****\nOnly one volume found in the 'disp' data files;") print("NO V,T-fit of F is possible") self.eos_off() self.error_flag=True return free_val=np.array([]) for it in t_list: for iv in v_list:,iv) free_val=np.append(free_val,ifree) free_val=free_val.reshape(nt,nv) vl,tl=np.meshgrid(v_list,t_list) vl=vl.flatten() tl=tl.flatten() free_val=free_val.flatten() fit, pcov = curve_fit(self.free_vt_func, [vl, tl], free_val, p0 = x0) self.fit_vt=fit error=np.array([]) for it in t_list: for iv in v_list: f_calc=self.free_vt(it,iv),iv) ierr=(f_calc-f_obs)**2 error=np.append(error,ierr) mean_error=np.sqrt(np.mean(error)) max_error=np.sqrt(np.max(error)) print("V,T-fit of the Helmholtz free energy contribution from the off-centered modes") print("V, T powers of the fit: %3i %3i" % (self.fit_vt_deg_v, self.fit_vt_deg_t)) print("Mean error: %5.2e" % mean_error) print("Maximum error: %5.2e" % max_error) if self.ex_flag: print("Excluded modes: ", self.excluded_list) if disp: t_plot=np.linspace(min_t,max_t,40) v_plot=np.linspace(np.min(vl),np.max(vl),40) v_plot,t_plot=np.meshgrid(v_plot,t_plot) v_plot=v_plot.flatten() t_plot=t_plot.flatten() h_plot=self.free_vt_func([v_plot, t_plot], *fit) h_plot=h_plot.reshape(40,40) v_plot=v_plot.reshape(40,40) t_plot=t_plot.reshape(40,40) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111,projection='3d', ) ax.scatter(tl,vl,free_val,c='r') ax.plot_surface(t_plot, v_plot, h_plot) ax.set_xlabel("Temperature", labelpad=7) ax.set_ylabel("Volume", labelpad=7) ax.set_zlabel('F(T,V)', labelpad=8)
[docs] def free_vt_func(self,data,*par): vv=data[0] tt=data[1] nterm=self.p_list.shape[0] func=0. for it in np.arange(nterm): pv=self.p_list[it][0] pt=self.p_list[it][1] func=func+par[it]*(vv**pv)*(tt**pt) return func
[docs] def free_vt(self,temp,volume): return self.free_vt_func([volume,temp],*self.fit_vt)
[docs] def free_func(self,temp): free_disp=np.polyval(,temp) return free_disp
[docs] def pressure(self,temp,p_total): volume=volume_dir(temp, p_total) temp=float(temp) volume=float(volume) f1=self.free_vt(temp, volume+dv) f2=self.free_vt(temp, volume-dv) p=-1*(f1-f2)/(2.*dv) p=p*conv/(disp.molt*1e-21) print("Pressure from off center modes only: %6.2f GPa" % p)
[docs]class volume_delta_class(): """ Defines a suitable V range for the numerical evaluation of the derivatives of any quantity with respect to V. The V-range (delta) is obtained by multiplying the static equilibrium volume (V0; which is computed by the static function) with a factor read from the parameters' file; such parameter (frac) is stored in the vd.frac variable and can also be set by the set_frac method. The method set_delta computes delta, provided a volume is input. When delta is computed, the vd.flag is set to True and its values is used in several functions computing derivatives. On the contrary, if vd.flag is set to False (use the method off), the delta value is read from the parameters' file (pr.delta_v). """ def __init__(self): self.v0=None self.flag=False self.frac=pr.v_frac
[docs] def set_delta(self,vol=0.): """ Sets the V-delta value for the calculation of derivatives with respect to V. Args: vol: if vol > 0.1, computes delta for the volume vol; if vol < 0.1, vol is set to the default value stored in the v0 variable. """ if vol < 0.1: if self.v0 != None: self.flag=True*self.v0 else: war1="Warning: No volume provided for the set_delta method\n" war2=" The delta value is read from the parameters file" war=war1+war2+": %5.4f" print(war % pr.delta_v) self.flag=False else:*self.frac self.flag=True self.v0=vol
[docs] def set_frac(self,frac): self.frac=frac self.set_delta()
[docs] def on(self): self.flag=True
[docs] def off(self): self.flag=False
[docs]class direct_class(): ''' Computes thermodynamic quantities directly as derivative of the Helmholtz function. The computed quantities are: volume, pressure, entropy, Cv and Cp. ''' def __init__(self): self.nt=12 self.tex=False self.title=True self.phase=''
[docs] def set(self, nt=12, fit=False, save=False, tex=False, title=True, phase=''): ''' Sets relevant parameters for the class Args: nt: number of temperature points at which specific heath is computed (default 12; relevant for cp_serie) fit: if True, a fit of the Cp vs T is done (default False; relevant for cp_serie) save: if True, the plot of Cp vs. T is saved on a file (default False; relevant for cp_serie) tex: if True, Latex font will be used (default False; relevant for cp_serie) title: if True, a plot title will given to the Cp(T) plot (default True; relevant for cp_serie) phase: if not an empty string, the parameters from the Cp(T) fit will be assigned to the phase and load in the relevant item of the internal database (default ''; relevant for cp_serie) ''' self.nt=nt self.tex=tex self.title=title self.phase=phase
[docs] def volume(self,tt,pp=0): ''' Returns the volume (A^3) at a given temperature and pressure Args: tt: temperature (in K) pp: pressure (GPa); (default 0) ''' return volume_dir(tt,pp)
[docs] def pressure(self, tt,vv): ''' Returns the pressure (GPa) at a given temperature and volume Args: tt: temperature (in K) vv: volume (in A^3) ''' return pressure_dir(tt,vv)
[docs] def dpdt(self, tt, vv, prt=False): ''' Computes the derivative dP/dT at a given temperature and volume Args: tt: temperature (in K) vv: volume (in A^3) ''' delta=delta_ctrl.get_delta() nump=delta_ctrl.get_nump() degree=delta_ctrl.get_degree() delta=delta/2. t_list=np.linspace(tt-delta, tt+delta, nump) pressure_list=np.array([]) for it in t_list: ip=pressure_dir(it, vv) pressure_list=np.append(pressure_list, ip) fit=np.polyfit(t_list, pressure_list, degree) fitder=np.polyder(fit,1) k_alpha=np.polyval(fitder, tt) if prt: print("(dP/dT)_V = alpha*K = %6.4e GPa/K" % k_alpha) else: return k_alpha
[docs] def dpdt_p(self, tt, pp): ''' Computes the derivative dP/dT at a given temperature and pressure Args: tt: temperature (in K) pp: pressure (in GPa) ''' vol=volume_dir(tt, pp) self.dpdt(tt, vol, prt=True)
[docs] def integral_dpdt(self, tref, tfin, vol): ''' Computes the integral of dP/dT in a given T-range and at a given volume Args: tref: reference temperature (minimum T; in K) tfin: final temperature (in K) vol: volume (in A^3) ''' dpdt_l=lambda x: self.dpdt(x,vol) integ,err=scipy.integrate.quad(dpdt_l, tref, tfin, epsrel=1e-5) return integ
[docs] def entropy(self,tt,pp=0, prt=False): ''' Computes the entropy at a given temperature an pressure Args: tt: temperature (in K) pp: pressure (in GPa; default 0) ''' volume=volume_dir(tt,pp) ent,cv = entropy_dir_v(tt, volume) if prt: print("Entropy: %6.2f J/K mol" % ent) else: return ent
[docs] def cv(self, tt,pp=0): ''' Computes the specific heat at constant volume at a given temperature and pressure Args: tt: temperature (in K) pp: pressure (in GPa, default 0) Note: The function computes the volume at the assigned temperature and pressure (through the volume_dir function) and then computes the specific heat at constant volume ''' volume=volume_dir(tt,pp) ent,cv=entropy_dir_v(tt, volume) return cv
[docs] def cp(self, tt, pp=0): ''' Uses the function cp_dir to compute the specific heat at constant pressure, at a given temperature and pressure Args: tt: temperature (K) pp: pressure (GPa; default 0) ''' return cp_dir(tt,pp)
[docs] def cp_serie(self,tmin, tmax, nt=0, pp=0, fit='default', save='default',\ tex='default', title='default', name='default',\ phase='default'): ''' Makes a plot and (optionally) a fit of the specific heat at constant pressure in a given temperature range and at a given pressure Args: tmin: minimum temperature in the range (K) tmax: maximum temperature in the range (K) pp: pressure (GPa, default 0) Note: See the documentation for the set_param method for the meaning of all the other parameters ''' if nt == 0: nt=self.nt if fit == 'default': if save == 'default': if tex == 'default': tex=self.tex if title == 'default': title=self.title if phase == 'default': phase=self.phase if name == 'default': name='cp_plot' t_list=np.linspace(tmin, tmax, nt) t_plot=np.linspace(tmin, tmax, nt*10) cp_list=np.array([direct.cp(it, pp) for it in t_list]) tit='' if title: tit='Specific heat at pressure '+str(pp)+' GPa' if not fit: style='k*' xlab='Temperature (K)' ylab='Cp (J/mol K)' plot.simple(t_list, cp_list, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, title=tit, tex=tex, save=save, name=name) return if fit: if flag_cp==False: print("\nWarning: no polynomium defined for fitting Cp's") print("Use CP keyword in input file") return None else: coef_ini=np.ones(lpow) cp_fit, cp_cov=curve_fit(cp_fun,t_list,cp_list,p0=coef_ini) cp_fit_plot=cp_fun(t_plot,*cp_fit) x=[t_list, t_plot] y=[cp_list, cp_fit_plot] style=['k*', 'k-'] lab=['Actual values', 'Power series fit'] if tex: plot.multi(x,y,style, lab, xlab='Temperature (K)',\ ylab='Cp (J/mol K)', title=tit, tex=True, save=save,\ name=name) else: plot.multi(x,y,style, lab, xlab='Temperature (K)',\ title=tit, ylab='Cp (J/mol K)', save=save,\ name=name) if phase != '': print("") eval(phase).load_cp(cp_fit, power) eval(phase).info() print("") else: return cp_fit
[docs]class thermal_expansion_class(): """ Interface for the computation of thermal expansion by different algorithms. The method 'compute' performs the calculation by calling different functions according to the 'method' keyword. Similarly, the method 'compute_serie' performs the calculation of alpha as a function of temperature. Several default parameters for the calculation are provided, which can be set by the method 'set'. The algortithms which are currently implemented can be listed by the method 'info' The 'compute_serie' method perform the calculation of the thermal expansion in a given T-range and, optionally, performs a power series fit on the computed values. Data from the fit can optionally be loaded in the internal database if a phase name is provided. Note: For the method 'k_alpha_eos', this class uses a specialized plotting function from the module, whose parameters are controlled by the plot.set_param method. """ def __init__(self): self.method='k_alpha_dir' self.nt=12 self.fix=0. self.tex=False self.phase='' self.title=True
[docs] def set(self, method='k_alpha_dir', nt=12, fit=False, tex=False, save=False,\ phase='', title=True, fix=0.): self.method=method self.nt=nt self.fix=fix self.tex=tex self.phase=phase self.title=title
[docs] def info(self): print("\nMethods currently implemented\n") print("k_alpha_dir: computes alpha from the product K*alpha, through the") print(" derivative of P with respect to T, at constant V") print(" At any T and P, K and P are directly computed from") print(" the Helmholtz free energy function derivatives. No EoS") print(" is involved at any step, as the bulk modulus is computed") print(" by means of the bulk_modulus_p function with the noeos=True") print(" option. This is the default method.") print("k_alpha_eos: same as k_alpha_dir, but pressures and bulk moduli") print(" are computed from an EoS;") print("alpha_dir: the computation is perfomed through the derivative") print(" of the unit cell volume with respect to V; volumes are") print(" calculated without reference to any EoS, by the function") print(" volume_dir.")
[docs] def compute(self, tt, pp, method='default', fix=0., prt=False): """ Thermal expansion at a specific temperature and pressure Args: tt: temperature (K) pp: pressure (GPa) method: 3 methods are currently implemented ('k_alpha_dir', 'k_alpha_eos' and 'alpha_dir'); default 'k_alpha_dir' fix: relevant for method 'k_alpha_eos' (default 0., Kp not fixed) prt: relevant for method 'k_alpha_eos'; it controls printout (default False) """ if method=='default': method=self.method if fix < 0.01: fix=self.fix if method=='k_alpha_dir': if prt: alpha_dir_from_dpdt(tt, pp, prt) else: alpha,k,vol=alpha_dir_from_dpdt(tt, pp, prt) return alpha elif method=='k_alpha_eos': exit=False if not prt: exit=True alpha=thermal_exp_p(tt, pp, False, exit, fix=fix) return alpha[0] else: thermal_exp_p(tt, pp, plot=False, ex=exit, fix=fix) elif method=='alpha_dir': alpha=alpha_dir(tt,pp) if prt: print("Thermal expansion: %6.2e K^-1" % alpha) else: return alpha else: msg="*** Warning: method "+method+" not implemented" print(msg)
[docs] def compute_serie(self, tmin, tmax, pressure=0, nt=0, fit='default', tex='default',\ title='default', save='default', phase='default', method='default',\ prt=True, fix=0): """ Thermal expansion in a T-range Args: tmin, tmax: minimum and maximum temperature in the range pressure: pressure (GPa); default 0 nt: number of points in the T-range; if nt=0, the default is chosen (12) method: one of the three methods currently implemented fit: if True, a power series fit is performed phase: if fit is True and a phase name is specified (label), the data from the power series fit are loaded in the internal database fix: relevant for the method 'k_alpha_eos'; if fix is not 0., Kp is fixed at the specified value title: if True, a title of the plot is provided tex: if tex is True, laTeX formatting is provided prt: relevant for the method 'k_alpha_eos' save: if True, the plot is saved in a file Note: if save is True and method is 'k_alpha_eos', the name of the file where the plot is saved is controlled by the and plot.ext variables. The file resolution is controlled by the plot.dpi variable. The appropriate parameters can be set by the set_param method of the plot instance of the plot_class class (in the module) Example: >>> plot.set_param(dpi=200, name='alpha_k_eos_serie') >>> thermal_expansion.compute_serie(100, 500, method='k_alpha_eos', save=True) """ if nt==0: nt=self.nt if fit=='default': if tex=='default': tex=self.tex if title=='default': title=self.title if save=='default': if phase=='default': phase=self.phase if method=='default': method=self.method t_list=np.linspace(tmin, tmax, nt) t_plot=np.linspace(tmin, tmax, nt*10) if method=='k_alpha_dir': if fit and phase == '': alpha_fit=alpha_dir_from_dpdt_serie(tmin, tmax, nt, pressure, fit, phase, save,\ title, tex) return alpha_fit else: alpha_dir_from_dpdt_serie(tmin, tmax, nt, pressure, fit, phase, save,\ title, tex) elif method=='alpha_dir': if not fit: alpha_dir_serie(tmin, tmax, nt, pressure, fit, prt=prt) else: alpha_fit=alpha_dir_serie(tmin, tmax, nt, pressure, fit, prt=prt) if phase != '': print("") eval(phase).load_alpha(alpha_fit, power_a) eval(phase).info() print("") else: return alpha_fit elif method=='k_alpha_eos': alpha_list=np.array([]) for it in t_list: ia=self.compute(it, pressure, method='k_alpha_eos', fix=fix) alpha_list=np.append(alpha_list, ia) if fit: if flag_alpha==False: print("\nWarning: no polynomium defined for fitting alpha's") print("Use ALPHA keyword in input file") return None coef_ini=np.ones(lpow_a) alpha_fit, alpha_cov=curve_fit(alpha_dir_fun,t_list,alpha_list,p0=coef_ini) if fit: alpha_fit_plot=alpha_dir_fun(t_plot,*alpha_fit) tit='' if tex and title: tit=r'Thermal expansion (method k\_alpha\_eos)' elif title: tit='Thermal expansion (method k_alpha_eos)' if fit: x=[t_list, t_plot] y=[alpha_list, alpha_fit_plot] style=['k*', 'k-'] lab=['Actual values', 'Power series fit'] if tex: plot.multi(x,y,style, lab, xlab='Temperature (K)',\ ylab=r'$\alpha$ (K$^{-1}$)', title=tit, tex=True, save=save) else: plot.multi(x,y,style, lab, xlab='Temperature (K)',\ title=tit, ylab='Alpha (K$^{-1}$)', save=save) else: if tex: plot.simple(t_list, alpha_list, xlab='Temperature (K)',\ ylab=r'$\alpha$ (K$^{-1}$)', title=tit, tex=True, save=save) else: plot.simple(t_list, alpha_list, xlab='Temperature (K)',\ title=tit, ylab='Alpha (K$^{-1}$)', save=save) if fit: if phase != '': print("") eval(phase).load_alpha(alpha_fit, power_a) eval(phase).info() print("") else: return alpha_fit else: msg="*** Warning: method "+method+" not implemented" print(msg) return
[docs]class UploadMineral(): """ Interface to the upload_mineral function to compute a complete set of thermodynamic parameters to be stored in a Perplex-like database. Several attributes of the class drive the calculation, which can conveniently be set by appropriate method of the class. """ def __init__(self): self.tmin=100. self.tmax=1000. self.points=12 self.t_max=1500. self.t_k=0. self.HTlim=0. self.model=1 self.g_deg=1 self.reuss=False self.alpha_method='k_alpha_dir' self.fix=False self.volc=False self.bdir=False self.noeos=True self.mqm='' self.export=False self.norestore=False
[docs] def set_t_range(self, trange): self.tmin=trange[0] self.tmax=trange[1] self.points=trange[2]
[docs] def set_t_cp(self, t_max): self.t_max=t_max
[docs] def set_t_bulk(self, t_k): self.t_k=t_k
[docs] def set_HTlim(self, HT_lim): self.HTlim=HT_lim
[docs] def set_model(self, model): self.model=model[0] self.g_deg=model[1]
[docs] def set_reuss(self, reuss): self.reuss=reuss
[docs] def set_noeos(self, noeos): self.noeos=noeos
[docs] def set_bulk_direct(self, bdir): self.bdir=bdir
[docs] def set_alpha_method(self, adir): self.alpha_method=adir
[docs] def set_fix(self, fix): self.fix=fix
[docs] def set_volc(self, volc): self.volc=volc
[docs] def set_phase(self, mqm): self.mqm=mqm
[docs] def set_export(self, exp): self.export=exp
[docs] def set_norestore(self, norest): self.norestore=norest
[docs] def set_parameters(self, **kwargs): """ Set parameters for the compute method by using a single set method. Each parameter is specified by a keyword according to the following list Args: trange: minimum, maximum and number of points for the definition of temperature range for the fits of K0, Cp and alpha phase: name of the mineral, as specified in the internal database alpha_method: if equal to 'k_alpha_dir', thermal expansion is computed from the K*alpha product, and K is evaluated from the bulk_modulus_p function, with the chosen noeos option (see below). If alpha_method='k_alpha_eos', the bulk_modulus in the K*alpha product is from a V-BM3 EoS function is used (default 'alpha_alpha_dir') fix: if True and if alpha_method='k_alpha_eos', the K' is kept fixed at the value refined at T=298.15 K (relevant if alpha_method=k_alpha_eos; default False) reuss: if True, the bulk_modulus_p_serie function is used to compute the bulk modulus as a function of T (with the chosen noeos option); K0, V0 and Kp are from an bulk_dir computation. If False, the function bulk_serie is used. (Default False) noeos: relevant if reuss=True or alpha_method='k_alpha_dir' (default True) bdir: the bulk_dir function is used to compute dK/dT (default False) t_bulk: maximum temperature for dK/dT fit (relevant if reuss or bdir are True) if t_bulk=0., t_bulk=tmax (default: 0.) HTlim: Temperature at which the Dulong-Petit limit for Cv is supposed to be reached (default 0.: no Dulong-Petit model) t_max: maximum temperature for the power series fit of Cp(T); if t_max=0. (default), t_max=HTlim. The parameter is relevant oly if HTlim is not zero. model: Used in the HTlimit estimation of Cv; Einstein model for Cv(T) with one frequency (default model=[1,g_deg]), or with 2 frequencies (model=[2, g_deg]). The g_deg parameter is Used in the HTlim estimation of Cp (default 1) volc: if True, V0 is set at the value found in the database (default: False) export: if True, the computed data are exported in the database file with the appropriate formatting the the usage in the Perplex program (default False) norestore: if True, excluded modes are not restored for the calculation of entropy and Cp (default False) """ l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) for karg_i in l_arg: if 'trange' == karg_i[0]: self.set_t_range([karg_i[1][0], karg_i[1][1], karg_i[1][2]]) if 't_max' == karg_i[0]: self.set_t_cp(karg_i[1]) if 't_bulk' == karg_i[0]: self.set_t_bulk(karg_i[1]) if 'reuss' == karg_i[0]: self.set_reuss(karg_i[1]) if 'noeos' == karg_i[0]: self.set_noeos(karg_i[1]) if 'bdir' == karg_i[0]: self.set_bulk_direct(karg_i[1]) if 'HTlim' == karg_i[0]: self.set_HTlim(karg_i[1]) if 'model' == karg_i[0]: self.set_model([karg_i[1][0], karg_i[1][1]]) if 'alpha_method' == karg_i[0]: self.alpha_method=karg_i[1] if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: self.fix=karg_i[1] if 'volc'==karg_i[0]: self.set_volc(karg_i[1]) if 'phase' == karg_i[0]: self.set_phase(karg_i[1]) if 'export' == karg_i[0]: self.set_export(karg_i[1]) if 'norestore' == karg_i[0]: self.set_norestore(karg_i[1]) if self.reuss & self.bdir: self.set_reuss(False) print("\n*** Warning:\nincompatible Reuss and bulk_dir options") print("bulk_dir computation is chosen") if self.export & (self.mqm==''): self.set_export(False) print("\n*** Warning: No phase defined for export")
[docs] def reset(self): self.tmin=100. self.tmax=1000. self.points=12 self.t_max=1500. self.t_k=0. self.HTlim=0. self.model=1 self.g_deg=1 self.reuss=False self.alpha_method='k_alpha_dir' self.fix=False self.volc=False self.bdir=False self.noeos=True self.mqm='' self.export=False self.norestore=False
[docs] def compute(self, **kwargs): """ Sets and starts the computation of the thermodynamic parameters. All of the arguments to the method are keyword argument. If they are omitted, default values are chosen. Args: trange: minimum, maximum and number of points for the definition of temperature range for the fits of K0, Cp and alpha phase: name of the mineral, as specified in the internal database alpha_method: if equal to 'k_alpha_dir', thermal expansion is computed from the K*alpha product, and K is evaluated from the bulk_modulus_p function, with the chosen noeos option (see below). If alpha_method='k_alpha_eos', the bulk_modulus in the K*alpha product is from a V-BM3 EoS function is used (default 'alpha_alpha_dir') fix: if True and if alpha_method='k_alpha_eos', the K' is kept fixed at the value refined at T=298.15 K (relevant if alpha_method=k_alpha_eos; default False) reuss: if True, the bulk_modulus_p_serie function is used to compute the bulk modulus as a function of T (with the chosen noeos option); K0, V0 and Kp are from an bulk_dir computation. If False, the function bulk_serie is used. (Default False) noeos: relevant if reuss=True or alpha_method='k_alpha_dir' (default True) bdir: the bulk_dir function is used to compute dK/dT (default False) t_bulk: maximum temperature for dK/dT fit (relevant if reuss or bdir are True) if t_bulk=0., t_bulk=tmax (default: 0.) HTlim: Temperature at which the Dulong-Petit limit for Cv is supposed to be reached (default 0.: no Dulong-Petit model) t_max: maximum temperature for the power series fit of Cp(T); if t_max=0. (default), t_max=HTlim. The parameter is relevant oly if HTlim is not zero. model: Used in the HTlimit estimation of Cv; Einstein model for Cv(T) with one frequency (default model=[1,g_deg]), or with 2 frequencies (model=[2, g_deg]). The g_deg parameter is Used in the HTlim estimation of Cp (default 1) volc: if True, V0 is set at the value found in the database (default: False) export: if True, the computed data are exported in the database file with the appropriate formatting the the usage in the Perplex program (default False) norestore: if True, the excluded modes are not restored for the calculation of entropy and Cp (default False) Notes: To set tmin, tmax, points, use the method set_t_range whose argument must be a list [tmin, tmax, points], or the t_range To set the model for the HT extrapolation of the specific heat, use the method set_HTlim whose argument is the list [model, g_deg] The different parameters can be set by the appropriate 'set' methods implemented for the class. The setting by those methods (before 'compute' is invoked) will change the default values and will be permanent within the whole working session. If, otherwise, such parameters are chosen as arguments of the compute method, their original values are recovered immediately at the end of the method. Examples: >>> upl.set_t_bulk(700.) >>> upl.compute(phase='py') >>> upl.compute(t_bulk=700., phase='py') """ l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) flag_upl.on() org={'trange': [self.tmin, self.tmax, self.points], 't_max': self.t_max, 't_k': self.t_k, 'HTlim': self.HTlim, 'model': self.model, 'g_deg': self.g_deg, 'reuss': self.reuss, 'alpha_method': self.alpha_method, 'fix': self.fix, 'volc': self.volc, 'bdir': self.bdir, 'noeos': self.noeos, 'mqm': self.mqm, 'export': self.export, 'norestore': self.norestore} for karg_i in l_arg: if 'trange' == karg_i[0]: self.set_t_range([karg_i[1][0], karg_i[1][1], karg_i[1][2]]) if 't_max' == karg_i[0]: self.set_t_cp(karg_i[1]) if 't_bulk' == karg_i[0]: self.set_t_bulk(karg_i[1]) if 'reuss' == karg_i[0]: self.set_reuss(karg_i[1]) if 'noeos' == karg_i[0]: self.set_noeos(karg_i[1]) if 'bdir' == karg_i[0]: self.set_bulk_direct(karg_i[1]) if 'HTlim' == karg_i[0]: self.set_HTlim(karg_i[1]) if 'model' == karg_i[0]: self.set_model([karg_i[1][0], karg_i[1][1]]) if 'alpha_method' == karg_i[0]: self.alpha_method=karg_i[1] if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: self.fix=karg_i[1] if 'volc'==karg_i[0]: self.set_volc(karg_i[1]) if 'phase' == karg_i[0]: self.set_phase(karg_i[1]) if 'export' == karg_i[0]: self.set_export(karg_i[1]) if 'norestore' == karg_i[0]: self.set_norestore(karg_i[1]) if self.reuss & self.bdir: self.set_reuss(False) print("\n*** Warning:\nincompatible Reuss and bulk_dir options") print("bulk_dir computation is chosen") if self.export & (self.mqm==''): self.set_export(False) print("\n*** Warning: No phase defined for export") self.upload_mineral() if self.export: export(self.mqm) for ik in org: exec('self.'+ik+'='+'org[ik]')
[docs] def info(self): print("Upload mineral information\n") print("Temperature range: tmin=%5.1f, tmax=%5.1f K; points=%3i" % \ (self.tmin, self.tmax, self.points)) if self.HTlim > 0.1: print("\nDebye limit temperature: %5.1f K" % self.HTlim) print("Maximum temperature for Cp fit: %5.1f K" % self.t_max) if self.model==1: print("Einstein model 1") else: print("Einstein model 2") print("Cp/Cv fit of degree %2i" % self.g_deg) if self.t_k > 0.1: print("\nMaximum temperature for dK/dT: %5.1f K" % self.t_k) if self.reuss: print("\nbulk_modulus_p function used to compute dK/dT") print("noeos parameter set to %s" % self.noeos) elif self.bdir: print("\nBulk_dir function is used to compute dK/dT") else: print("\neos_temp and bulk_serie functions are used to compute dK/dT") if self.alpha_method=='k_alpha_dir': print("\nThermal expansion is evaluated from K*alpha product") print("K is the Reuss bulk modulus computed with the bulk_modulus_p function") print("with noeos set to %s" % self.noeos) elif self.alpha_method=='k_alpha_eos': print("\nThermal expansion if from the K*alpha product") if self.fix: print("The bulk modulus K is from a V-EoS fit, with K' fixed") else: print("The bulk modulus K is from a V-EoS fit, with K' not fixed") if self.volc: print("\nVolume correction is applied on V0") else: print("\nNo volume correction is applied on V0") if self.mqm != '': print("\nMineral phase: %s\n" % self.mqm) else: print("No phase selected\n") if self.norestore: print("\nExcluded modes will not be restored for the calculation of entropy and Cp")
[docs] def quality_of_fit(self, tmax, pmax, mqm, tmin=300., pmin=0., npp=10, nt=10, n_line=10): """ Compares unit cell volumes and Gibbs free energies, as functions of temperature and pressure, that are directly computed within the program, with those derived from the Perplex-Like algorithms from the parameters obtained by the 'compute' method, and stored in the internal database for the specified phase. Args: tmin, tmax, nt: define the temperature range (K) pmin, pmax, np: defini the pressure range (GPa) Notes: Do not use volc=True in the upl.compute method (for the purpose of making the check of the quality of fit) The Delta values are to be intendend as the difference between the direct computation and the Perplex-like one Example: >>> upl.compute(phase='jeff') >>> upl.quality_of_fit(1000., 10., 'jeff') """ t_list=np.linspace(tmin, tmax, nt) p_list=np.linspace(pmin, pmax, npp) tg, pg=np.meshgrid(t_list, p_list) ntp=nt*npp tgl=tg.reshape(ntp) pgl=pg.reshape(ntp) dvgl=np.array([]) dg=np.array([]) for jt, jp in zip(tgl, pgl): iv=volume_dir(jt, jp) g_tp_dir=g_vt_dir(jt, jp, g0=eval(mqm).g0) g_tp=eval(mqm).g_tp(jt, jp) iv2=eval(mqm).volume_p(jt, jp) iv2=volume_conversion(iv2, atojb=False, prt=False) dg_i=g_tp_dir-g_tp dvgl_i=iv-iv2 dvgl=np.append(dvgl, dvgl_i) dg=np.append(dg, dg_i) dvgl=dvgl.reshape(nt, npp) dg=dg.reshape(nt, npp) adg=np.abs(dg) maxdg=np.max(adg) ipos=np.where(adg==maxdg) tp = list(zip(ipos[0], ipos[1])) mt=tg[tp[0][0], tp[0][1]] mp=pg[tp[0][0], tp[0][1]] g_ref=eval(mqm).g_tp(mt, mp) percentage=np.abs(maxdg*100/g_ref) plt.figure() con=plt.contour(tg,pg,dvgl,n_line, colors='k') plt.clabel(con, inline=True, fontsize=10) plt.xlabel("T (K)") plt.ylabel("P (GPa)") plt.title("Delta V (A^3) contours") plt.figure() con=plt.contour(tg,pg,dg,n_line, colors='k') plt.clabel(con, inline=True, fontsize=10) plt.xlabel("T (K)") plt.ylabel("P (GPa)") plt.title("Delta G (j/mol) contours") print("Delta G max (absolute value): %6.3f J/mol, for T = %5.1f K and P = %4.1f GPa" %\ (maxdg, mt, mp)) print("Maximum percentage error on G: %5.3f%%" % percentage)
[docs] def upload_mineral(self): mqm=self.mqm flag_int=False if f_fix.flag: kp_original=f_fix.value flag_int=True reset_fix() if not volume_correction.flag: if mqm !='': volume_correction.set_volume(eval(mqm).v0) volume_correction.on() if mqm != '': g0=eval(mqm).g0 if self.t_k < 0.1: self.set_t_bulk(self.tmax) t_list_bulk=np.linspace(298.15, self.t_k, self.points) t_list=np.linspace(self.tmin, self.tmax, self.points) if upl.reuss: v0, k_gpa, kp=bulk_dir(298.15,prt=False,out=True) xx=list(bulk_modulus_p(tt, 0., noeos=upl.noeos) for tt in t_list_bulk) xx=np.array(xx) v_list=xx[:,1] k_list=xx[:,0] if upl.bdir: v0, k_gpa, kp=bulk_dir(298.15,prt=False,out=True) set_fix(kp) xx=list(bulk_dir(tt, out=True, prt=False) for tt in t_list_bulk) xx=np.array(xx) v_list=xx[:,0] k_list=xx[:,1] reset_fix() if upl.reuss or upl.bdir: fit_k=np.polyfit(t_list_bulk,k_list,1) dkt=fit_k[0] print("\nBulk modulus and K' in standard conditions (from bulk_dir function) and dK/dT") print("%7.2f GPa, %4.2f, %6.4f GPa/K" % (k_gpa, kp, dkt)) t_plot=np.linspace(298.15, self.t_k, self.points*10) k_plot=np.polyval(fit_k, t_plot) plt.figure() plt.plot(t_list_bulk, k_list, "k*") plt.plot(t_plot, k_plot, "k-") plt.xlabel("T (K)") plt.ylabel("K (GPa)") if not(self.reuss | self.bdir): v0, k_gpa, kp=eos_temp(298.15,prt=False, update=True) set_fix(kp) fit_b=bulk_serie(298.15, self.t_k, 8, degree=1, update=True) dkt=fit_b[0] alpha_list=np.array([]) if self.alpha_method == 'k_alpha_dir': volume_ctrl.set_shift(0.) myfix=0. if self.fix: myfix=kp for it in t_list: ai=thermal_expansion.compute(it, 0., method=self.alpha_method, fix=myfix) alpha_list=np.append(alpha_list, ai) coef_ini=np.ones(lpow_a) fit_al, alpha_cov=curve_fit(alpha_dir_fun,t_list,alpha_list,p0=coef_ini) t_plot=np.linspace(self.tmin, self.tmax, self.points*10) alpha_plot=alpha_dir_fun(t_plot,*fit_al) plt.figure() plt.plot(t_plot, alpha_plot, "k-", label="Fit") plt.plot(t_list, alpha_list, "k*", label="Actual values") plt.legend(frameon=False) plt.title("Thermal expansion") plt.xlabel("T (K)") plt.ylabel("Alpha (K^-1)") if not upl.volc: v0=v0*1e-30*1e5*avo/zu else: if mqm !='': v0=volume_correction.v0_init ex_internal_opti_flag=False ex_internal_disp_flag=False if not self.norestore: if exclude.flag & (not anharm.flag): exclude.restore() ex_internal_opti_flag = True if disp.ex_flag: disp.free_exclude_restore() disp.free_fit_vt() ex_internal_disp_flag = True print("\nWarning ** Excluded modes restored in order\nto " "correctly compute entropy and specific heat") print("At the end of computation, exclusion of modes " "will be rectivated") else: print("\nExcluded modes are not restored for the calculation of entropy and Cp") if upl.reuss: volume_ctrl.set_shift(0.) vol=volume_dir(298.15,0) s0=direct.entropy(298.15,0) else: s0,dum=entropy_p(298.15,0.0001,prt=False) if ex_internal_opti_flag: exclude.on() ex_internal_opti_flag=False if ex_internal_disp_flag: disp.ex_flag=True disp.free_exclude(disp.excluded_list) disp.free_fit_vt() ex_internal_disp_flag=False mdl=1 if self.model==2: mdl=2 if self.HTlim > 0.1: fit_cp=cp_serie(self.tmin,self.tmax,self.points,0.0001, dr=True, HTlim=self.HTlim, t_max=self.t_max, g_deg=self.g_deg, model=mdl, prt=False) else: fit_cp=cp_serie(self.tmin,self.tmax,self.points,0.0001, dr=True, g_deg=self.g_deg, prt=False) if mqm !='': eval(mqm).load_ref(v0,g0,s0) eval(mqm).load_bulk(k_gpa,kp,dkt) eval(mqm).load_cp(fit_cp,power) eval(mqm).load_alpha(fit_al,power_a) eval(mqm).eos='bm' eval(mqm).info() reset_fix() if flag_int: set_fix(kp_original)
[docs]class EosFit(): """ Sets up the T-range interval to be used in the eosfit_dir calculations """ def __init__(self): self.eos_t_flag=False
[docs] def set_t(self, tmin, tmax, nt): """ Args: tmin: minimum temperature of the interval (in K) tmax: maximum temperaure of the interval (in K) nt: number of points in the interval """ self.tmin=tmin self.tmax=tmax self.nt=nt self.eos_t_flag=True
[docs] def reset(self): self.eos_t_flag=False
[docs] def info(self): if self.eos_t_flag: print("\nTemperature values for eosfit_dir calculations:") print("T_min: %5.2f, T_max: %5.2f (K), number of points: %4i" % (self.tmin, self.tmax, self.nt)) else: print("*** Warning: T range not defined")
# reads in data file. It requires a pathname to the folder # containing data
[docs]def read_file(data_path): global volume, energy, deg, data_vol_freq, num_set_freq global num_mode, ini, int_set, int_mode, data_vol_freq_orig global temperature_list, pcov, data_freq, path, data_file global data, zu, apfu, fwg, power, lpow, power_a, lpow_a, mass global flag_eos, flag_cp, flag_alpha, flag_err, flag_exp, flag_mass, flag_fwg global data_cp_exp, data_p_file, static_e0 flag_eos=False flag_cp=False flag_alpha=False flag_err=False flag_exp=False flag_fit=False flag_mass=False flag_super=False flag_static, flag_volume, flag_freq, flag_ini, flag_fu, flag_set, flag_p_static,\ flag_fwg = False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False path=data_path input_file=data_path+'/'+'input.txt' line_limit=100 with open(input_file) as fi: jc=0 l0=[''] while (l0 !='END') and (jc < line_limit): str=fi.readline() lstr=str.split() l0='' if lstr !=[]: l0=lstr[0].rstrip() if l0 !='#': if l0=='STATIC': data_file=data_path+'/'+fi.readline() data_file=data_file.rstrip() flag_static=os.path.isfile(data_file) elif l0=='PSTATIC': data_p_file=data_path+'/'+fi.readline() data_p_file=data_p_file.rstrip() static_e0=fi.readline().rstrip() flag_p_static=os.path.isfile(data_p_file) print("\n*** INFO *** P/V static data found: use p_static") print(" function to get a BM3-EoS") elif l0=='VOLUME': data_file_vol_freq=data_path+'/'+fi.readline() data_file_vol_freq=data_file_vol_freq.rstrip() flag_volume=os.path.isfile(data_file_vol_freq) elif l0=='FREQ': data_file_freq=data_path+'/'+fi.readline() data_file_freq=data_file_freq.rstrip() flag_freq=os.path.isfile(data_file_freq) elif l0=='EXP': data_file_exp=data_path+'/'+fi.readline() data_file_exp=data_file_exp.rstrip() flag_exp=os.path.isfile(data_file_exp) elif l0=='LO': lo_freq_file=data_path+'/'+fi.readline() lo_freq_file=lo_freq_file.rstrip() lo.flag=True elif l0=='FITVOL': fit_type=fi.readline() fit_vol=fi.readline() flag_fit=True elif l0=='FU': zu=fi.readline() flag_fu=True elif l0=='FWG': fwg=fi.readline() flag_fwg=True elif l0=='MASS': mass=fi.readline() flag_mass=True elif l0=='SET': istr=fi.readline() while istr.split()[0] =='#': istr=fi.readline() int_set=istr flag_set=True elif l0=='TEMP': temperature_list=fi.readline() flag_eos=True elif l0=='TITLE': title=fi.readline().rstrip() info.title=title elif l0=='INI': ini=fi.readline() flag_ini=True elif l0=='CP': power=fi.readline() flag_cp=True elif l0=='ALPHA': power_a=fi.readline() flag_alpha=True elif l0=='EXCLUDE': exclude.restore() ex_mode=fi.readline() ex_mode=list(map(int, ex_mode.split())) exclude.add(ex_mode) elif l0=='KIEFFER': kieffer.input=True kieffer.flag=True kief_freq=fi.readline() kief_freq_inp=list(map(float, kief_freq.split())) kief_freq=np.array(kief_freq_inp)*csl*h/kb kieffer.kief_freq=kief_freq kieffer.kief_freq_inp=kief_freq_inp elif l0=='NZP': elif l0=='ANH': anharm.nmode=int(fi.readline().rstrip()) anharm.mode=np.array([],dtype=int) anharm.wgt=np.array([],dtype=int) anharm.brill=np.array([],dtype=int) for im in np.arange(anharm.nmode): line=fi.readline().rstrip() mw=list(map(float, line.split())) mode=int(mw[0]) brill=int(mw[1]) wgt=float(mw[2]) anharm.mode=np.append(anharm.mode, mode) anharm.wgt=np.append(anharm.wgt, wgt) anharm.brill=np.append(anharm.brill, brill) anharm.flag=True elif l0=='SUPER': line=fi.readline().rstrip() line_val=list(map(int, line.split())) snum=line_val[0] static_vol=line_val[1] flag_static_vol=False if static_vol == 0: flag_static_vol=True flag_super=True elif l0=='DISP': disp.input_flag=True disp.flag=True disp.input=True disp_file=data_path+'/'+fi.readline() disp_info=data_path+'/'+fi.readline() disp_file=disp_file.rstrip() disp_info=disp_info.rstrip() fd=open(disp_info) line=fd.readline().rstrip().split() disp.molt=int(line[0]) disp.fit_degree=int(line[1]) disp.fit_type=float(line[2]) disp.temp=float(line[3]) line=fd.readline().rstrip().split() disp.numf=list(map(int, line)) line=fd.readline().rstrip().split() disp.wgh=list(map(int, line)) line=fd.readline().rstrip().split() disp.vol=list(map(float, line)) fd.close() w_list=np.array([],dtype=int) for iw in np.arange(disp.molt): wl=np.repeat(disp.wgh[iw],disp.numf[iw]) w_list=np.append(w_list,wl) disp.w_list=w_list disp.f_size=disp.w_list.size jc=jc+1 if jc>=line_limit: print("\nWarning: END keyword not found") if not flag_volume or not flag_freq or not (flag_static or flag_p_static): print("\nError: one or more data file not found, or not assigned" " in input") flag_err=True return if not flag_fu: print("\nError: mandatory FU keyword not found") flag_err=True return if not flag_set: print("\nError: mandatory SET keyword not found") flag_err=True return fi.close() if flag_view_input.value: view_input(input_file) print("\n-------- End of input file -------\n") int_set=int_set.rstrip() int_set=list(map(int, int_set.split())) info.freq_sets=int_set if flag_eos: temperature_list=temperature_list.rstrip() temperature_list=list(map(float,temperature_list.split())) if flag_ini: ini=ini.rstrip() ini=list(map(float, ini.split())) ini[1]=ini[1]*1e-21/conv zus=list(map(int,zu.rstrip().split())) zu=zus[0] apfu=zus[1] if flag_fwg: fwg=float(fwg.rstrip()) else: fwg=0. if flag_fit: fit_type=fit_type.rstrip() fit_vol=fit_vol.rstrip() fit_vol=list(map(float, fit_vol.split())) v_ini=fit_vol[0] v_fin=fit_vol[1] nv=int(fit_vol[2]) if fit_type=='SPLINE': flag_spline.on() flag_spline.set_degree(fit_vol[3]) flag_spline.set_smooth(fit_vol[4]) flag_spline.vol_range(v_ini, v_fin, nv) info.fit_type='spline' info.fit_smooth=flag_spline.smooth info.min_vol_fit=v_ini info.max_vol_fit=v_fin info.fit_points=nv elif fit_type=='POLY': flag_poly.on() flag_poly.set_degree(fit_vol[3]) flag_poly.vol_range(v_ini, v_fin, nv) info.fit_type='poly' info.min_vol_fit=v_ini info.max_vol_fit=v_fin info.fit_points=nv if flag_super: supercell.set(snum) if flag_cp: power=power.rstrip() power=list(map(float, power.split())) lpow=len(power) test_cp=[ipw in cp_power_list for ipw in power] if not all(test_cp): print("WARNING: the power list for the Cp fit is not consistent") print(" with the Perplex database") print("Allowed powers:", cp_power_list) print("Given powers:", power) print("") if flag_alpha: power_a=power_a.rstrip() power_a=list(map(float, power_a.split())) lpow_a=len(power_a) test_al=[ipw in al_power_list for ipw in power_a] if not all(test_al): print("WARNING: the power list for the alpha fit is not consistent") print(" with the Perplex database") print("Allowed powers:", al_power_list) print("Given powers:", power_a) print("") if flag_mass: mass=float(mass.rstrip()) b_flag=False if anharm.flag: anharm_setup() for im,ib in zip(anharm.mode, anharm.brill): if ib == 0: exclude.add([im]) else: disp.free_exclude([im]) b_flag=True if disp.flag: disp.freq=np.array([]) disp_data=np.loadtxt(disp_file) disp.deg=disp_data[:,0] nset=len(disp.vol) disp.nset=nset for iv in np.arange(nset): disp.freq=np.append(disp.freq, disp_data[:,iv+1]) disp.freq=disp.freq.reshape(nset,disp.f_size) if disp.fit_type == 0: disp.freq_fit() else: disp.freq_spline_fit() disp.free_fit(disp.temp,disp.vol[0]) data=np.loadtxt(data_file) if flag_p_static: static_e0=float(static_e0) data_vol_freq_orig=np.loadtxt(data_file_vol_freq) lo.data_freq=np.loadtxt(data_file_freq) lo.data_freq_orig=np.copy(lo.data_freq) info.min_freq_vol=min(data_vol_freq_orig) info.max_freq_vol=max(data_vol_freq_orig) info.freq_points=len(data_vol_freq_orig) if flag_exp: data_cp_exp=np.loadtxt(data_file_exp) volume=data[:,0] energy=data[:,1] if flag_super: if flag_static_vol: volume=volume*snum energy=energy*snum info.min_static_vol=min(volume) info.max_static_vol=max(volume) info.static_points=len(volume) deg=lo.data_freq[:,0] num_set_freq=lo.data_freq.shape[1]-1 num_mode=lo.data_freq.shape[0]-1 int_mode=np.arange(num_mode+1) if flag_super: deg=deg/supercell.number if not flag_ini: ini=init_bm3(volume,energy) data_vol_freq=[] for iv in int_set: data_vol_freq=np.append(data_vol_freq, data_vol_freq_orig[iv]) int_set_new=np.array([],dtype='int32') ind=data_vol_freq.argsort() for ind_i in ind: int_set_new=np.append(int_set_new, int_set[ind_i]) if not np.array_equal(int_set, int_set_new): print("\nWarning ** Volume and frequencies lists have been sorted") print(" indexing: ", ind) print("") int_set=int_set_new data_vol_freq.sort() info.min_select_vol=min(data_vol_freq) info.max_select_vol=max(data_vol_freq) info.select_points=len(data_vol_freq) volume_ctrl.set_all() if flag_fit: if flag_spline.flag: flag_spline.stack() elif flag_poly.flag: flag_poly.stack() if lo.flag: lo_data=np.loadtxt(lo_freq_file) lo.mode=lo_data[:,0].astype(int) lo.split=lo_data[:,1].astype(float) lo.on() if disp.input and kieffer.input: kieffer.flag=False print("\nBoth Kieffer and phonon dispersion data were found in the input file") print("The Kieffer model is therefore deactivated") if b_flag: print("") disp.free_fit_vt()
[docs]def view(): """ View input file (input.txt) """ input_file=path+"/input.txt" view_input(input_file)
[docs]def view_input(input_file): line_limit=1000 print("\nInput file\n") with open(input_file) as fi: jc=0 l0=[''] while (l0 !='END') and (jc < line_limit): str=fi.readline() lstr=str.split() if lstr !=[]: l0=lstr[0].rstrip() if l0 !='#': print(str.rstrip()) jc=jc+1
[docs]def reload_input(path): reset_flag() read_file(path) static()
[docs]def load_disp(disp_info, disp_file): """ Load files containing data for the phonon dispersion correction. These are the same files that could be also specified under the keyword DISP in the input.txt file. Args: disp_info: name of the info file disp_file: name of the frequencies' file """ disp.input_flag=True disp.flag=True disp.input=True disp_file=path_orig+'/'+disp_file disp_info=path_orig+'/'+disp_info fd=open(disp_info) line=fd.readline().rstrip().split() disp.molt=int(line[0]) disp.fit_degree=int(line[1]) disp.fit_type=float(line[2]) disp.temp=float(line[3]) line=fd.readline().rstrip().split() disp.numf=list(map(int, line)) line=fd.readline().rstrip().split() disp.wgh=list(map(int, line)) line=fd.readline().rstrip().split() disp.vol=list(map(float, line)) fd.close() disp.error_flag=False if len(disp.vol) == 1: disp.error_flag=True w_list=np.array([],dtype=int) for iw in np.arange(disp.molt): wl=np.repeat(disp.wgh[iw],disp.numf[iw]) w_list=np.append(w_list,wl) disp.w_list=w_list disp.f_size=disp.w_list.size disp.freq=np.array([]) disp_data=np.loadtxt(disp_file) disp.deg=disp_data[:,0] nset=len(disp.vol) disp.nset=nset for iv in np.arange(nset): disp.freq=np.append(disp.freq, disp_data[:,iv+1]) disp.freq=disp.freq.reshape(nset,disp.f_size) if disp.fit_type == 0: disp.freq_fit() else: disp.freq_spline_fit() disp.free_fit(disp.temp,disp.vol[0]) print("Phonon dispersion data loaded from the file %s" % disp_file) print("Info data from the file %s" % disp_info) print("Phonon frequencies are computed at the volume(s) ", disp.vol) print("\nUse disp.free_fit_ctrl to get free energy surfaces F(T) or F(V,T)")
[docs]def set_fix(fix=4.): """ Sets Kp to a value and keeps it fixed during fitting of EoS Args: fix (optional): Kp value. Default 4. if fix=0, Kp if fixed to the last computed value stored in The flag f_fit.flag is set to True """ if fix == 0: f_fix.on(fix)
[docs]def reset_fix(): """ Resets the fix Kp option: f_fit.flag=False """
[docs]def fix_status(): """ Inquires about the setting concerning Kp """ print("Fix status: %r" % f_fix.flag) if f_fix.flag: print("Kp fixed at %4.2f" % f_fix.value )
[docs]def set_spline(degree=3,smooth=5, npoint=16): """ Sets spline fits of the frequencies as function of volume Args: degree (optional): degree of the spline (default: 3) smooth (optional): smoothness of the spline (default: 5) npoint (optional): number of points of the spline function (default: 16) """ dv=0.2 flag_spline.on() flag_spline.set_degree(degree) flag_spline.set_smooth(smooth) fit_vol_exists=True try: flag_spline.fit_vol except AttributeError: fit_vol_exists=False if not fit_vol_exists: set_volume_range(min(data_vol_freq)-dv,max(data_vol_freq)+dv,npoint,\ prt=True) else: set_volume_range(min(flag_spline.fit_vol),max(flag_spline.fit_vol),npoint) flag_spline.stack() info.fit_type='spline' info.fit_degree=degree info.fit_smooth=smooth info.fit_points=npoint info.min_vol_fit=min(flag_spline.fit_vol) info.max_vol_fit=max(flag_spline.fit_vol)
[docs]def set_poly(degree=4,npoint=16): """ Sets polynomial fits of the frequencies as function of volume Args: degree (optional): degree of the spline (default: 4) npoint (optional): number of points of the polynomial function (default: 16) """ dv=0.2 flag_poly.on() flag_poly.set_degree(degree) fit_vol_exists=True try: flag_poly.fit_vol except AttributeError: fit_vol_exists=False if not fit_vol_exists: set_volume_range(min(data_vol_freq)-dv,max(data_vol_freq)+dv,npoint, \ prt=True) else: set_volume_range(min(flag_poly.fit_vol),max(flag_poly.fit_vol),npoint) flag_poly.stack() info.fit_type='poly' info.fit_degree=degree info.fit_points=npoint info.min_vol_fit=min(flag_poly.fit_vol) info.max_vol_fit=max(flag_poly.fit_vol)
[docs]def set_volume_range(vini,vfin,npoint=16,prt=False): """ Defines a volume range for the fitting of frequencies and EoS in the case that SPLINE or POLY fits have been chosen Args: vini: minimum volume vfin: maximum volume npoint (optional): number of points in the volume range """ if flag_poly.flag: flag_poly.vol_range(vini,vfin,npoint) flag_poly.stack() info.fit_points=npoint info.min_vol_fit=min(flag_poly.fit_vol) info.max_vol_fit=max(flag_poly.fit_vol) if prt: print("Volume range %8.4f - %8.4f defined for 'POLY' fit" %\ (vini, vfin)) elif flag_spline.flag: flag_spline.vol_range(vini,vfin,npoint) flag_spline.stack() info.fit_points=npoint info.min_vol_fit=min(flag_spline.fit_vol) info.max_vol_fit=max(flag_spline.fit_vol) if prt: print("Volume range %8.4f - %8.4f defined for 'SPLINE' fit" %\ (vini, vfin)) else: print("No fit of frequencies active\nUse set_poly or set_spline\n")
[docs]def fit_status(): if flag_poly.flag or flag_spline.flag: print("Fit of frequencies is active") if flag_spline.flag: print("Spline fit: degree %2d, smooth: %3.1f" \ % (, flag_spline.smooth)) print("Volume range: %5.2f - %5.2f, points=%d" % \ (min(flag_spline.fit_vol), max(flag_spline.fit_vol), \ flag_spline.fit_vol.size)) else: print("Polynomial fit: degree %2d" % print("Volume range: %5.2f - %5.2f, points=%d" % \ (min(flag_poly.fit_vol), max(flag_poly.fit_vol), \ flag_poly.fit_vol.size)) else: print("Fitting is off")
[docs]def fit_off(): info.fit_type='No fit'
[docs]def quick_start(path): """ Quick start of the program. Reads the input files found under the folder 'path' whose name is written in the 'quick_start.txt' file (found in the master folder). Executes read_file; static (static equation of state) and stacks data for the application of the Kieffer model, if required with the optional 'KIEFFER' keyword in input.txt """ read_file(path) static(plot=False) if kieffer.flag: free_stack_t(pr.kt_init, pr.kt_fin, pr.kt_points) if verbose.flag: print("Results from the Kieffer model for acoustic branches:") print("plot of the Helmholtz free energy as a function of T.") print("Temperature limits and number of points defined in") kieffer.plot() else: print("Kieffer model for the acoustic branches activated")
[docs]def v_bm3(vv,v0,k0,kp,c): """ Volume integrated Birch-Murnaghan equation (3^rd order) Args: vv: volume v0: volume at the minimum of the energy k0: bulk modulus kp: derivative of k0 with respect to P c: energy at the minimum Returns: the energy at the volume vv """ v0v=(np.abs(v0/vv))**(2/3) f1=kp*(np.power((v0v-1.),3)) f2=np.power((v0v-1.),2) f3=6.-4*v0v return c+(9.*v0*k0/16.)*(f1+f2*f3)
[docs]def bm3(vv,v0,k0,kp): """ Birch-Murnaghan equation (3^rd order) Args: vv: volume v0: volume at the minimum of the energy k0: bulk modulus kp: derivative of k0 with respect to P Returns: the pressure at the volume vv """ v0v7=np.abs((v0/vv))**(7/3) v0v5=np.abs((v0/vv))**(5/3) v0v2=np.abs((v0/vv))**(2/3) f1=v0v7-v0v5 f2=(3/4)*(kp-4)*(v0v2-1) return (3*k0/2)*f1*(1+f2)
[docs]def bmx_tem(tt,**kwargs): """ V-BMx (volume integrated) fit at the selected temperature Args: tt: temperature Keyword Args: fix: if fix > 0.1, kp is fixed to the value 'fix' during the optimization of the EoS. (this is a valid option only for the BM3 fit, but it is ignored for a BM4 EoS) Returns: 1. free energy values at the volumes used for the fit 2. optimized v0, k0, kp, (kpp), and c 3. covariance matrix Note: bmx_tem optimizes the EoS according to several possible options specified elsewhere: 1. kp fixed or free 2. frequencies not fitted, or fitted by polynomials or splines 3. 3^rd or 4^th order BM EoS Note: bmx_tem includes energy contributions from static and vibrational optical modes; acoustic contributions from the modified Kieffer model are included, provided the KIEFFER keyword is in the input file; contributions from anharmonic modes are included, provided the ANH keyword is in the input file. NO dispersion correction is included (even is the DISP keyword is provided). """ l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True flag_x=False volb=data_vol_freq if flag_poly.flag: volb=flag_poly.fit_vol elif flag_spline.flag: volb=flag_spline.fit_vol if f_fix.flag: fix=f_fix.value flag_x=True p0_f=[ini[0],ini[1],ini[3]] if fixpar: if fix_value < 0.1: flag_x=False else: fix=fix_value flag_x=True p0_f=[ini[0],ini[1],ini[3]] if flag_poly.flag or flag_spline.flag: free_energy=free_fit(tt) else: free_energy=free(tt) if (flag_x) and (not bm4.flag): pterm, pcov_term = curve_fit(lambda volb, v0, k0, c: \ v_bm3(volb, v0, k0, fix, c), \ volb, free_energy, p0=p0_f, \ ftol=1e-15, xtol=1e-15) pterm=np.append(pterm,pterm[2]) pterm[2]=fix else: if bm4.flag: if f_fix.flag: reset_fix() fix_status() with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") pterm, pcov_term= curve_fit(, volb, free_energy,\ method='dogbox',p0=bm4.en_ini, ftol=1e-18, xtol=3.e-16,gtol=1e-18) else: pterm, pcov_term = curve_fit(v_bm3, volb, free_energy, \ p0=ini, ftol=1e-15, xtol=1e-15) return [free_energy, pterm, pcov_term]
[docs]def bulk_conversion(kk): """ Bulk modulus unit conversion (from atomic units to GPa) """ kc=kk*conv/1e-21 print("Bulk modulus: %8.4e a.u. = %6.2f GPa" % (kk, kc))
[docs]def stop(): """ used to exit from the program in case of fatal exceptions """ while True: print("Program will be terminated due to errors in processing data") answ=input('Press enter to quit') sys.exit(1)
[docs]def bm4_def(): V0=sym.Symbol('V0',real=True,positive=True) V=sym.Symbol('V',real=True,positive=True) f=sym.Symbol('f',real=True) kp=sym.Symbol('kp',real=True) ks=sym.Symbol('ks',real=True) k0=sym.Symbol('k0',real=True) P=sym.Symbol('P',real=True,positive=True) E0=sym.Symbol('E0',real=True) c=sym.Symbol('c',real=True) f=((V0/V)**sym.Rational(2,3)-1)/2 P=3*k0*f*((1+2*f)**sym.Rational(5,2))*(1+sym.Rational(3,2)*(kp-4.)*f +\ sym.Rational(3,2)*(k0*ks+(kp-4.)*(kp-3.)+sym.Rational(35,9))*(f**2)) E=sym.integrate(P,V) E0=E.subs(V,V0) E=E0-E+c bm4_energy=sym.lambdify((V,V0,k0,kp,ks,c),E,'numpy') bm4_pressure=sym.lambdify((V,V0,k0,kp,ks),P,'numpy') return bm4_energy, bm4_pressure
[docs]def init_bm4(vv,en,kp): """ Function used to estimate the initial parameters of a V-integrated BM4 EoS. The function is used by the method "estimates" of the bm4 class. The estimation is done on the basis of a previous BM3 optimization whose initial parameters are provided by the current function. Args: vv (list): volumes en (list): static energies at the corresponding volumes vv kp:initail value assigned to kp Returns: "ini" list of V-integrated EoS parameters (for a BM3) estimated by a polynomial fit: v_ini, k0_ini, kp, e0_ini. Note: such parameters are used as initial guesses for the BM3 optimization performed by the method "estimates" of the class bm4 that, in turn, outputs the "ini" list for the BM4 EoS optimization. """ pol=np.polyfit(vv,en,4) pder1=np.polyder(pol,1) pder2=np.polyder(pol,2) v_r=np.roots(pder1) vs=v_r*np.conj(v_r) min_r=np.argmin(vs) v_ini=np.real(v_r[min_r]) e0_ini=np.polyval(pol, v_ini) k0_ini=np.polyval(pder2, v_ini) k0_ini=k0_ini*v_ini ini=[v_ini, k0_ini, kp, e0_ini] return ini
[docs]def init_bm3(vv,en): """ Estimates initial parameters for the V-integrated BM3 EoS in case the INI keyword is not present in "input.txt" Args: vv (list): volumes en (list): static energies at the corresponding volumes vv Returns: "ini" list of V-integrated EoS parameters estimated by a polynomial fit: v_ini, k0_ini, kp, e0_ini. kp is set to 4. Note: such parameters are used as initial guesses for the bm3 optimization. """ kp_ini=4. pol=np.polyfit(vv,en,3) pder1=np.polyder(pol,1) pder2=np.polyder(pol,2) v_r=np.roots(pder1) vs=v_r*np.conj(v_r) min_r=np.argmin(vs) v_ini=np.real(v_r[min_r]) e0_ini=np.polyval(pol, v_ini) k0_ini=np.polyval(pder2, v_ini) k0_ini=k0_ini*v_ini ini=[v_ini, k0_ini, kp_ini, e0_ini] return ini
# Output the pressure at a given temperature (tt) and volume (vv). # Kp can be kept fixed (by setting fix=Kp > 0.1)
[docs]def pressure(tt,vv,**kwargs): """ Computes the pressure at a temperature and volume Args: tt: temperature vv: unit cell volume fix (optional): optimizes Kp if fix=0., or keeps Kp fixed if fix=Kp > 0.1 """ l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True if fixpar: [ff,veos,err]=bmx_tem(tt,fix=fix_value) else: [ff,veos,err]=bmx_tem(tt) if bm4.flag: eos=veos[0:4] return round(bm4.pressure(vv,*eos)*conv/1e-21,3) else: eos=veos[0:3] return round(bm3(vv,*eos)*conv/1e-21,3)
[docs]def pressure_dir(tt,vv): """ Computes the pressure at a given volume and temperature from the numerical derivative of the Helmholtz free energy with respect to the volume (at constant temperature). Args: tt: temperature (K) vv: volume (A^3) """ tt=float(tt) vv=float(vv) deg=pr.degree_v if not vd.flag: vmin=vv-pr.delta_v/2. vmax=vv+pr.delta_v/2. else: v_range=np.linspace(vmin,vmax,pr.nump_v) f_list=np.array([]) for iv in v_range: fi=free_fit_vt(tt,iv) f_list=np.append(f_list,fi) vfit=np.polyfit(v_range,f_list,deg) vfitder=np.polyder(vfit,1) press=-1*np.polyval(vfitder,vv)*conv/1e-21 if not ac_approx.flag: return press else: p_ac=np.polyval(, tt) press=press+p_ac*3 return press
[docs]def volume_dir(tt,pp,alpha_flag_1=False, alpha_flag_2=False): """ Computes the equilibrium volume at a given temperature and pressure without using an equation of state. An initial estimation of the volume is however obtained by using a BM3 EoS, by calling the eos_temp function; such volume is stored in the v_new variable. A list of volumes around the v_new value is then built and, for each value in the list, a pressure is computed by using the pressure_dir function, and compared to the input pressure to find the volume at which the two pressures are equal. A number of parameters are used to control the computation. They are all defined by the volume-control driver (volume_ctrl). Convenient values are already set by default, but they can be changed by using the method volume_ctrl.set_all. Use the method to get such values under the 'volume driver section'. """ vol_opt.on() tt=float(tt) pp=float(pp) if volume_ctrl.kp_fix: reset_fix() if tt < volume_ctrl.t_max: eos_temp(tt,kp_only=True) else: eos_temp(volume_ctrl.t_max,kp_only=True) set_fix(0) if (alpha_flag_1) and (not alpha_flag_2): reset_fix() eos_temp(tt,kp_only=True) set_fix(0) vini=new_volume(tt,pp) v_new=vini[0] # Initial volume from EoS if volume_ctrl.t_last_flag: vini=volume_ctrl.v_last if (tt > volume_ctrl.t_last) & (volume_ctrl.t_last > 10.): volume_ctrl.t_last_flag=True volume_ctrl.shift=0. volume_ctrl.upgrade_shift=False if not flag_poly.flag: if flag_fit_warning.value: print("It is advised to use polynomial fits for 'dir' calculations\n") fit_status() print("") flag_fit_warning.value=False if flag_poly.flag: volume_max=max(flag_poly.fit_vol) volume_min=min(flag_poly.fit_vol) if flag_spline.flag: volume_max=max(flag_spline.fit_vol) volume_min=min(flag_spline.fit_vol) if flag_poly.flag: if vini > volume_max: flag_volume_max.value=True if flag_volume_warning.value: flag_volume_warning.value=False print("Warning: volume exceeds the maximum value set in volume_range") print("Volume: %8.4f" % vini) fit_status() print("") # return vini if flag_spline.flag: if vini > volume_max: flag_volume_max.value=True if flag_volume_warning.value: flag_volume_warning.value=False print("Warning: volume exceeds the maximum value set in volume_range") print("Volume: %8.4f" % vini) fit_status() print("") # return vini vvi=vini if volume_ctrl.t_last_flag: if (tt > volume_ctrl.t_last) & (volume_ctrl.t_last > 10.): vvi=volume_ctrl.v_last vplot=vvi v_list=np.linspace(vvi -,\ vvi +, 24) else: if tt > volume_ctrl.t_dump: volume_ctrl.shift=volume_ctrl.shift/volume_ctrl.dump v_list=np.linspace(vini[0]-volume_ctrl.shift -,\ vini[0]-volume_ctrl.shift +, 24) vplot=vini[0] p_list=np.array([]) for iv in v_list: pi=(pressure_dir(tt,iv)-pp)**2 p_list=np.append(p_list,pi) fitv=np.polyfit(v_list,p_list, pressure=lambda vv: np.polyval(fitv,vv) min_p=np.argmin(p_list) vini=[v_list[min_p]] if > 2: bound=[(volume_min, volume_max)] vmin=minimize(pressure,vini,method='L-BFGS-B', bounds=bound, tol=1e-10, options={'gtol':1e-10, 'maxiter':500}) shift=v_new-vmin.x[0] else: shrink=volume_ctrl.quad_shrink new_v=np.linspace(vini[0], vini[0],8) new_p=np.array([]) for iv in new_v: pi=(pressure_dir(tt,iv)-pp)**2 new_p=np.append(new_p,pi) fit_new=np.polyfit(new_v, new_p,2) der_new=np.polyder(fit_new,1) vmin=-1*der_new[1]/der_new[0] shift=v_new-vmin if volume_ctrl.upgrade_shift: volume_ctrl.shift=shift if > 2: if volume_ctrl.debug: x1=np.mean(v_list) x2=np.min(v_list) x=(x1+x2)/2 y=0.95*np.max(p_list) y2=0.88*np.max(p_list) y3=0.81*np.max(p_list) y4=0.74*np.max(p_list) plt.figure() title="Temperature: "+str(round(tt,2))+" K" plt.plot(v_list,p_list) plt.xlabel("V (A^3)") plt.ylabel("Delta_P^2 (GPa^2)") plt.title(title) v_opt="Opt volume: "+str(vmin.x[0].round(4)) v_min="Approx volume: "+str(vini[0].round(4)) v_new="EoS volume: "+str(v_new.round(4)) v_ini="V_ini volume: "+str(vplot.round(4)) plt.text(x,y,v_opt,fontfamily='monospace') plt.text(x,y2,v_min, fontfamily='monospace') plt.text(x,y3,v_new,fontfamily='monospace') plt.text(x,y4,v_ini,fontfamily='monospace') else: if volume_ctrl.debug: x1=np.mean(v_list) x2=np.min(v_list) x=(x1+x2)/2 y=0.95*np.max(p_list) y2=0.88*np.max(p_list) y3=0.81*np.max(p_list) y4=0.74*np.max(p_list) plt.figure() title="Temperature: "+str(round(tt,2))+" K" plt.plot(v_list,p_list) plt.plot(new_v, new_p,"*") plt.xlabel("V (A^3)") plt.ylabel("Delta_P^2 (GPa^2)") plt.title(title) v_opt="Opt. volume: "+str(round(vmin,4)) v_min="Approx volume: "+str(vini[0].round(4)) v_new="EoS Volume: "+str(v_new.round(4)) v_ini="V_ini volume: "+str(vplot.round(4)) plt.text(x,y,v_opt,fontfamily='monospace') plt.text(x,y2,v_min, fontfamily='monospace') plt.text(x,y3,v_new,fontfamily='monospace') plt.text(x,y4,v_ini,fontfamily='monospace') if > 2: test=vmin.success if not test: print("\n**** WARNING ****") print("Optimization in volume_dir not converged; approx. volume returned") print("temperature: %5.2f, Volume: %6.3f" % (tt, vini[0])) volume_ctrl.v_last=vini[0] return vini[0] else: volume_ctrl.v_last=vini[0] return vmin.x[0] else: volume_ctrl.v_last=vmin return vmin
[docs]def volume_from_F(tt, shrink=10., npoints=60, debug=False): """ Computation of the equilibrium volume at any given temperature and at 0 pressure. The algorithm looks for the minimum of the Helmholtz function with respect to V (it is equivalent to the minimization of the Gibbs free energy function as the pressure is zero. The methods is very similar to that implemented in the more general volume_dir function, but it does not require the calculation of any derivative of F (to get the pressure). The Helmholtz free energy is computed by means of the free_fit_vt function. Args: tt: temperature (in K) npoints: number of points in the V range (centered around an initial volume computed by the volume_dir function), where the minimum of F is to be searched (default 60). shrink: shrinking factor for the definition of the V-range for the optimization of V (default 10). debug: plots and prints debug information. If debug=False, only the optimized value of volume is returned. Note: The function makes use of parameters sets by the methods of the volume_F_ctrl instance of the volume_F_control_class class. In particular, the initial value of volume computed by the volume_dir function can be shifted by the volume_F_ctrl.shift value. This value is set by the volume_F_ctrl.set_shift method provided that the volume_F_ctrl.upgrade_shift flag is True. """ d2=delta/2. vini=volume_dir(tt,0) if volume_F_ctrl.get_flag(): shift=volume_F_ctrl.get_shift() vini=vini+shift v_eos=new_volume(tt,0)[0] vlist=np.linspace(vini-d2, vini+d2, npoints) flist=list(free_fit_vt(tt, iv) for iv in vlist) imin=np.argmin(flist) vmin=vlist[imin] vlist2=np.linspace(vmin-d2/shrink, vmin+d2/shrink, 8) flist2=list(free_fit_vt(tt, iv) for iv in vlist2) fit=np.polyfit(vlist2,flist2,2) fitder=np.polyder(fit,1) vref=-fitder[1]/fitder[0] fref=np.polyval(fit, vref) v_shift=vref-vini if volume_F_ctrl.get_flag() & volume_F_ctrl.get_upgrade_status(): volume_F_ctrl.set_shift(v_shift) vplot=np.linspace(vref-d2/shrink, vref+d2/shrink, npoints) fplot=np.polyval(fit, vplot) if debug: xt=vlist2.round(2) title="F free energy vs V at T = "+str(tt)+" K" plt.figure() ax=plt.gca() ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False) plt.plot(vlist2, flist2, "k*", label="Actual values") plt.plot(vplot, fplot, "k-", label="Quadratic fit") plt.plot(vref,fref,"r*", label="Minimum from fit") plt.legend(frameon=False) plt.xlabel("Volume (A^3)") plt.ylabel("F (a.u.)") plt.xticks(xt) plt.title(title) print("\nInitial volume from volume_dir: %8.4f" % vini) print("Volume from EoS fit: %8.4f" % v_eos) print("Approx. volume at minimum F (numerical): %8.4f" % vmin) print("Volume at minimum (from fit): %8.4f\n" % vref) return vref else: return vref
[docs]def volume_from_F_serie(tmin, tmax, npoints, fact_plot=10, debug=False, expansion=False, degree=4, fit_alpha=False, export=False, export_alpha=False, export_alpha_fit=False): """ Volume and thermal expansion (at zero pressure) in a range of temperatures, computed by the minimization of the Helmholtz free energy function. Args: tmin, tmax, npoints: minimum, maximum and number of points defining the T range fact_plot: factor used to compute the number of points for the plot (default 10) debug: debugging information (default False) expansion: computation of thermal expansion (default False) degree: if expansion=True, in order to compute the thermal expansion a log(V) vs T polynomial fit of degree 'degree' is performed (default 4) fit_alpha: thermal expansion is fitted to a power serie (default False) export: list of computed volume is exported (default False) export_alpha_fit: coefficients of the power series fitting the alpha's are exported Note: Thermal expansion is computed from a log(V) versus T polynomial fit Note: if export is True, the volume list only is exported (and the function returns) no matter if expansion is also True (that is, thermal expansion is not computed). Likewise, if export_alfa is True, no fit of the thermal expansion data on a power serie is performed (and, therefore, such data from the fit cannot be exported). Note: Having exported the coefficients of the power serie fitting the alpha values, they can be uploaded to a particular phase by using the load_alpha method of the mineral class; e.g. py.load_alpha(alpha_fit, power_a) Examples: >>> alpha_fit=volume_from_F_serie(100, 400, 12, expansion=True, fit_alpha=True, export_alpha_fit=True) >>> py.load_alpha(alpha_fit, power_a) >>> """ t_list=np.linspace(tmin, tmax, npoints) v_list=list(volume_from_F(it, debug=debug) for it in t_list) if export: return v_list plt.figure() plt.plot(t_list, v_list, "k-") plt.xlabel("T (K)") plt.ylabel("V (A^3)") plt.title("Volume vs Temperature at zero pressure") if expansion: logv=np.log(v_list) fit=np.polyfit(t_list, logv, degree) fitder=np.polyder(fit, 1) alpha_list=np.polyval(fitder, t_list) if export_alpha: return alpha_list t_plot=np.linspace(tmin, tmax, npoints*fact_plot) lv_plot=np.polyval(fit, t_plot) label_fit="Polynomial fit, degree: "+str(degree) plt.figure() plt.title("Log(V) versus T") plt.xlabel("T (K)") plt.ylabel("Log(V)") plt.plot(t_list, logv, "k*", label="Actual values") plt.plot(t_plot, lv_plot, "k-", label=label_fit) plt.legend(frameon=False) plt.figure() plt.title("Thermal expansion") plt.xlabel("T (K)") plt.ylabel("Alpha (K^-1)") plt.plot(t_list, alpha_list, "k*", label="Actual values") if fit_alpha: if not flag_alpha: print("\nWarning: no polynomium defined for fitting alpha's") print("Use ALPHA keyword in input file") else: coef_ini=np.ones(lpow_a) alpha_fit, alpha_cov=curve_fit(alpha_dir_fun,t_list,alpha_list,p0=coef_ini) alpha_value=[] for ict in t_plot: alpha_i=alpha_dir_fun(ict,*alpha_fit) alpha_value=np.append(alpha_value,alpha_i) plt.plot(t_plot,alpha_value,"k-", label="Power serie fit") plt.legend(frameon=False) if export_alpha_fit & flag_alpha & fit_alpha: return alpha_fit
[docs]def volume_conversion(vv, atojb=True, prt=True): """ Volume conversion from/to unit cell volume (in A^3) to/from the molar volume (in J/bar) Args: vv: value of volume (in A^3 or J/bar) atojb: if aotjb is True (default), conversion is from A^3 to J/bar if atojb is False, conversion is from J/bar to A^3 """ if atojb: vv=vv*avo*1e-25/zu if prt: print("Molar volume: %7.4f J/bar" % vv) else: vv=vv*zu*1e25/avo if prt: print("Cell volume: %7.4f A^3" % vv) if not prt: return vv
[docs]def find_temperature_vp(vv,pp, tmin=100., tmax=1000., prt=True): nt=50 t_list=np.linspace(tmin,tmax,nt) v_list=list(volume_dir(it,pp) for it in t_list) diff_l=list((v_list[idx]-vv)**2 for idx in np.arange(len(v_list))) min_diff=np.argmin(diff_l) t_0=t_list[min_diff] delta=20. t_min=t_0-delta t_max=t_0+delta t_list=np.linspace(t_min,t_max,nt) v_list=list(volume_dir(it,pp) for it in t_list) diff_l=list((v_list[idx]-vv)**2 for idx in np.arange(len(v_list))) min_diff=np.argmin(diff_l) t_0f=t_list[min_diff] if prt: print("Temperature found:") print("First guess %5.2f; result: %5.2f K" % (t_0, t_0f)) else: return t_0f
[docs]def find_pressure_vt(vv,tt, pmin, pmax, prt=True): npp=50 p_list=np.linspace(pmin,pmax,npp) v_list=list(volume_dir(tt,ip) for ip in p_list) diff_l=list((v_list[idx]-vv)**2 for idx in np.arange(len(v_list))) min_diff=np.argmin(diff_l) p_0=p_list[min_diff] delta=0.5 p_min=p_0-delta p_max=p_0+delta p_list=np.linspace(p_min,p_max,npp) v_list=list(volume_dir(tt,ip) for ip in p_list) diff_l=list((v_list[idx]-vv)**2 for idx in np.arange(len(v_list))) min_diff=np.argmin(diff_l) p_0f=p_list[min_diff] if prt: print("Pressure found:") print("First guess %5.2f; result: %5.2f GPa" % (p_0, p_0f)) else: return p_0f
[docs]def bulk_dir(tt,prt=False, out=False, pmax=0., npmax=12, **kwargs): """ Optimizes a BM3 EoS from volumes and total pressures at a given temperature. In turn, phonon pressures are directly computed as volume derivatives of the Helmholtz function; static pressures are from a V-BM3 fit of E(V) static data. Negative pressures are excluded from the computation. Args: tt: temperature prt (optional): if True, prints a P(V) list; default: False pmax (optional): if greater than 0., sets the maximum pressure for the EoS fit. npmax: if pmax is greater than 0., sets the number of P/V points for the EoS fit (default 12) Keyword Args: fix: Kp fixed, if fix=Kp > 0.1 """ flag_volume_max.value=False tt=float(tt) l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False flag_serie=False vol_flag=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True if 'serie' == karg_i[0]: flag_serie=karg_i[1] if 'volume' == karg_i[0]: vol_flag=karg_i[1] [dum,pterm,dum]=bmx_tem(tt) ini=pterm[0:3] flag_x=False if f_fix.flag: fix=f_fix.value flag_x=True p0_f=[ini[0],ini[1]] if fixpar: if fix_value < 0.1: flag_x=False else: fix=fix_value flag_x=True p0_f=[ini[0],ini[1]] if flag_spline.flag: v_list=flag_spline.fit_vol elif flag_poly.flag: v_list=flag_poly.fit_vol else: war1="Warning: frequency fit is off; use of poly or spline fits" war2=" is mandatory for bulk_dir" print(war1+war2) return pmax_flag=False if pmax > 0.: minv=np.min(v_list) volmin=volume_dir(tt, pmax) if volmin < minv: volmin = minv pmx=pressure_dir(tt, minv) print("Pressure out of available the volume range") print("it is reduced to: %5.2f" % pmx) pmax_flag=True f_fix_orig=f_fix.flag volmax=volume_dir(tt,0.) if flag_volume_max.value: print("Computation stop. Use set_volume_range to fix the problem") stop() volnew=np.append(v_list,volmax) if pmax_flag: vol_pmax_list=np.linspace(volmin, volmax, npmax) volnew=vol_pmax_list p_list=np.array([]) for vi in volnew: pi=pressure_dir(tt,vi) p_list=np.append(p_list,pi) v_new=np.array([]) p_new=np.array([]) for iv in zip(volnew,p_list): if iv[1]>=-0.01: v_new=np.append(v_new,iv[0]) p_new=np.append(p_new,iv[1]) try: if flag_x: pdir, pcov_dir = curve_fit(lambda v_new, v0, k0: \ bm3(v_new, v0, k0, fix), \ v_new, p_new, p0=p0_f, method='dogbox',\ ftol=1e-15, xtol=1e-15) else: pdir, pcov_dir = curve_fit(bm3, v_new, p_new, \ method='dogbox', p0=ini[0:3], ftol=1e-15, xtol=1e-15) perr_t=np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov_dir)) except RuntimeError: print("EoS optimization did not succeeded for t = %5.2f" % tt) flag_dir.on() if flag_serie: return 0,0 else: return if flag_x: pdir=np.append(pdir,fix) perr_t=np.append(perr_t,0.00) if flag_serie and vol_flag: return pdir[0],pdir[1],pdir[2] if flag_serie: return pdir[1],pdir[2] if out: return pdir[0], pdir[1], pdir[2] print("\nBM3 EoS from P(V) fit\n") print("K0: %8.2f (%4.2f) GPa" % (pdir[1],perr_t[1])) print("Kp: %8.2f (%4.2f) " % (pdir[2],perr_t[2])) print("V0: %8.4f (%4.2f) A^3" % (pdir[0],perr_t[0])) info.temp=tt info.k0=pdir[1][2] info.v0=pdir[0] vol=np.linspace(min(v_new),max(v_new),16) press=bm3(vol,*pdir) plt.figure() plt.title("BM3 fit at T = %5.1f K\n" % tt) plt.plot(v_new,p_new,"k*") plt.plot(vol,press,"k-") plt.xlabel("Volume (A^3)") plt.ylabel("Pressure (GPa)") if not f_fix_orig: reset_fix() if prt: print("\nVolume-Pressure list at %5.2f K\n" % tt) for vp_i in zip(v_new,p_new): print(" %5.3f %5.2f" % (vp_i[0], vp_i[1]))
[docs]def bulk_dir_serie(tini, tfin, npoints, degree=2, update=False, **kwargs): """ Computes the bulk modulus K0 in a given temperature range, by using the bulk_dir function (BM3 fit on a PV data set, at each T). Args: tini, tfin, npoints: minimum, maximum and number of points defining the T range degree: degree of the K0(T) fitting polynomial update: if True, the coefficients of the K0(T) fitting polynomial are returned (default False) Note: It is advised to fix the Kp value at the different temperatures to get the K0 values following reasonable trends. In order to do that, use the optional keyword 'fix' explicitly, followed by the Kp value, and note that the set_fix function does NOT work in this case. Example: >>> bulk_dir_serie(300, 800, 12, degree=1, fix=4.5) """ l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True t_serie=np.linspace(tini, tfin, npoints) tx_serie=np.array([]) b_serie=np.array([]) kp_serie=np.array([]) for ti in t_serie: if not fixpar: bi,kpi=bulk_dir(ti,serie=True) else: bi,kpi=bulk_dir(ti, serie=True, fix=fix_value) if not flag_dir.value: b_serie=np.append(b_serie,bi) kp_serie=np.append(kp_serie, kpi) tx_serie=np.append(tx_serie,ti) else: pass print("\n T K0 K'") for ti, bi, kpi in zip(tx_serie, b_serie, kp_serie): print("%4.1f %6.2f %6.2f" % (ti, bi, kpi)) t_serie=tx_serie plt.figure() plt.plot(t_serie,b_serie,"k*") plt.title("Bulk modulus (K0)") plt.xlabel("T(K)") plt.ylabel("K (GPa)") plt.title("Bulk modulus as a function of T") fit_b=np.polyfit(t_serie,b_serie,degree) b_fit=np.polyval(fit_b,t_serie) plt.plot(t_serie,b_fit,"k-") print("\nResults from the fit (from high to low order)") np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float': '{: 4.2e}'.format}) print(fit_b) np.set_printoptions(formatter=None) if update: return fit_b volume_ctrl.shift=0.
[docs]def bm4_dir(tt,prt=True): """ Optimizes a BM4 EoS from volumes and total pressures at a given temperature. Negative pressures are excluded from the computation. Args: tt: temperature prt (optional): if True, prints a P(V) list; default: False """ flag_volume_max.value=False tt=float(tt) start_bm4() if flag_spline.flag: v_list=flag_spline.fit_vol elif flag_poly.flag: v_list=flag_poly.fit_vol else: war1="Warning: frequency fit is off; use of poly or spline fits" war2=" is mandatory for bulk_dir" print(war1+war2) return volmax=volume_dir(tt,0.) if flag_volume_max.value: print("Computation stop. Use set_volume_range to fix the problem") stop() volnew=np.append(v_list,volmax) p_list=np.array([]) for vi in volnew: pi=pressure_dir(tt,vi) p_list=np.append(p_list,pi) v_new=np.array([]) p_new=np.array([]) for iv in zip(volnew,p_list): if iv[1]>=-0.01: v_new=np.append(v_new,iv[0]) p_new=np.append(p_new,iv[1]) ini=np.copy(bm4.en_ini[0:4]) ini[1]=ini[1]*conv*1e21 pdir, pcov_dir = curve_fit(bm4.pressure, v_new, p_new, \ p0=ini, ftol=1e-15, xtol=1e-15) perr_t=np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov_dir)) print("\nBM4 EoS from P(V) fit\n") print("K0: %8.2f (%4.2f) GPa" % (pdir[1],perr_t[1])) print("Kp: %8.2f (%4.2f) " % (pdir[2],perr_t[2])) print("Kpp: %8.2f (%4.2f) " % (pdir[3], perr_t[3])) print("V0: %8.4f (%4.2f) A^3" % (pdir[0],perr_t[0])) vol=np.linspace(min(v_new),max(v_new),16) press=bm4.pressure(vol,*pdir) plt.figure() plt.title("BM4 fit at T = %5.1f K\n" % tt) plt.plot(v_new,p_new,"k*") plt.plot(vol,press,"k-") plt.xlabel("Volume (A^3)") plt.ylabel("Pressure (GPa)") if prt: print("\nVolume-Pressure list at %5.2f K\n" % tt) for vp_i in zip(v_new,p_new): print(" %5.3f %5.2f" % (vp_i[0], vp_i[1]))
[docs]def bulk_modulus_p(tt,pp,noeos=False,prt=False,**kwargs): """ Bulk modulus at a temperature and pressure Args: tt: temperature pp: pressure noeos: to compute pressures, the bm3 EoS is used if noeos=False (default); otherwise the EoS is used only for the static part, and vibrational pressures are obtained from the derivative of the F function (pressure_dir function) prt: if True, results are printed fix (optional): optimizes Kp if fix=0., or keeps Kp fixed if fix=Kp > 0.1. This is relevant if noeos=False The values are computed through the direct derivative -V(dP/dV)_T. Since the computation of pressure requires the bm3_tem function (if noeos=False) Kp can be kept fixed by setting fix=Kp > 0.1 """ # tt=float(tt) # pp=float(pp) l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True if not noeos: if fixpar: vol=new_volume(tt,pp,fix=fix_value)[0] else: vol=new_volume(tt,pp)[0] else: vol=volume_dir(tt,pp) if not vd.flag: delta=pr.delta_v else: numv=pr.nump_v degree=pr.degree_v v_range=np.linspace(vol-delta/2.,vol+delta/2.,numv) press_range=[] for iv in v_range: if not noeos: if fixpar: p_i=pressure(tt,iv,fix=fix_value) else: p_i=pressure(tt,iv) else: p_i=pressure_dir(tt,iv) press_range=np.append(press_range,p_i) press_fit=np.polyfit(v_range,press_range,degree) b_poly=np.polyder(press_fit,1) b_val=np.polyval(b_poly,vol) b_val=(-1*b_val*vol) if prt: eos=str(noeos) print("Bulk Modulus at T = %5.1f K and P = %3.1f GPa, noeos = %s: %6.3f GPa, V = %6.3f " %\ (tt,pp,eos,b_val, vol)) else: b_val=round(b_val,3) return b_val, vol
[docs]def bulk_modulus_p_serie(tini, tfin, nt, pres, noeos=False, fit=False, type='poly', \ deg=2, smooth=5, out=False, **kwargs): """ Computes the bulk modulus from the definition K=-V(dP/dV)_T in a range of temperature values Args: tini: lower temperature in the range tfin: higher temperature in the range nt: number of points in the [tini, tfin] range pres: pressure (GPa) noeos: see note below fit: if True, a fit of the computed K(T) values is performed type: type of the fit ('poly', or 'spline') deg: degree of the fit smooth: smooth parameter for the fit; relevant if type='spline' out: if True, the parameters of the K(T) and V(T) fits are printed Keyword Args: fix: if fix is provided, Kp is kept fixed at the fix value Relevant if noeos=False Note: if noeos=False, the pressure at any given volume is calculated from the equation of state. If noeos=True, the pressure is computed as the first derivative of the Helmholtz function (at constant temperature) """ l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True t_list=np.linspace(tini, tfin, nt) b_l=np.array([]) t_l=np.array([]) v_l=np.array([]) if fixpar: for it in t_list: ib, v_val=bulk_modulus_p(it,pres,noeos=noeos,fix=fix_value) if vol_opt.flag: b_l=np.append(b_l,ib) t_l=np.append(t_l,it) v_l=np.append(v_l,v_val) else: for it in t_list: ib,v_val=bulk_modulus_p(it,pres,noeos=noeos) if vol_opt.flag: t_l=np.append(t_l,it) b_l=np.append(b_l,ib) v_l=np.append(v_l,v_val) if fit: t_fit=np.linspace(tini,tfin,50) if type=='poly': fit_par=np.polyfit(t_l,b_l,deg) b_fit=np.polyval(fit_par,t_fit) fit_par_v=np.polyfit(t_l,v_l,deg) v_fit=np.polyval(fit_par_v,t_fit) elif type=='spline': fit_par=UnivariateSpline(t_l,b_l,k=deg,s=smooth) b_fit=fit_par(t_fit) fit_par_v=UnivariateSpline(t_l,v_l,k=deg,s=0.1) v_fit=fit_par_v(t_fit) method='poly' if type=='spline': method='spline' lbl=method+' fit' plt.figure() plt.plot(t_l,b_l,"k*",label='Actual values') if fit: plt.plot(t_fit, b_fit,"k-",label=lbl) plt.xlabel("Temperature (K)") plt.ylabel("K (GPa)") tlt="Bulk modulus at pressure "+str(pres) plt.title(tlt) plt.legend(frameon=False) reset_fix() if fit & (method=='poly'): print("\nCoefficients of the fit: (degree: %1i)" % deg) print(np.array2string(fit_par, formatter={'float_kind': '{0:.3e}'.format})) if out & fit: return fit_par, fit_par_v
[docs]def bulk_modulus_adiabat(tt,pp,noeos=False, prt=True,**kwargs): """ Adiabatic bulk modulus at a temperature and pressure Args: tt: temperature pp: pressure fix (optional): optimizes Kp if fix=0., or keeps Kp fixed if fix=Kp > 0.1 The values are computed through the direct derivative -V(dP/dV)_T. Since the computation of pressure requires the bm3_tem function, Kp can be kept fixed by setting fix=Kp > 0.1 """ l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True if fixpar: vol=new_volume(tt,pp,fix=fix_value)[0] alpha,kt_dum,pr=thermal_exp_v(tt,vol,False,fix=fix_value) kt,_=bulk_modulus_p(tt,pp,noeos=noeos,fix=fix_value) ent,cv=entropy_v(tt,vol,False,False,fix=fix_value) else: vol=new_volume(tt,pp)[0] alpha,kt_dum,pr=thermal_exp_v(tt,vol,False) kt,_=bulk_modulus_p(tt,pp,noeos=noeos) ent,cv=entropy_v(tt,vol,False,False) volm=(vol*avo*1e-30)/zu ks=kt*(1+volm*(tt*1e9*kt*alpha**2)/cv) if prt: print("\nAdiabatic bulk modulus Ks: %5.2f GPa" % ks) print("Isoth. Kt: %5.2f GPa, alpha: %5.2e K^-1, sp. heat Cv: %6.2f J/mol K"\ % (kt, alpha, cv)) print("Cell volume: %6.2f A^3, molar volume %6.2f cm^3" % (vol, 1e6*volm)) else: return ks
[docs]def static(plot=False, vmnx=[0., 0.], prt=True): """ Static EoS Args: plot: plot of the E(V) curve vmnx: array of two reals [vmin and vmax]; vmin is the minimum volume and vmax is the maximum volume. If vmin and vmax are both 0., the whole V range is used (as specified in the static energies file). Default=[0., 0.] Note: The volume range can also be modified by using the methods of the static_volume class Examples: >>> static_volume.set(100., 120.) >>> static_volume.on() >>> static(plt=True) Computes the static EoS in the [100., 120.] volume range. The same is obtained with >>> static(plt=True, vmnx=[100., 120.]) However, with the first method the defined volume range is recorded for future computations; by using the second method, the volume range is reset to the original one, once the fit is performed. """ global pcov if flag_err: return None vol_flag=False if static_range.flag: vol_min=static_range.vmin vol_max=static_range.vmax vol_flag=True else: if (vmnx[0] > 0.1) or (vmnx[1] > 0.1): vol_flag=True vol_min=vmnx[0] vol_max=vmnx[1] if vol_flag: vol_select=(volume >= vol_min) & (volume <= vol_max) vol_selected=volume[vol_select] energy_selected=energy[vol_select] if not vol_flag: popt, pcov = curve_fit(v_bm3, volume, energy, p0=ini,ftol=1e-15,xtol=1e-15) else: popt, pcov = curve_fit(v_bm3, vol_selected, energy_selected, p0=ini,ftol=1e-15,xtol=1e-15) k_gpa=popt[1]*conv/1e-21 kp=popt[2] v0=popt[0] perr=np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov)) ke=perr[1]*conv/1e-21 if prt: print("\nStatic BM3 EoS") print("\nBulk Modulus: %5.2f (%4.2f) GPa" % (k_gpa, ke)) print("Kp: %5.2f (%4.2f)" % (kp, perr[2])) print("V0: %5.4f (%4.2f) A^3" % (v0, perr[0])) print("E0: %5.8e (%4.2e) hartree" % (popt[3], perr[3])) if vol_flag: print("\nStatic EoS computed in a restricted volume range:") print(vol_selected) print("\n") info.k0_static=k_gpa info.kp_static=kp info.v0_static=v0 info.popt=popt info.popt_orig=popt vd.set_delta(v0) vol_min=np.min(volume) vol_max=np.max(volume) nvol=50 vol_range=np.linspace(vol_min,vol_max,nvol) if plot: plt.figure(0) plt.title("E(V) static BM3 curve") plt.plot(volume,energy,"*") plt.plot(vol_range, v_bm3(vol_range, *popt), 'b-') plt.ylabel("Static energy (a.u.)") plt.xlabel("V (A^3)")
[docs]def p_static(nvol=50, v_add=[], e_add=[]): """ Computes a static BM3-EoS from a P/V set of data. Data (cell volumes in A^3 and pressures in GPa) must be contained in a file whose name must be specified in the input file (together with the energy, in hartree, at the equilibrium static volume. Args: nvol: number of volume points for the graphical output (default 50) v_add / e_add: lists of volume/energy data to be plotted together with the E/V curve from the V-EoS fit. Such added points are not used in the fit (no points added as default) Note: This function provides static data for the calculation of the static contribution to the Helmholtz free energy. It is an alternative to the fit of the static E/V data performed by the 'static' function. """ add_flag=False if v_add != []: add_flag=True p_data=np.loadtxt(data_p_file) pres_gpa=p_data[:,1] vs=p_data[:,0] pres=pres_gpa*1e-21/conv pstat, cstat = curve_fit(bm3, vs, pres, p0=ini[0:3],ftol=1e-15,xtol=1e-15) info.popt=pstat info.popt=np.append(info.popt,static_e0) k_gpa=info.popt[1]*conv/1e-21 kp=info.popt[2] v0=info.popt[0] info.k0_static=k_gpa info.kp_static=kp info.v0_static=v0 print("\nStatic BM3 EoS") print("\nBulk Modulus: %5.2f GPa" % k_gpa) print("Kp: %5.2f " % kp ) print("V0: %5.4f A^3" % v0) print("E0: %5.8e hartree" % info.popt[3]) vol_min=np.min(vs) vol_max=np.max(vs) ps=info.popt[0:3] vol_range=np.linspace(vol_min,vol_max,nvol) p_GPa=bm3(vol_range, *ps)*conv/1e-21 plt.figure(0) plt.title("P(V) static BM3 curve") plt.plot(vs,pres_gpa,"*") plt.plot(vol_range, p_GPa, 'b-') plt.ylabel("Pressure (GPa)") plt.xlabel("V (A^3)") p_stat.flag=True p_stat.vmin=np.min(vs) p_stat.vmax=np.max(vs) p_stat.pmin=np.min(pres_gpa) p_stat.pmax=np.max(pres_gpa) p_stat.npoints=vs.size p_stat.k0=k_gpa p_stat.v0=v0 p_stat.e0=static_e0 energy_static=v_bm3(vol_range, *info.popt_orig) energy_pstatic=v_bm3(vol_range, *info.popt) delta=energy_pstatic-energy_static select=(volume >= vol_min) & (volume <= vol_max) vv=volume[select] ee=energy[select] plt.figure() plt.plot(vol_range, energy_static, "k-", label="STATIC case") plt.plot(vol_range, energy_pstatic, "k--", label="PSTATIC case") plt.plot(vv,ee,"k*", label="Original E(V) data") if add_flag: plt.plot(v_add, e_add, "r*", label="Not V-BM3 fitted data") plt.legend(frameon=False) plt.xlabel("Volume (A^3)") plt.ylabel("E (hartree)") plt.title("E(V) curves") if verbose.flag: plt.figure() plt.plot(vol_range,delta,"k-") plt.xlabel("Volume (A^3)") plt.ylabel("E (hartree)") plt.title("Pstatic and static energy difference") delta=abs(delta) mean=delta.mean() mean_j=mean*conv*avo/zu std=delta.std() imx=np.argmax(delta) mx=delta[imx] vx=vol_range[imx] print("\nMean discrepancy: %6.3e hartree (%5.1f J/mole)" % (mean, mean_j)) print("Standard deviation: %4.1e hartree" % std) print("Maximum discrepancy %6.3e hartree for a volume of %6.2f A^3" % (mx, vx))
[docs]def static_pressure_bm3(vv, prt=True): """ Outputs the static pressure (in GPa) at the volume (vv) Args: vv: volume """ k0=info.popt[1] kp=info.popt[2] v0=info.popt[0] p_static_bm3=bm3(vv,v0, k0,kp) ps=p_static_bm3*conv/1e-21 if prt: print("Static pressure at the volume: %4.2f" % ps) else: return ps
[docs]def start_bm4(): bm4.on() bm4.estimates(volume,energy) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") bm4p, bm4c = curve_fit(, volume, energy, \ method='dogbox', p0=bm4.en_ini,ftol=1e-15,xtol=1e-15,gtol=1e-15) bm4.upgrade() bm4.upload(bm4p) bm4_k=bm4p[1]*conv/1e-21 kp=bm4p[2] kpp=bm4p[3] v0=bm4p[0] print("\nStatic BM4-EoS") print("\nBulk Modulus: %5.2f GPa" % bm4_k) print("Kp: %5.2f " % kp) print("Kpp: %5.2f " % kpp) print("V0: %8.4f A^3" % v0) print("\n") plt.figure() # bm4e=np.array([]) vbm4=np.linspace(min(volume),max(volume),50),*bm4.bm4_static_eos) plt.plot(vbm4,bm4e,"k-") plt.plot(volume,energy,"k*") plt.title("Static Energy: BM4 fit") plt.xlabel("Static energy (a.u.)") plt.ylabel("V (A^3)")
[docs]def free(temperature): """ Computes the Helmholtz free energy (hartree) at a given temperature Args: temperature: temperature (in K) at which the computation is done Note: 1. ei is the static energy 2. enz_i is the zero point energy 3. fth_i is thermal contribution to the Helmholtz free energy 4. tot_i is the total Helmholtz free energy Note: This is a direct calculation that avoids the fit of a polynomium to the frequencies. No FITVOL in input.txt Note: If kieffer.flag is True, the contribution from acoustic branches is taken into account, by following the Kieffer model. """ energy_tot=[] for ivol in int_set: vol_i=data_vol_freq_orig[ivol] if bm4.flag:,*bm4.bm4_static_eos) else: ei=v_bm3(vol_i, *info.popt) enz_i=0. fth_i=0. eianh=0. if anharm.flag: eianh=0. for im in np.arange(anharm.nmode): eianh=eianh+helm_anharm_func(im,ivol,temperature)*anharm.wgt[im] for ifreq in int_mode: if ifreq in exclude.ex_mode: pass else: freq_i=lo.data_freq[ifreq,ivol+1] if freq_i >= 0.: fth_i=fth_i+deg[ifreq]*np.log(1-np.e**(freq_i*e_fact/temperature)) else: print("Negative frequency found: mode n. %d" % ifreq) stop() if zp.flag: enz_i=enz_i+deg[ifreq]*freq_i*ez_fact evib_i=enz_i+fth_i*kb*temperature/conv+eianh tot_i=ei+evib_i energy_tot=np.append(energy_tot,tot_i) if kieffer.flag: free_k=kieffer.get_value(temperature) free_k=free_k/(avo*conv) energy_tot=energy_tot+free_k return energy_tot
[docs]def free_fit(temperature): """ Computes the Helmholtz free energy (in hartree) at a given temperature Args: temperature: temperature (in K) Note: 1. ei is the static energy 2. enz_i is the zero point energy 3. fth_i is thermal contribution to the Helmholtz free energy 4. tot_i is the total Helmholtz free energy Note: This computation makes use of polynomia fitted to the frequencies of each vibrational mode, as functions of volume. It is activated by the keyword FITVOL in the input.txt file Note: Possible contributions from anharmonicity (keyword ANH in the input file) or from a modified Kieffer model (keyword KIEFFER in the input file) are included. NO contribution from DISP modes is considered (phonon dispersion from a supercell calculation). Note: the volumes at which the free energy refers are defined in the fit_vol list """ energy_tot=[] eianh=0. if flag_spline.flag: fit_vol=flag_spline.fit_vol elif flag_poly.flag: fit_vol=flag_poly.fit_vol for ivol in fit_vol: if bm4.flag:,*bm4.bm4_static_eos) if anharm.flag: eianh=0. for im in np.arange(anharm.nmode): eianh=eianh+helm_anharm_func(im,ivol,temperature)*anharm.wgt[im] else: ei=v_bm3(ivol,*info.popt) if anharm.flag: eianh=0. for im in np.arange(anharm.nmode): eianh=eianh+helm_anharm_func(im,ivol,temperature)*anharm.wgt[im] enz_i=0. fth_i=0. for ifreq in int_mode: if ifreq in exclude.ex_mode: pass else: if not flag_spline.flag: freq_i=freq_v_fun(ifreq,ivol) else: freq_i=freq_spline_v(ifreq,ivol) if freq_i >= 0.: fth_i=fth_i+deg[ifreq]*np.log(1-np.e**(freq_i*e_fact/temperature)) else: print("Negative frequency found: mode n. %d" % ifreq) stop() if zp.flag: enz_i=enz_i+deg[ifreq]*freq_i*ez_fact evib_i=enz_i+fth_i*kb*temperature/conv+eianh tot_i=ei+evib_i energy_tot=np.append(energy_tot,tot_i) if kieffer.flag: free_k=kieffer.get_value(temperature) free_k=free_k/(avo*conv) energy_tot=energy_tot+free_k return energy_tot
[docs]def free_fit_vt(tt,vv): """ Computes the Helmholtz free energy at a given pressure and volume. Free energy is computed by addition of several contributions: (1) static contribution from a volume-integrated BM3 EoS (2) vibrational contribution from optical vibrational modes (3) vibrational contribution from phonon dispersion (supercell calculations) (4) vibrational contribution from acoustic modes (modified Kieffer model) (5) vibrational contribution from anharmonic mode(s) Contributions (1) and (2) are always included; contributions (3) and (4) are mutually exclusive and are respectively activated by the keywords DISP and KIEFFER in the input file; anharmonic contributions (5) are activated by the keyword ANH in the input file. Args: tt: temperature (K) vv: volume (A^3) """ e_static=v_bm3(vv,*info.popt) enz=0. fth=0 eianh=0. if anharm.flag: eianh=0. for im in np.arange(anharm.nmode): eianh=eianh+helm_anharm_func(im,vv,tt)*anharm.wgt[im] for ifreq in int_mode: if ifreq in exclude.ex_mode: pass else: if not flag_spline.flag: freq_i=freq_v_fun(ifreq,vv) else: freq_i=freq_spline_v(ifreq,vv) if freq_i >= 0.: fth=fth+deg[ifreq]*np.log(1-np.e**(freq_i*e_fact/tt)) else: print("Negative frequency found: mode n. %d" % ifreq) stop() if zp.flag: enz=enz+deg[ifreq]*freq_i*ez_fact tot_no_static=enz+fth*kb*tt/conv+eianh tot=e_static+tot_no_static if kieffer.flag: free_k=kieffer.get_value(tt) free_k=free_k/(avo*conv) tot=tot+free_k if disp.flag and (disp.eos_flag or disp.thermo_vt_flag): if not disp.fit_vt_flag: disp.free_fit_vt() print("\n**** INFORMATION ****") print("The V,T-fit of the phonon dispersion surface was not prepared") print("it has been perfomed with default values of the relevant parameters") print("Use the disp.free_fit_vt function to redo with new parameters\n") disp_l=disp.free_vt(tt,vv) free_f=(tot_no_static+disp_l)/(disp.molt+1) tot=e_static+free_f return tot
[docs]def eos_temp_range(vmin_list, vmax_list, npp, temp): """ EoS computed for different volumes ranges Args: vmin_list: list of minimum volumes vmax_list: list of maximum volumes npp: number of points in each V-range temp: temperature Note: vmin_list and vmax_list must be lists of same length """ final=np.array([]) size=len(vmin_list) for vmin, vmax in zip(vmin_list,vmax_list): v_list=np.linspace(vmin,vmax,npp) free_list=np.array([]) for iv in v_list: ifree=free_fit_vt(temp, iv) free_list=np.append(free_list,ifree) pterm, pcov_term = curve_fit(v_bm3, v_list, free_list, \ p0=ini, ftol=1e-15, xtol=1e-15) k_gpa=pterm[1]*conv/1e-21 k_gpa_err=pcov_term[1]*conv/1e-21 pmax=pressure(temp,vmin) pmin=pressure(temp,vmax) final=np.append(final, [vmin, vmax, round(pmax,1), round(pmin,1), round(pterm[0],4), round(k_gpa,2), \ round(pterm[2],2)]) final=final.reshape(size,7) final=final.T pd.set_option('colheader_justify', 'center') df=pd.DataFrame(final, index=['Vmin','Vmax','Pmax','Pmin','V0','K0','Kp']) df=df.T print("\nBM3-EoS computed for different volume ranges") print("Temperature: %6.1f K" % temp) print("") print(df.to_string(index=False))
[docs]def g_vt_dir(tt,pp,**kwargs): flag_volume_max.value=False l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) v0_flag=False g0_flag=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'g0' == karg_i[0]: g0_flag=True gexp=karg_i[1] elif 'v0' == karg_i[0]: v0_flag=True v0_value=karg_i[1] vol0=volume_dir(298.15,0.0001) fact=1. if v0_flag: fact=(1e25*v0_value*zu/avo)/vol0 gref=free_fit_vt(298.15,vol0)*conv*avo/zu + 0.0001*vol0*fact*avo*1e-21/zu if g0_flag: gref=gref-gexp vv=volume_dir(tt,pp) if flag_volume_max.value: if flag_volume_max.jwar < 2: print("Warning g_vt_dir: volume exceeds maximum set in volume_range") free_f=free_fit_vt(tt,vv) gtv=(avo/zu)*(free_f*conv) + (avo/zu)*pp*vv*fact*1e-21 return gtv-gref
[docs]def entropy_v(tt,vv, plot=False, prt=False, **kwargs): """ Entropy and specific heat at constant volume Args: tt: temperature vv: volume plot (optional): (default False) plots free energy vs T for checking possible numerical instabilities prt (optional): (default False) prints formatted output Keyword Args: fix: if fix is provided, it controls (and overrides the setting possibly chosen by set_fix) the optimization of kp in BM3; if fix > 0.1, kp = fix and it is not optimized. Returns: if prt=False (default) outputs the entropy and the specific heat at constant volume (unit: J/mol K). if prt=True, a formatted output is printed and the function provides no output """ # tt=float(tt) # vv=float(vv) l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True nump=delta_ctrl.get_nump() degree=delta_ctrl.get_degree() if delta_ctrl.adaptive: delta=delta_ctrl.get_delta(tt) else: delta=delta_ctrl.get_delta() maxv=max(data_vol_freq) free_f=[] min_t=tt-delta/2. max_t=tt+delta/2. if min_t < 0.1: min_t=0.1 t_range=np.linspace(min_t,max_t,nump) for i_t in t_range: if fixpar: [free_energy, pterm, pcov_term]=bmx_tem(i_t,fix=fix_value) else: [free_energy, pterm, pcov_term]=bmx_tem(i_t) if (pterm[0]>maxv): if flag_warning.value: print("\nWarning: volume out of range; reduce temperature") if bm4.flag:,*pterm) else: f1=v_bm3(vv,*pterm) free_f=np.append(free_f,f1) if disp.flag: disp_l=[] disp.free_fit(disp.temp,vv,disp=False) for i_t in t_range: if not disp.thermo_vt_flag: idf=disp.free_func(i_t) else: idf=disp.free_vt(i_t,vv) disp_l=np.append(disp_l,idf) free_f=(free_f+disp_l)/(disp.molt+1) if plot: plt.figure(4) plt.plot(t_range,free_f,"*") plt.title("F free energy (a.u.)") fit=np.polyfit(t_range,free_f,degree) der1=np.polyder(fit,1) der2=np.polyder(fit,2) entropy=-1*np.polyval(der1,tt)*conv*avo/zu cv=-1*np.polyval(der2,tt)*tt*conv*avo/zu if prt: print("\nEntropy: %7.2f J/mol K" % entropy) print("Specific heat (at constant volume): %7.2f J/mol K" % cv) return None else: return entropy, cv
[docs]def entropy_dir_v(tt, vv, prt=False): """ Computation of the entropy at a given volume by means of the free_fit_vt function. The method is EoS free and automatically includes contributions from optic modes, off-center modes and anharmonic modes. Args: tt: temperature (K) vv: cell volume (A^3) prt: detailed output Note: In case phonon dispersion is included, the disp.thermo_vt mode must be activated. The function checks and, in case, activates such mode. """ # tt=float(tt) # vv=float(vv) if disp.flag: if not disp.thermo_vt_flag: print("Warning: disp.thermo_vt activation") disp.thermo_vt_on() nump=delta_ctrl.get_nump() degree=delta_ctrl.get_degree() if delta_ctrl.adaptive: delta=delta_ctrl.get_delta(tt) else: delta=delta_ctrl.get_delta() min_t=tt-delta/2. max_t=tt+delta/2. if min_t < 0.1: min_t=0.1 free_f=np.array([]) t_range=np.linspace(min_t,max_t,nump) for it in t_range: ifree=free_fit_vt(it,vv) free_f=np.append(free_f, ifree) free_fit=np.polyfit(t_range, free_f, degree) free_der1=np.polyder(free_fit,1) free_der2=np.polyder(free_fit,2) entropy=-1*np.polyval(free_der1,tt)*conv*avo/zu cv=-1*np.polyval(free_der2,tt)*tt*conv*avo/zu if prt: print("\nEntropy: %7.2f J/mol K" % entropy) print("Specific heat (at constant volume): %7.2f J/mol K" % cv) return None else: return entropy, cv
[docs]def entropy_p(tt,pp,plot=False,prt=True, dir=False, **kwargs): """ Entropy and specific heat at constant volume at selected temperature and pressure Args: tt: temperature pp: pressure plot (optional): (default False) plots free energy vs T for checking possible numerical instabilities prt (optional): (default True) prints formatted output Keyword Args: fix: if fix is provided, it controls (and overrides the setting possibly chosen by set_fix) the optimization of kp in BM3; if fix > 0.1, kp = fix and it is not optimized. Returns: if prt=False outputs the entropy (J/mol K); if prt=True (default), a formatted output is printed and the function returns None """ # tt=float(tt) # pp=float(pp) l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True if fixpar: vol=new_volume(tt,pp,fix=fix_value) if dir: vol=volume_dir(tt,pp) ent_v=entropy_dir_v(tt, vol, prt) else: ent_v=entropy_v(tt,vol,plot,prt,fix=fix_value) else: vol=new_volume(tt,pp) if dir: vol=volume_dir(tt,pp) ent_v=entropy_dir_v(tt, vol, prt) else: ent_v=entropy_v(tt,vol,plot,prt) if prt: print("Pressure: %5.2f GPa; Volume %8.4f A^3" % (pp, vol)) return None else: return ent_v
[docs]def thermal_exp_v(tt,vv,plot=False,**kwargs): """ Thermal expansion at a given temperature and volume Args: tt: temperature vv: volume plot (optional): (default False) plots pressure vs T for checking possible numerical instabilities Keyword Args: fix: if fix is provided, it controls (and overrides the setting possibly chosen by set_fix) the optimization of kp in BM3; if fix > 0.1, kp = fix and it is not optimized. Returns: thermal expansion (K^-1), bulk modulus (GPa) and pressure (GPa) at given temperature=tt and volume=vv Notes: The value is obtained by calculating (dP/dT)_V divided by K where K=K0+K'*P; P is obtained by the BM3 EoS's whose parameters (at temperatures in the range "t_range") are refined by fitting the free energy F(V,T) curves. The different pressures calculated (at constant vv) for different T in t_range, are then fitted by a polynomial of suitable degree ("degree" variable) which is then derived analytically at the temperature tt, to get (dP/dT)_V If "fix" > 0.1, the BM3 fitting is done by keeping kp fixed at the value "fix". The function outputs the thermal expansion (in K^-1), the bulk modulus [at the pressure P(vv,tt)] and the pressure (in GPa) if the boolean "plot" is True (default) a plot of P as a function of T is plotted, in the range t_range """ # tt=float(tt) # vv=float(vv) l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True delta=delta_ctrl.get_delta() nump=delta_ctrl.get_nump() degree=delta_ctrl.get_degree() maxv=max(data_vol_freq) pressure=[] min_t=tt-delta/2. max_t=tt+delta/2. if min_t < 0.1: min_t=0.1 t_range=np.linspace(min_t,max_t,nump) for ict in t_range: if fixpar: [free_energy, pterm, pcov_term]=bmx_tem(ict,fix=fix_value) else: [free_energy, pterm, pcov_term]=bmx_tem(ict) if bm4.flag: f1=bm4.pressure(vv,pterm[0],pterm[1],pterm[2],pterm[3])*\ conv/1e-21 else: f1=bm3(vv,pterm[0],pterm[1],pterm[2])*conv/1e-21 pressure=np.append(pressure,f1) if (pterm[0]>maxv): if flag_warning.value: print("\nWarning: volume out of range; reduce temperature") if plot: plt.figure(5) plt.plot(t_range,pressure,"*") plt.title("Pressure (GPa)") fit=np.polyfit(t_range,pressure,degree) der1=np.polyder(fit,1) if fixpar: [free_energy, pterm, pcov_term]=bmx_tem(tt,fix=fix_value) else: [free_energy, pterm, pcov_term]=bmx_tem(tt) if bm4.flag: pressure=bm4.pressure(vv,pterm[0],pterm[1],pterm[2],pterm[3])*\ conv/1e-21 else: pressure=bm3(vv,pterm[0],pterm[1],pterm[2])*conv/1e-21 k=(pterm[1]*conv/1e-21)+pterm[2]*pressure return np.polyval(der1,tt)/k,k,pressure
[docs]def thermal_exp_p(tt,pp,plot=False,exit=False,**kwargs): """ Thermal expansion at given temperature and pressure, based on the computation of K*alpha product. Args: tt: temperature pp: pressure plot (optional): plots pressure vs T values (see help to the thermal_exp_v function) exit: if True, the alpha value is returned without formatting (default False) Keyword Args: fix: if fix is provided, it controls (and overrides the setting possibly chosen by set_fix) the optimization of kp in BM3; if fix > 0.1, kp = fix and it is not optimized. Note: see help for the thermal_exp_v function """ # tt=float(tt) # pp=float(pp) l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True if fixpar: vol=new_volume(tt,pp,fix=fix_value) [alpha,k,pressure]=thermal_exp_v(tt,vol,plot,fix=fix_value) else: vol=new_volume(tt,pp) [alpha,k,pressure]=thermal_exp_v(tt,vol,plot) if exit: return alpha else: print("\nThermal expansion: %6.2e K^-1" % alpha) print("Bulk modulus: %6.2f GPa" % k) print("Pressure: %6.2f GPa" % pressure) print("Volume: %8.4f A^3\n" % vol)
[docs]def alpha_serie(tini,tfin,npoint,pp,plot=False,prt=True, fit=True,HTlim=0., g_fit=True,\ degree=1, save='', g_deg=1, tex=False, title=True, dir=False, **kwargs): """ Thermal expansion in a temperature range, at a given pressure (pp), and (optional) fit with a polynomium whose powers are specified in the input.txt file Args: tini, tfin, npoint: parameters defining the T-range of the calculation (K) pp: pressure (GPa) prt: if True, a list of alpha values in the T-range is printed fit: a fit of the alpha values as function of T is performed according to the power serie specified in the input.txt file HTlim: if higher than 0., an extrapolation of alpha to the high temperature limit (HTlim) is performed. degree: if HTlim > 0.,this is the degree of the polynomial fitting the gamma/VK values as a function of T (default 1), where gamma in the ratio Cp/Cv. g_deg: if HTlim > 0., this is the degree of the polynomial (default 1) fitting the gamma values (Cp/Cv) as function of T g_fit: if False, the Cp/Cv fit (gamma fit) is not performed if it was already perfomed in a previous computation; g_fit=True forces the fit to be recomputed (default True) dir: if True, all direct functions are used in the different steps of the calculation (default False) plot: used for debug purpose if plot=True and dir=False (see the documentation of the thermal_exp_v function) save, tex, title: have to do with the saving of a figure of the function alpha(T) Note: if dir is False, the computation is perfomed by using the thermal_exp_v function that is based on the evaluation of K*alpha product by using, in turn, the bmx_tem function (for details, see the documentation of the thermal_exp_v function). If dir is True, the bulk_dir function is used, together with the direct.dpdt function to get the (dP/dT)_v values. This is recommended when phonon dispersion contributions are included (as their are not taken into account by the bmx_tem function) """ l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True if HTlim > 0.: if g_fit: gamma_fit.flag=False alpha_limit=grun_therm_serie(tini,tfin,npoint=12,HTlim=HTlim,degree=degree,\ g_deg=g_deg, ex=True, dir=dir) t_range=np.linspace(tini,tfin,npoint) alpha_serie=[] if not dir: for ict in t_range: if fixpar: vol=new_volume(ict,pp,fix=fix_value) [alpha_i,k,pressure]=thermal_exp_v(ict,vol,plot,fix=fix_value) else: vol=new_volume(ict,pp) [alpha_i,k,pressure]=thermal_exp_v(ict,vol,plot) alpha_serie=np.append(alpha_serie,alpha_i) else: for ict in t_range: alpha_i=thermal_expansion.compute(ict, pp) alpha_serie=np.append(alpha_serie, alpha_i) if HTlim > 0: t_range=np.append(t_range,HTlim) alpha_serie=np.append(alpha_serie,alpha_limit) dpi=80 ext='png' if tex: latex.on() dpi=latex.get_dpi() fontsize=latex.get_fontsize() ext=latex.get_ext() ticksize=latex.get_tsize() fig=plt.figure(10) ax=fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(t_range,alpha_serie,"k*") ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(5)) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.FormatStrFormatter('%.1e')) if latex.flag: ax.set_xlabel("T (K)", fontsize=fontsize) ax.set_ylabel(r'$\alpha$ (K$^{-1}$)', fontsize=fontsize) plt.xticks(fontsize=ticksize) plt.yticks(fontsize=ticksize) else: ax.set_xlabel("T (K)") ax.set_ylabel("Alpha (K^-1)") if title: plt.title("Thermal expansion") if prt: serie=(t_range, alpha_serie) df=pd.DataFrame(serie,index=['Temp.','alpha']) df=df.T print("\n") df['alpha']=df['alpha'].map('{:,.3e}'.format) df['Temp.']=df['Temp.'].map('{:,.2f}'.format) print(df.to_string(index=False)) if fit: if flag_alpha==False: print("\nWarning: no polynomium defined for fitting alpha's") print("Use ALPHA keyword in input file") return None coef_ini=np.zeros(lpow_a) alpha_fit, alpha_cov=curve_fit(alpha_fun,t_range,alpha_serie,p0=coef_ini) tvfin=tfin if HTlim > 0: tvfin=HTlim t_value=np.linspace(tini,tvfin,pr.ntemp_plot_cp) alpha_value=[] for ict in t_value: alpha_i=alpha_fun(ict,*alpha_fit) alpha_value=np.append(alpha_value,alpha_i) plt.plot(t_value,alpha_value,"k-") if save !='': plt.savefig(fname=path+'/'+save+'.'+ext,dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight') if prt: return None elif fit: return alpha_fit else: return None
[docs]def alpha_fun(tt,*coef): """ Outputs the thermal expansion at a given temperature, from the fit obtained with the alpha_serie function """ alpha=0. jc=0 while jc<lpow_a: alpha=alpha+coef[jc]*(tt**power_a[jc]) jc=jc+1 return alpha
[docs]def dalpha_dt(tt,pp,**kwargs): """ Outputs the derivative of alpha with respect to T at constant pressure. It is used by dCp_dP """ l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True delta=pr.delta_alpha nump=pr.nump_alpha degree=pr.degree_alpha alpha=[] min_t=tt-delta/2. max_t=tt+delta/2. if min_t < 0.1: min_t=0.1 t_range=np.linspace(min_t,max_t,nump) for ict in t_range: if fixpar: alpha_i=thermal_exp_p(ict,pp,fix=fix_value,exit=True) else: alpha_i=thermal_exp_p(ict,pp,exit=True) alpha=np.append(alpha,alpha_i) fit=np.polyfit(t_range,alpha,degree) dfit=np.polyder(fit,1) return np.polyval(dfit,tt)
[docs]def alpha_dir(tt,pp): """ Calculation of the thermal expansion at a given temperature and pressure. The computation is done by following the definition of alpha, as alpha=1/V (dV/dT)_P. Args: tt: temperature (K) pp: pressure (GPa) Note: The calculation of the volume at a ginen temperature is done by the volume_dir function """ dt=delta_ctrl.get_delta() nt=delta_ctrl.get_nump() dt2=dt/2. deg=delta_ctrl.get_degree() alpha_opt.on() v0=volume_dir(tt,pp,alpha_flag_1=True, alpha_flag_2=False) if not vol_opt.flag: t_list=np.linspace(tt-dt2, tt+dt2, nt) vl=np.array([]) tl=np.array([]) for it in t_list: iv=volume_dir(it,pp,alpha_flag_1=True, alpha_flag_2=True) if vol_opt.flag: vl=np.append(vl,iv) tl=np.append(tl,it) fit=np.polyfit(tl,vl,deg) fit_d=np.polyder(fit,1) alpha=np.polyval(fit_d,tt) alpha=alpha/v0 return alpha
[docs]def alpha_dir_v(tmin, tmax, nt=12, type='spline', deg=4, smooth=0.001, comp=False, fit=False, trim=0., phase=''): """ Computes thermal expansion from the derivative of a V(T) function calculated on a generally large T range. Args: tmin: minimum temperature tmax: maximum temperature nt: number of T points in the range (default 12) type: if 'spline' (default), a spline fit of the V(T) values is performed; otherwise a polynomial fit is chosen. deg: degree of the spline (or polynomial) fit of the V(T) values (default 4) smooth: smoothness parameter of the spline fit (default 0.001); relevant if type='spline' comp: if True, the thermal expansions from other methods are also computed and plotted (default False) fit: if True, a power serie fit is performed and parameters are returned trim: if trim > 0. and if fit=True, the power serie fit is done over the [tmin, tmax-trim] T-range, to avoid possible fitting problems at the end of the high temperature interval phase: if not empty and if fit=True, uploads the coefficients of the power serie fit for the selected phase (default '') Note: The spline fit is performed on the Log(V) values; the derivative of the spline fit does coincide with the definition of thermal expansion Note: the volume at each temperature is computed by using the volume_dir function Note: Without selecting phase, to upload the parameters from the power serie fit, execute the alpha_dir_v function by saving the output in a variable; then use the load_alpha method of the mineral class to upload the variable. """ print("\nSummary of the input parameters\n") print("T range: %5.1f, %5.1f K, Num. of points: %4i" % (tmin, tmax, nt)) if type=='spline': print("Type of Log(V) fit: %s, degree: %2i, smooth: %5.4f" % (type, deg, smooth)) else: print("Type of Log(V) fit: %s, degree: %2i" % (type, deg)) print("Compare with other methods to compute alpha: %s" % comp) print("Fit alpha values to a power serie: %s" % fit) if fit: print("Trim applied to T and alpha values for the power serie fit: %5.1f" % trim) if phase != '': print("Power serie coefficient uploaded for the phase %s" % phase) print("") t_list=np.linspace(tmin, tmax, nt) v_list=np.array([]) # internal flag: complete calculation if all the three flags # are set to True. # flag[0]: calculation from volume_dir # flag[1]: calculation from EoS # flag[2]: calculation from volume_from_F flag=[True, True, True] for it in t_list: iv=volume_dir(it,0) v_list=np.append(v_list,iv) if comp: al_list=np.array([]) therm_list=np.array([]) if flag[0]: for it in t_list: ial=alpha_dir(it,0) al_list=np.append(al_list, ial) if flag[1]: if f_fix.flag: reset_fix() for it in t_list: ith=thermal_exp_p(it,0, exit=True)[0] therm_list=np.append(therm_list, ith) if flag[2]: alpha_from_F=volume_from_F_serie(tmin, tmax, nt, expansion=True, debug=False,\ export_alpha=True) v_log=np.log(v_list) if type=='spline': v_log_fit=UnivariateSpline(t_list, v_log, k=deg, s=smooth) alpha_fit=v_log_fit.derivative() alpha_calc=alpha_fit(t_list) else: v_log_fit=np.polyfit(t_list, v_log, deg) alpha_fit=np.polyder(v_log_fit,1) alpha_calc=np.polyval(alpha_fit, t_list) t_plot=np.linspace(tmin,tmax, nt*10) if type=='spline': v_log_plot=v_log_fit(t_plot) alpha_plot=alpha_fit(t_plot) else: v_log_plot=np.polyval(v_log_fit, t_plot) alpha_plot=np.polyval(alpha_fit, t_plot) if fit: t_trim=np.copy(t_list) alpha_trim=np.copy(alpha_calc) if trim > 0.1: trim_idx=(t_trim < (tmax-trim)) t_trim=t_list[trim_idx] alpha_trim=alpha_trim[trim_idx] coef_ini=np.ones(lpow_a) fit_al,_=curve_fit(alpha_dir_fun,t_trim,alpha_trim,p0=coef_ini) alpha_fit_plot=list(alpha_dir_fun(it, *fit_al) for it in t_plot) plt.figure() plt.plot(t_list, v_log,"k*", label="Actual Log(V) values") plt.plot(t_plot, v_log_plot, "k-", label="Spline fit") plt.xlabel("T (K)") plt.ylabel("Log(V)") plt.xlim(tmin, tmax) plt.title("Log(V) vs T") plt.legend(frameon=False) plt.figure() plt.plot(t_plot, alpha_plot, "k-", label="From V(T) fit") if comp: if flag[2]: plt.plot(t_list, alpha_from_F, "ko", label="From Volume_from_F") if flag[0]: plt.plot(t_list, al_list, "k*", label="From definition (dir)") if flag[1]: plt.plot(t_list, therm_list, "k+", label="From (dP/dT)_V and EoS") plt.xlabel("T (K)") plt.ylabel("Alpha (K^-1)") plt.xlim(tmin, tmax) plt.legend(frameon=False) plt.title("Thermal expansion") if fit: plt.figure() plt.plot(t_list, alpha_calc, "k*", label="Actual values") plt.plot(t_plot, alpha_fit_plot, "k-", label="Power serie fit") plt.xlabel("T (K)") plt.xlim(tmin, tmax) plt.ylabel("Alpha (K^-1)") plt.legend(frameon=False) plt.title("Alpha: power serie fit") if comp & flag[0] & flag[1] & flag[2]: fmt="{:4.2e}" fmt2="{:11.4f}" fmt3="{:6.1f}" alpha_calc=list(fmt.format(ia) for ia in alpha_calc) al_list=list(fmt.format(ia) for ia in al_list) therm_list=list(fmt.format(ia) for ia in therm_list) alpha_from_F=list(fmt.format(ia) for ia in alpha_from_F) v_list=list(fmt2.format(iv) for iv in v_list) t_list=list(fmt3.format(it) for it in t_list) serie=(t_list,v_list,alpha_calc,alpha_from_F,al_list,therm_list) df=pd.DataFrame(serie,\ index=[' Temp',' V ',' (1) ',' (2) ', ' (3) ', ' (4) ']) df=df.T print("") print(df.to_string(index=False)) print("") print("(1) from V(T) fit") print("(2) from V(T) from F fit") print("(3) from the definition ('dir' computation)") print("(4) From (dP/dT)_V and EoS") else: fmt="{:4.2e}" fmt2="{:11.4f}" fmt3="{:6.1f}" alpha_calc=list(fmt.format(ia) for ia in alpha_calc) v_list=list(fmt2.format(iv) for iv in v_list) t_list=list(fmt3.format(it) for it in t_list) serie=(t_list,v_list,alpha_calc) df=pd.DataFrame(serie,\ index=[' Temp',' V ',' Alpha']) df=df.T print("") print(df.to_string(index=False)) if fit and (phase != ''): print("") eval(phase).load_alpha(fit_al, power_a) eval(phase).info() if fit and (phase == ''): return fit_al
[docs]def alpha_dir_serie(tmin, tmax, nt, pp, fit=True, prt=True): """ Thermal expansion in a given range of temperatures. The computation is done by using the alpha_dir function that, in turn, makes use of the volume_dir function (EoS-free computation of the volume at a given pressure and temperature). Args: tmin, tmax, nt: minimum, maximum temperatures (K) and number of points in the T-range pp: pressure (GPa) fit: if True, a power serie fit of the alpha values is performed (see ALPHA keyword in the input file) prt: if True, a detailed output is printed. """ t_list=np.linspace(tmin,tmax,nt) t_l=np.array([]) alpha_l=np.array([]) for it in t_list: ial=alpha_dir(it,pp) if alpha_opt.flag: alpha_l=np.append(alpha_l,ial) t_l=np.append(t_l,it) if fit: if flag_alpha==False: print("\nWarning: no polynomium defined for fitting alpha's") print("Use ALPHA keyword in input file") return None coef_ini=np.ones(lpow_a) alpha_fit, alpha_cov=curve_fit(alpha_dir_fun,t_l,alpha_l,p0=coef_ini) if fit: t_list=np.linspace(tmin,tmax,nt*4) alpha_fit_c=alpha_dir_fun(t_list,*alpha_fit) fig=plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(t_l,alpha_l,"k*") if fit: ax.plot(t_list, alpha_fit_c,"k-") ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.FormatStrFormatter('%.1e')) plt.xlabel("T (K)") plt.ylabel("Alpha (K^-1)") plt.title("Thermal expansion") if prt: fmt1="{:5.1f}" fmt2="{:4.2e}" t_l=list(fmt1.format(it) for it in t_l) alpha_l=list(fmt2.format(ia) for ia in alpha_l) serie=(t_l, alpha_l) df=pd.DataFrame(serie,index=['Temp.',' Alpha ']) df=df.T print("\n") print(df.to_string(index=False)) print("") volume_ctrl.shift=0. if fit: return alpha_fit
[docs]def alpha_dir_fun(tt,*coef): """ Outputs the thermal expansion at a given temperature, from the fit obtained with the alpha_dir_serie function """ alpha=0. jc=0 while jc<lpow_a: alpha=alpha+coef[jc]*(tt**power_a[jc]) jc=jc+1 return alpha
[docs]def alpha_dir_from_dpdt(tt, pp, prt=False): """ Computes thermal expansion, at any temperature and pressure, from the K*alpha product, by using 'dir' functions only (no equation of state involved at any step). In particular, the required (dP/dT)_V derivative is calculated from pressures obtained by the pressure_dir function; the volume and the bulk modulus at T, P is obtained by means of the bulk_modulus_p function (with noeos=True) Args: tt: temperature (K) pp: pressure (GPa) prt: is True, alpha, K and V are printed; otherwise unformatted values are returned (default False) """ noeos=True if flag_upl: noeos=upl.noeos bulk, vol=bulk_modulus_p(tt, pp, noeos, prt=False) delta=delta_ctrl.get_delta() nump=delta_ctrl.get_nump() degree=delta_ctrl.get_degree() delta=delta/2. t_list=np.linspace(tt-delta, tt+delta, nump) pressure_list=np.array([]) for it in t_list: ip=pressure_dir(it, vol) pressure_list=np.append(pressure_list, ip) fit=np.polyfit(t_list, pressure_list, degree) fitder=np.polyder(fit,1) k_alpha=np.polyval(fitder, tt) alpha=k_alpha/bulk if prt: print("Thermal expansion: %6.2e (K^-1)" % alpha) print("Bulk modulus: %6.2f (GPa) " % bulk) print("Volume: %8.4f (A^3) " % vol) else: return alpha, bulk, vol
[docs]def alpha_dir_from_dpdt_serie(tmin, tmax, nt=12, pp=0, fit=False, phase='', save=False, title=True, tex=False): """ Thermal expansion in a T-range. The function makes use of the alpha_dir_from_dpdt function. Args: tmin, tmax: minimum and maximum temperature (in K) nt: number of points in the T-range (default 12) pp: pressure (GPa) fit: if True, a power series fit is performed phase: if not equal to '', and fit is True, the coefficients of the power series fit are uploaded in the internal database (default '') save: if True, a figure is saved in a file (default False) tex: if True, latex format is used for the figure (default False) title: if False, the title printing is suppressed (default True) Note: If a phase is specified and fit is True, use the export function to upload the parameters of the power series in the database file Example: >>> alpha_dir_from_dpdt_serie(100, 500, fit=True, phase='py') >>> export('py') """ t_list=np.linspace(tmin, tmax, nt) alpha_list=np.array([]) for it in t_list: ia,_,_=alpha_dir_from_dpdt(it, pp, prt=False) alpha_list=np.append(alpha_list, ia) if fit: if flag_alpha==False: print("\nWarning: no polynomium defined for fitting alpha's") print("Use ALPHA keyword in input file") return None coef_ini=np.ones(lpow_a) alpha_fit, alpha_cov=curve_fit(alpha_dir_fun,t_list,alpha_list,p0=coef_ini) if fit: t_plot=np.linspace(tmin,tmax,nt*4) alpha_fit_plot=alpha_dir_fun(t_plot,*alpha_fit) dpi=80 ext='png' if tex: latex.on() dpi=latex.get_dpi() fontsize=latex.get_fontsize() ext=latex.get_ext() ticksize=latex.get_tsize() plt.figure() tit_text="Thermal expansion at pressure "+str(pp)+" GPa" plt.plot(t_list, alpha_list, "k*", label="Actual values") if fit: plt.plot(t_plot, alpha_fit_plot, "k-", label="Power series fit") if latex.flag: plt.xlabel("T (K)", fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel(r'$\alpha$ (K$^{-1}$)', fontsize=fontsize) plt.xticks(fontsize=ticksize) plt.yticks(fontsize=ticksize) if fit: plt.legend(frameon=False, prop={'size': fontsize}) if title: plt.suptitle(tit_text, fontsize=fontsize) else: plt.xlabel("T (K)") plt.ylabel("Alpha (K^-1)") if fit: plt.legend(frameon=False) if title: plt.title(tit_text) if save: name=path+'/'+'alpha_from_dpdt.'+ext plt.savefig(name, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight') if fit and (phase != ''): print("") eval(phase).load_alpha(alpha_fit, power_a) eval(phase).info() elif fit: return alpha_fit
[docs]def cp_dir(tt,pp, prt=False): """ Computes the specific heat at constant pressure by using 'dir' functions. In particular, at T and P, the equilibrium volume, the entropy, the specific heat at constant volume and the thermal expansion are calculated by respectively using the volume_dir, the entropy_dir_v and the alpha_dir_from_dpdt functions; bulk modulus is evaluated by means of the bulk_modulus_p function with the option noeos set to True (the volume and bulk modulus values are from the alpha_dir_from_dpdt function output, too). Args: tt: temperature (K) pp: pressure (GPa) prt: if True a detailed output is printed """ if disp.flag: if not disp.thermo_vt_flag: disp.thermo_vt_on() alpha, k, vol=alpha_dir_from_dpdt(tt,pp, prt=False) ent,cv=entropy_dir_v(tt, vol) cp=cv+vol*(avo*1e-30/zu)*tt*k*1e9*alpha**2 if prt: print("Cp: %6.2f, Cv: %6.2f, S %6.2f (J/K mol)" % (cp, cv, ent)) print("K: %6.2f (GPa), Alpha: %6.2e (K^-1), Volume: %8.4f (A^3)" % (k, alpha, vol)) else: return cp
[docs]def cp_dir_serie(tmin, tmax, nt, pp=0): t_list=np.linspace(tmin, tmax, nt) cp_list=np.array([cp_dir(it, pp) for it in t_list]) plt.figure() plt.plot(t_list, cp_list, "k-")
[docs]def cp(tt,pp,plot=False,prt=False,dul=False,**kwargs): """ Specific heat at constant pressure (Cp) and entropy (S) Args: tt: temperature pp: pressure fix (optional): optimizes Kp if fix=0, or keeps Kp fixed if fix=Kp > 0 plot (optional): checks against numerical issues (experts only) prt (optional): prints formatted results Note: Cp = Cv + V*T*K*alpha^2 Cp, Cv (J/mol K), Cp/Cv, alpha (K^-1), K=K0+K'P (GPa) """ l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True pr_e=False if fixpar: vol=new_volume(tt,pp,fix=fix_value) [ent,cv]=entropy_v(tt,vol,plot,pr_e,fix=fix_value) [alpha,k,pressure]=thermal_exp_v(tt,vol,plot,fix=fix_value) else: vol=new_volume(tt,pp) [ent,cv]=entropy_v(tt,vol,plot,pr_e) [alpha,k,pressure]=thermal_exp_v(tt,vol,plot) cp=cv+vol*(avo*1e-30/zu)*tt*k*1e9*alpha**2 if prt: print("\nCp: %6.2f, Cv: %6.2f, Cp/Cv: %7.5f, alpha: %6.3e, K: %6.2f\n"\ % (cp, cv, cp/cv, alpha, k)) return None elif dul == False: return cp[0], ent else: return cp[0],ent,cp/cv
[docs]def cp_fun(tt,*coef): """ Computes the specific heat a constant pressure, at a given temperature from the fit Cp(T) performed with the cp_serie function """ cp=0. jc=0 while jc<lpow: cp=cp+coef[jc]*(tt**power[jc]) jc=jc+1 return cp
[docs]def dcp_dp(tt,pp,**kwargs): """ Derivative of Cp with respect to P (at T constant) Args: tt: temperature pp: pressure fix (optional): fixed Kp value; if fix=0., Kp is optimized Notes: The derivative is evaluated from the relation (dCp/dP)_T = -VT[alpha^2 + (d alpha/dT)_P] It is **strongly** advised to keep Kp fixed (Kp=fix) """ l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True if fixpar: vol=new_volume(tt,pp,fix=fix_value) dalpha=dalpha_dt(tt,pp,fix=fix_value) alpha,k,pres=thermal_exp_v(tt,vol,fix=fix_value,plot=False) else: vol=new_volume(tt,pp) dalpha=dalpha_dt(tt,pp) alpha,k,pres=thermal_exp_v(tt,vol,plot=False) dcp=-1*(vol*avo*1e-21/zu)*tt*(alpha**2+dalpha) print("\n(dCp/dP)_T: %5.2f J/(mol K GPa) " % dcp) print("(dAlpha/dT)_P: %6.2e K^-2 " % dalpha)
[docs]def compare_exp(graph_exp=True, unit='j' ,save="",dpi=300,**kwargs): """ Compare experimental with computed data for Cp and S; makes a plot of the data Args: graph_exp: if True, a plot of Cp vs T is produced unit: unit of measure of experimental data; allowed values are 'j' or 'cal' (default 'j') save: file name to save the plot (no file written by default) dpi: resolution of the image (if 'save' is given) """ l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True if (unit == 'j') or (unit == 'J'): conv_f=1. elif (unit == 'cal') or (unit == 'CAL'): conv_f=4.184 else: print("Warning: unit %s is unknow. J is assumed" % unit) conv_f=1. if not flag_exp: print("Warning: experimental data file not found") return t_list=data_cp_exp[:,0] cp_exp_list=data_cp_exp[:,1]*conv_f s_exp_list=data_cp_exp[:,2]*conv_f cp_calc=[] s_calc=[] for ti in t_list: if fixpar: cp_i, ent_i=cp(ti,0.,fix=fix_value,plot=False,prt=False) else: cp_i, ent_i=cp(ti,0.,plot=False,prt=False) cp_calc=np.append(cp_calc,cp_i) s_calc=np.append(s_calc, ent_i) cp_diff=cp_calc-cp_exp_list s_diff=s_calc-s_exp_list exp_serie=(t_list,cp_exp_list,cp_calc,cp_diff,s_exp_list,s_calc,\ s_diff) df=pd.DataFrame(exp_serie,\ index=['Temp','Cp exp','Cp calc','Del Cp','S exp','S calc','Del S']) df=df.T df2=df.round(2) print("") print(df2.to_string(index=False)) dcp=abs(df["Del Cp"].values) ds=abs(df["Del S"].values) mean_error_cp=dcp.mean() mean_error_s=ds.mean() max_error_cp=dcp.max() max_error_s=ds.max() print("\nAverage error on Cp: %.2f; maximum error: %.2f" % \ (mean_error_cp, max_error_cp)) print("Average error on S: %.2f; maximum error: %.2f" % \ (mean_error_s, max_error_s)) if graph_exp: if not flag_cp: print("\nWarning: no polynomium defined for fitting Cp's" ) print("No graphical comparison made") return tmin=np.min(t_list) tmax=np.max(t_list) npoint=pr.ntemp_fit_compare if fixpar: cp_fit=cp_serie(tmin,tmax,npoint,0.,fix=fix_value, plot=False,\ prt=False,fit=True,graph=False) else: cp_fit=cp_serie(tmin,tmax,npoint,0., plot=False,\ prt=False,fit=True,graph=False) ntemp=pr.ntemp_plot_compare t_graph=np.linspace(tmin,tmax,ntemp) cp_graph=[] for it in t_graph: cp_graph_i=cp_fun(it,*cp_fit) cp_graph=np.append(cp_graph,cp_graph_i) plt.figure(11) plt.plot(t_graph,cp_graph,"k-", label='Calc') plt.plot(t_list,cp_exp_list,"k*", label='Exp') plt.xlabel("T(K)") plt.ylabel("Cp (J/mol K)") plt.title("Experimental vs. calculated Cp(T)") plt.legend() if save != '': plt.savefig(fname=path+'/'+save, dpi=dpi) if not flag_warning.value: print("Warning: issue on volume repeated %d times" % \ flag_warning.jwar) flag_warning.reset() flag_warning.value=True
[docs]def cp_serie(tini,tfin,points,pp, HTlim=0., model=1, g_deg=1, plot=False,prt=False, dr=False,\ fit=True, t_max=0., graph=True, save='', tex=False, title=True, **kwargs): """ Outputs a list of Cp values (J/mol K) in a given temperature range, at a fixed pressure Args: tini: minimum temperature (K) tfin: maximum temperature points: number of points in the T range pp: pressure (GPa) HTlim: if HTlim > 0, the Dulong-Petit limit (DP) for Cp is imposed at a high T value (HTlim); the procedure is performed by computing Cv in the [tini, tfin] T range and by fitting the Cv curve by the Einstein's model after the DP limit is added for T=HTlim; The gamma value (Cp/Cv) at T > tfin is linerarly extrapolated from the gamma(T) fit obtained in the [tini,tfin] range. For T > tfin (and up to HTlim) Cp is computed as the product of Cv (from the Einstein's model) and the extrapolated gamma. t_max: maximum temperature at which the power series Cp(T) fit is done. If t_max=0. (default), tmax=HTlim. The parameter is relevant only if HTlim is not zero. fix (optional): keeps Kp fixed at the value Kp=fix if fix > 0.1 prt (optional): print a table of Cp(T) values if prt=True (default) fit (optional): fits the Cp(T) values with a polynomial function whose powers must be specified in the input.txt file graph (optional): makes a plot of the Cp(T) serie and its fit if graph=True (default) save (optional, string): saves the plot image in the file name specified dpi (optional): dpi resolution of the saved image Note: to output the coefficients of the fit, prt must be set to False The optional argument plot (default: False) is for checking possible numerical issues It is advised to keep Kp fixed during the computation """ l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True dlflag=False if HTlim > 0.: dlflag=True print("\n*** High temperature Cp estimation from the Dulong-Petit limit\n") print(" T limit: %5.2f" % HTlim) if t_max < 0.001: t_max=HTlim t_extra=np.linspace(tfin+20,t_max,16) cp_lim=np.array([]) if model==1: ein_t=einstein_t(tini,tfin,12,HTlim,dul=True) else: ein_t=einstein_t(tini,tfin,12,HTlim,dul=True,model=2) pol_gamma=gamma_estim(tini,tfin,npoint=12,g_deg=g_deg) print("Gamma estimation (extrapolation from lower T values)\n") for ix in t_extra: if model==1: cv_ix=einstein_fun(ix,ein_t[0]) else: cv_ix=einstein_2_fun(ix,ein_t[0],ein_t[1]) gam_ix=gamma_calc(ix,pol_gamma) cp_ix=cv_ix*gam_ix print("T: %8.2f Cv: %8.2f gamma: %5.3f Cp: %8.2f" % (ix, cv_ix, gam_ix, cp_ix)) cp_lim=np.append(cp_lim,cp_ix) prt_c=False t_serie=np.linspace(tini,tfin,points) cp_serie=[] for ict in t_serie: if dr: cpi=direct.cp(ict,pp) else: if fixpar: cpi, ent_i=cp(ict,pp,plot,prt_c,fix=fix_value) else: cpi, ent_i=cp(ict,pp,plot,prt_c) cp_serie=np.append(cp_serie,cpi) if dlflag: cp_serie=np.append(cp_serie,cp_lim) t_serie=np.append(t_serie,t_extra) if prt: serie=(t_serie, cp_serie) df=pd.DataFrame(serie,index=['Temp.','Cp']) df=df.T print("\n") df2=df.round(2) print(df2.to_string(index=False)) if graph: dpi=80 if tex: latex.on() dpi=latex.get_dpi() fontsize=latex.get_fontsize() ticksize=latex.get_tsize() plt.figure(6) plt.plot(t_serie,cp_serie,"k*") if fit: if not flag_cp: print("\nWarning: no polynomium defined for fitting Cp's") print("Use CP keyword in input file") return None coef_ini=np.ones(lpow) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") cp_fit, cp_cov=curve_fit(cp_fun,t_serie,cp_serie,p0=coef_ini) if dlflag: tfin=t_max t_value=np.linspace(tini,tfin,pr.ntemp_plot_cp) cp_value=[] for ict in t_value: cpi=cp_fun(ict,*cp_fit) cp_value=np.append(cp_value,cpi) if graph: plt.plot(t_value,cp_value,"k-") if graph: if latex.flag: plt.xlabel("T (K)", fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel("$C_P$ (J/mol K)", fontsize=fontsize) plt.xticks(fontsize=ticksize) plt.yticks(fontsize=ticksize) else: plt.xlabel("T(K)") plt.ylabel("Cp (J/mol K)") if title: plt.title("Specific heat as a function of T") if save !='': plt.savefig(fname=path+'/'+save,dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight') if prt: return None elif fit: return cp_fit else: return None
[docs]def gamma_estim(tini,tfin,npoint=12,g_deg=2, dir=False): t_list=np.linspace(tini,tfin,npoint) gamma_list=np.array([]) for it in t_list: if not dir: dum1,dum2,gamma=cp(it,0,dul=True) gam=gamma[0] else: cpd=direct.cp(it, 0.), 0.) gam=cpd/cvd gamma_list=np.append(gamma_list,gam) pol=np.polyfit(t_list,gamma_list,g_deg) gamma_fit.upload(g_deg,pol) gamma_calc_list=list(gamma_calc(it, pol) for it in t_list) plt.figure() plt.plot(t_list,gamma_list,"*") plt.plot(t_list,gamma_calc_list,"k-") plt.xlabel("T(K)") plt.ylabel("Gamma") plt.title("Gamma (Cp/Cv) as a function of T") print("\nGamma(T) polynomial fit of degree %2i (g_deg value):" % g_deg) return pol
[docs]def gamma_calc(tt,pol): return np.polyval(pol,tt)
[docs]def bulk_serie(tini,tfin,npoint,fit=True,degree=2,update=False,\ save='', tex=False, title=True, xlim=-1, **kwargs): """ Computes the bulk modulus K0 as a function of temperature in a given T range Args: tini: minimum temperature tfin: maximum temperature npoint: number of points in the T range fix (optional): keeps Kp constant in the calculation of K0 if fix=Kp > 0.1. If fix=0. Kp is optimized at every different temperature. fit (optional): makes a polynomial fit of the K0(T) values degree (optional): degree of polynomial for the fitting save (optional, string): file name of the saved plot dpi (optional, integer): dpi resolution of the saved image Note: the fix argument overrides the value of Kp possibly set by the set_fix function """ l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True t_serie=np.linspace(tini,tfin,npoint) b_serie=[] for ict in t_serie: if fixpar: [free_energy, pterm, pcov_term]=bmx_tem(ict,fix=fix_value) else: [free_energy, pterm, pcov_term]=bmx_tem(ict) k0t=pterm[1]*conv/1e-21 b_serie=np.append(b_serie,k0t) dpi=80 if tex: latex.on() dpi=latex.get_dpi() fontsize=latex.get_fontsize() ticksize=latex.get_tsize() plt.figure(7) plt.plot(t_serie,b_serie,"k*") if xlim == -1: plt.xlim(tini) else: plt.xlim(xlim) if title: plt.title("Bulk modulus as a function of T") if latex.flag: plt.xlabel("T (K)", fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel("$K_0$ (GPa)", fontsize=fontsize) plt.xticks(fontsize=ticksize) plt.yticks(fontsize=ticksize) else: plt.xlabel("T (K)") plt.ylabel("K0 (GPa)") if fit: fit_b=np.polyfit(t_serie,b_serie,degree) b_fit=np.polyval(fit_b,t_serie) plt.plot(t_serie,b_fit,"k-") print("\nResults from the fit (from high to low order)") np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float': '{: 4.2e}'.format}) print(fit_b) np.set_printoptions(formatter=None) if save !='': plt.savefig(fname=path+'/'+save,dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight') if update: return fit_b
[docs]def free_v(tt,vol,**kwargs): """ Helmholtz free energy at a given temperature and volume Unit: a.u. Args: tt: temperature (K) vol: cell volume (A^3) Keyword Args: fix: if fix is provided, it controls (and overrides the setting possibly chosen by set_fix) the optimization of kp in BM3; if fix > 0.1, kp = fix and it is not optimized. """ l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True if fixpar: [ff,pterm,pcov]=bmx_tem(tt,fix=fix_value) else: [ff,pterm,pcov]=bmx_tem(tt) return v_bm3(vol,*pterm)
[docs]def gibbs_p(tt,pp,**kwargs): l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False v0_flag=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True elif 'v0' == karg_i[0]: v0_flag=True v0_value=karg_i[1] if fixpar: vol=new_volume(tt,pp,fix=fix_value) f_energy=free_v(tt,vol[0],fix=fix_value) else: vol=new_volume(tt,pp) f_energy=free_v(tt,vol[0]) if disp.flag: if not disp.thermo_vt_flag: f_disp=disp.free_func(tt)+v_bm3(vol[0],*info.popt)*disp.molt else: f_disp=disp.free_vt(tt,vol)+v_bm3(vol[0],*info.popt)*disp.molt f_energy=(f_energy+f_disp)/(disp.molt+1) fact=1. if v0_flag: if fixpar: v0_qm=new_volume(298.15,0.0001,fix=fix_value) else: v0_qm=new_volume(298.15,0.0001) fact=((1e25*zu*v0_value)/avo)/v0_qm[0] vol=vol*fact gibbs_pt=(avo/zu)*(f_energy*conv) + (avo/zu)*pp*vol*1e-21 return gibbs_pt
[docs]def gibbs_tp(tt,pp,**kwargs): l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False v0_flag=False g0_flag=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True elif 'g0' == karg_i[0]: g0_flag=True gexp=karg_i[1] elif 'v0' == karg_i[0]: v0_flag=True v0_value=karg_i[1] if v0_flag: if fixpar: gref=gibbs_p(298.15,0.,fix=fix_value,v0=v0_value) else: gref=gibbs_p(298.15, 0.,v0=v0_value) else: if fixpar: gref=gibbs_p(298.15,0.,fix=fix_value) else: gref=gibbs_p(298.15, 0.) if g0_flag: gref=gref-gexp if v0_flag: if fixpar: gtp=gibbs_p(tt,pp,fix=fix_value,v0=v0_value) else: gtp=gibbs_p(tt,pp,v0=v0_value) else: if fixpar: gtp=gibbs_p(tt,pp,fix=fix_value) else: gtp=gibbs_p(tt,pp) return gtp-gref
[docs]def gibbs_serie_p(pini, pfin, npres, tt, prt=True, **kwargs): """ Gibbs free energy in a pressure interval, at a given temperature Args: pini: minimum pressure (GPa) pfin: maximum pressure (GPa) npres: number of points in the interval tt: temperature (K) prt (optional): if True, prints a numerical table G(P) Keyword Args: fix: Kp fixed, if fix=Kp > 0.1 g0: Experimental G at the reference T and P (J/mol) v0: Experimental V at the reference T and P (J/mol bar) Returns: Gibbs free energy in J/mol Note: the free energy is given with reference to the energy at the standard state (298.15 K; 0 GPa) """ l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False g0_flag=False v0_flag=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True elif 'g0' == karg_i[0]: g0_flag=True gexp=karg_i[1] elif 'v0'==karg_i[0]: v0_flag=True v0_value=karg_i[1] if fixpar: if v0_flag: gref=gibbs_p(298.15,0.0001,fix=fix_value,v0=v0_value) else: gref=gibbs_p(298.15,0.0001,fix=fix_value) else: if v0_flag: gref=gibbs_p(298.15,0.0001,v0=v0_value) else: gref=gibbs_p(298.15,0.0001) if g0_flag: gref=gref-gexp p_list=np.linspace(pini,pfin, npres) g_list=np.array([]) if not v0_flag: if fixpar: for pi in p_list: gi=gibbs_p(tt,pi,fix=fix_value) g_list=np.append(g_list,gi) else: for pi in p_list: gi=gibbs_p(tt,pi) g_list=np.append(g_list,gi) else: if fixpar: for pi in p_list: gi=gibbs_p(tt,pi,fix=fix_value,v0=v0_value) g_list=np.append(g_list,gi) else: for pi in p_list: gi=gibbs_p(tt,pi,v0=v0_value) g_list=np.append(g_list,gi) g_list=g_list-gref maxg=max(g_list)*0.99 ming=min(g_list)*1.01 fig=plt.figure() ax=fig.add_subplot(111) ax.title.set_text("Gibbs free energy vs P\n") ax.plot(p_list,g_list,"k-") ax.axis([pini,pfin,ming,maxg]) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(6)) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.FormatStrFormatter('%.2e')) ax.set_xlabel("Pressure (GPa)") ax.set_ylabel("G (J/mol)") if prt: print("\nPress (GPa) Gibbs energy (J/mol)\n" ) for ip,ig in zip(p_list,g_list): print(" %5.2f %8.1f" % (ip, ig))
[docs]def gibbs_serie_t(tini, tfin, ntemp, pp, prt=True, **kwargs): """ Gibbs free energy in a temperature interval, at a given pressure Args: tini: minimum temperature (K) tfin: maximum temperature (K) ntemp: number of points in the interval pp: pressure (GPa) prt (optional): if True, prints a numerical table G(Y) Keyword Args: fix: Kp fixed, if fix=Kp > 0.1 g0: Experimental G at the reference T and P (J/mol) v0: Experimental V at the reference T and P (J/mol bar) Returns: Gibbs free energy in J/mol Note: The free energy is given with reference to the energy at the standard state (298.15 K; 0 GPa) """ l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False g0_flag=False v0_flag=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True elif 'g0' == karg_i[0]: g0_flag=True gexp=karg_i[1] elif 'v0'==karg_i[0]: v0_flag=True v0_value=karg_i[1] if fixpar: if v0_flag: gref=gibbs_p(298.15,0.0001,fix=fix_value,v0=v0_value) else: gref=gibbs_p(298.15,0.0001,fix=fix_value) else: if v0_flag: gref=gibbs_p(298.15,0.0001,v0=v0_value) else: gref=gibbs_p(298.15,0.0001) if g0_flag: gref=gref-gexp t_list=np.linspace(tini,tfin, ntemp) g_list=np.array([]) if not v0_flag: if fixpar: for ti in t_list: gi=gibbs_p(ti,pp,fix=fix_value) g_list=np.append(g_list,gi) else: for ti in t_list: gi=gibbs_p(ti,pp) g_list=np.append(g_list,gi) else: if fixpar: for ti in t_list: gi=gibbs_p(ti,pp,fix=fix_value,v0=v0_value) g_list=np.append(g_list,gi) else: for ti in t_list: gi=gibbs_p(ti,pp, v0=v0_value) g_list=np.append(g_list,gi) g_list=g_list-gref maxg=max(g_list)*0.999 ming=min(g_list)*1.001 fig=plt.figure() ax=fig.add_subplot(111) ax.title.set_text("Gibbs free energy vs T\n") ax.plot(t_list,g_list,"k-") ax.axis([tini,tfin,ming,maxg]) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(5)) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.FormatStrFormatter('%.2e')) ax.set_xlabel("Temperature (K)") ax.set_ylabel("G (J/mol)") if prt: print("\nTemp (K) Gibbs energy (J/mol)\n" ) for it,ig in zip(t_list,g_list): print(" %6.2f %8.1f" % (it, ig))
[docs]def eos_temp(tt,prt=True,update=False,kp_only=False, save=False, \ tex=False, title=True): """ Outputs the EoS (BM3) at a given temperature Args: tt: temperature (K) prt (optional): if prt=True (default) plots the F(V) function and a list o volume/pressure at the chosen temperature Note: In the optimization, Kp can be kept fixed to the value set by the set_fix function """ tt=float(tt) volb=data_vol_freq if flag_poly.flag: volb=flag_poly.fit_vol elif flag_spline.flag: volb=flag_spline.fit_vol [free_energy, pterm,pcov_term]=bmx_tem(tt) k_gpa=pterm[1]*conv/1e-21 kp=pterm[2] v0=pterm[0] info.temp=tt info.k0=k_gpa info.v0=v0 if kp_only: return if bm4.flag: ks=pterm[3] perr_t=np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov_term)) if f_fix.flag: perr_t[2]=0.00 ke=perr_t[1]*conv/1e-21 if bm4.flag: print("\n ** BM4 fit **") else: print("\n ** BM3 fit **") print("\nEoS at the temperature of %5.2f K" % tt) print("\nBulk Modulus: %5.2f (%4.2f) GPa" % (k_gpa, ke)) print("Kp: %5.2f (%4.2f)" % (kp, perr_t[2])) if bm4.flag: print("Kpp %5.2f (%4.2f)" % (ks, perr_t[3])) print("V0: %7.4f (%5.3f) A^3\n" % (v0, perr_t[0])) fix_status() fit_status() if update: return v0, k_gpa, kp if not prt: print("\n") return vol_min=np.min(volb) vol_max=np.max(volb) nvol=pr.nvol_eos vol_range=np.linspace(vol_min,vol_max,nvol) if tex: latex.on() dpi=latex.get_dpi() fontsize=latex.get_fontsize() ext=latex.get_ext() ticksize=latex.get_tsize() fig, ax=plt.subplots() if title: plt.title("F(V) curve at T= %5.2f K" % tt) ax.plot(volb, free_energy, "k*") if bm4.flag: plt.plot(vol_range,, *pterm),'k-') else: plt.plot(vol_range, v_bm3(vol_range, *pterm), 'k-') if latex.flag: plt.xlabel("V (\AA$^3$)", fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel("F (a.u.)", fontsize=fontsize) plt.xticks(fontsize=ticksize) plt.yticks(fontsize=ticksize) else: plt.xlabel("V (A^3)") plt.ylabel("F (a.u.)") ax.ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='sci', useOffset=False) if save: filename=path+'/eos' + '.' + ext plt.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight') print("\nVolume-Pressure list at %5.2f K\n" % tt) for vp_i in volb: if bm4.flag: pv_i=bm4.pressure(vp_i,v0,k_gpa,kp,ks) else: pv_i=bm3(vp_i,v0,k_gpa,kp) print(" %5.3f %5.2f" % (vp_i, pv_i))
[docs]def eosfit_dir(file_name, pmin=0., pmax=0., volume_max=0., unit=False, scale=0.): """ Writes a PVT file to be used with EosFit Temperature data are in the temperature_list list Args: file_name: name of the output file unit: if unit=True, volumes are converted in cm^3/mol pmax: if not 0., maximum pressure in the computed dataset (in GPa); if pmax=0. (default) there is no limit in the pressure (which is determined by the input volume range). pmin: Minimum pressure to be stored in the PVT file (default 0.) volume_max: if gt. 0, this is the maximum volume to be considered in the calculation. scale: if scale > 0., a scale factor is applied to the volume values (default 0.) Examples: >>> eosfit_dir("myfile.dat") >>> eosfit_dir("myfile.dat", pmax=10., unit=True, scale=0.9787) enclose the file name in quotes. Note: The computation of P(V,T) is performed without reference to any EoS, as pressure at (V,T) is computed as numerical derivative of F with respect to V at constant temperature. Note: The method eosf.set_t can be used to set the T_range interval on which the eosfit computation has to be done (instead of using a TEMPERATURE keyword in the input file). """ file_name=path+'/'+file_name if eosf.eos_t_flag: tt_list=np.linspace(eosf.tmin, eosf.tmax, eosf.nt) else: if not flag_eos: print("\nWarning: set of temperatures for EoSFit output not defined") print("Use TEMP keyword in input file or the eosf.set_t method") return tt_list=temperature_list if (not flag_poly.flag) and (not flag_spline.flag): war1="Warning: frequency fit is off; use of poly or spline fits" war2=" is mandatory for bulk_dir" print(war1+war2) return flag_volume_max.value=False if flag_poly.flag: volb=flag_poly.fit_vol elif flag_spline.flag: volb=flag_spline.fit_vol volmin=min(volb) eos_data=np.array([]) for ti in tt_list: if volume_max > 0.1: volmax=volume_max elif pmin > 0.01: volmax=volume_dir(ti,pmin) else: volmax=volume_dir(ti,0.) if flag_volume_max.value: print("Warning: volume exceeds maximum set in volume_range") print("Temperature %4.2f, Volume %8.4f" % (ti, volmax)) continue volnew=np.linspace(volmin,volmax,16) for vi in volnew: pi=pressure_dir(ti,vi) if supercell.flag: vi=vi/supercell.number if unit: vi=vi*1e-24*avo/zu if scale > 0.01: vi=vi*scale if pi >=-0.02: pvt=np.array([pi, vi, ti]) if (pmax > 0.1) & (pi <= pmax): eos_data=np.append(eos_data,pvt) elif pmax < 0.1: eos_data=np.append(eos_data,pvt) iraw=int(eos_data.size/3) eosdata=np.reshape(eos_data,(iraw,3)) string='TITLE Input prepared with Numpy script\nformat 1 P V T' np.savetxt(file_name, eosdata, fmt="%5.3f %12.4f %8.2f", \ header=string, comments="") print("\nEoSFit file %s saved" % file_name)
[docs]def eosfit(file_name,**kwargs): """ Writes a PVT file to be used with EosFit Temperature data are in the temperature_list list Args: file_name: name of the output file Keyword Args: if the optional argument 'fix' is larger than 0.1, Kp=fix is fixed Example: >>> eosfit("myfile.dat") enclose the file name in quotes """ l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True if not flag_eos: print("\nWarning: set of temperatures for EoSFit output not defined") print("Use TEMP keyword in input file") return None volb=data_vol_freq_orig if flag_poly.flag: volb=flag_poly.fit_vol elif flag_spline.flag: volb=flag_spline.fit_vol file_name=path+'/'+file_name maxvol=max(volb) npoint=volb.size eos_data=np.array([]) for itt in temperature_list: volt=new_volume(itt,0.) if volt >=maxvol: print("Temperature %4.2f not considered" % itt) print("Equilibrium volume (%6.3f) exceeds the volume range"\ % volt) break volb_t=np.linspace(min(volb),volt,npoint) if fixpar: [ff,pterm,pcov]=bmx_tem(itt,fix=fix_value) else: [ff,pterm,pcov]=bmx_tem(itt) k_gpa=pterm[1]*conv/1e-21 kp=pterm[2] v0=pterm[0] if bm4.flag: ks=pterm[3] for vi in volb_t: if bm4.flag: pv_i=bm4.pressure(vi,v0,k_gpa,kp,ks) else: pv_i=bm3(vi,v0,k_gpa,kp) if pv_i>=0.: pvt=np.array([pv_i, vi, itt]) eos_data=np.append(eos_data,pvt) eosdata=np.reshape(eos_data,(iraw,3)) string='TITLE Input prepared with Numpy script\nformat 1 P V T' np.savetxt(file_name, eosdata, fmt="%5.2f %12.4f %8.2f", \ header=string, comments="") print("EoSFit file %s saved" % file_name)
[docs]def new_volume(tt,pr,**kwargs): """ Computes the volume (A^3) at a given pressure and temperature Args: tt: temperature (K) pr: pressure (GPa) Keyword Args: fix (optional): used to keep Kp fixed """ # tt=float(tt) # pr=float(pr) l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True if fixpar: [free_energy, pterm,pcov_term]=bmx_tem(tt,fix=fix_value) else: [free_energy, pterm,pcov_term]=bmx_tem(tt) k0=pterm[1]*conv/1e-21 kp=pterm[2] v0=pterm[0] if bm4.flag: p_fun=lambda vv: ((bm4.pressure(vv,pterm[0],pterm[1],pterm[2],pterm[3])*\ conv/1e-21)-pr)**2 else: p_fun=lambda vv: ((3*k0/2)*((v0/vv)**(7/3)-(v0/vv)**(5/3))* \ (1+(3/4)*(kp-4)*((v0/vv)**(2/3)-1))-pr)**2 vol=scipy.optimize.minimize(p_fun,v0,tol=1e-18) return vol.x
[docs]def freq_v_fit(ifr): """ Computes the coefficients of the polynomium fitting the frequency of the "ifr" mode with respect to volume; the degree of the fitting polynomium ("dg") is specified in the input.txt file, under the keyword FITVOL, or it can be set by the set_poly function. """ ifl=np.array([]) new_vol_range=np.array([]) vmin, vmax=min(flag_poly.fit_vol), max(flag_poly.fit_vol) for ivol in int_set: if (data_vol_freq_orig[ivol] >= vmin) and (data_vol_freq_orig[ivol] <= vmax): ifl=np.append(ifl,lo.data_freq[ifr,ivol+1]) new_vol_range=np.append(new_vol_range, data_vol_freq_orig[ivol]) pol=np.polyfit(new_vol_range,ifl,dg) return pol
[docs]def freq_stack_fit(): """ Accumulates all the coefficients of the polynomia fitting the frequencies of all the modes, computed by freq_v_fit. Outputs the array "pol_stack" used by freq_v_fun """ pol_stack=np.array([]) for ifr in int_mode: pol_i=freq_v_fit(ifr) pol_is=np.array(pol_i) pol_stack=np.append(pol_stack, pol_is) pol_stack=pol_stack.reshape(int_mode.size,dg+1) return pol_stack
[docs]def freq_v_fun(ifr,vv): """ Outputs the frequency of the "ifr" mode as a function of volume by using the polynomial fit computed with freq_v_fit """ if not flag_poly.flag_stack: print("Polynomial stack not present; use set_poly to create it") return pol_stack=flag_poly.pol_stack pol=pol_stack[ifr,:] return np.polyval(pol,vv)
# Spline section
[docs]def freq_spline(ifr): ifl=np.array([]) smooth=flag_spline.smooth new_vol_range=np.array([]) vmin, vmax=min(flag_spline.fit_vol), max(flag_spline.fit_vol) for ivol in int_set: if (data_vol_freq_orig[ivol] >= vmin) and (data_vol_freq_orig[ivol] <= vmax): ifl=np.append(ifl,lo.data_freq[ifr,ivol+1]) new_vol_range=np.append(new_vol_range, data_vol_freq_orig[ivol]) f_uni=UnivariateSpline(new_vol_range,ifl,k=degree,s=smooth) return f_uni
[docs]def freq_stack_spline(): pol_stack=np.array([]) for ifr in int_mode: pol_i=freq_spline(ifr) pol_stack=np.append(pol_stack, pol_i) pol_stack=np.array(pol_stack) return pol_stack
[docs]def freq_spline_v(ifr,vv): if not flag_spline.flag_stack: print("Spline stack not present; use set_spline to create it") return return flag_spline.pol_stack[ifr](vv)
[docs]def freq_poly_p(ifr,tt=300., p0=0., plot=True, prt=True, **kwargs): """ Prints the frequency of a given mode at some temperature and pressure if a spline fitting method has been chosen Args: ifr: mode number (starting from 0) tt: temperature (K) pp: pressure (GPa) Keyword Args: fix (optional): Kp value fixed to *fix* if *fix* > 0.1 Note: A polynomial fitting must be active """ l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True if not flag_poly.flag: print("Polinomial fit not active: use set_poly to active it") return pol_stack=flag_poly.pol_stack if fixpar: vpt=new_volume(tt,p0,fix=fix_value) else: vpt=new_volume(tt,p0) f0=np.polyval(pol_stack[ifr],vpt) ifl=np.array([]) vol_min=np.min(data_vol_freq) vol_max=np.max(data_vol_freq) nvol=pr.nvol vol_range=np.linspace(vol_min,vol_max,nvol) for ivol in int_set: ifl=np.append(ifl,lo.data_freq[ifr,ivol+1]) pol=np.polyfit(data_vol_freq,ifl,degree) ivalf=np.polyval(pol,vol_range) if prt: if plot: plt.figure(2) plt.plot(data_vol_freq,ifl,"*") plt.plot(vol_range,ivalf,"b-") plt.xlabel("V (A^3)") plt.ylabel("Freq (cm^-1)") if prt: print("\nFrequency: %6.2f cm^-1" % f0) print("Pressure %4.2f GPa, temperature %5.2f K, " \ "volume %8.4f A^3" % (p0, tt, vpt[0])) return else: return f0
[docs]def freq_spline_p(ifr,tt=300.,pp=0.,prt=True,**kwargs): """ Prints the frequency of a given mode at some temperature and pressure if a spline fitting method has been chosen Args: ifr: mode number (starting from 0) tt: temperature (K) pp: pressure (GPa) fix (optional): Kp value fixed to *fix* if *fix* > 0.1 A spline fitting must be active """ l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True if not flag_spline.flag: print("Spline fit not active: use set_spline to active it") return if fixpar: volp=new_volume(tt,pp,fix=fix_value) else: volp=new_volume(tt,pp) fr=freq_spline_v(ifr,volp) vol=np.linspace(min(data_vol_freq),max(data_vol_freq),pr.nvol) freq=flag_spline.pol_stack[ifr](vol) ifl=[] for ivol in int_set: ifl=np.append(ifl,lo.data_freq[ifr,ivol+1]) if prt: plt.figure() plt.plot(vol,freq,"k-") plt.plot(data_vol_freq,ifl,"k*") plt.xlabel("Volume (A^3)") plt.ylabel("Frequency (cm^-1)") print("Frequency: %5.2f" % fr) print("Pressure: %4.2f GPa, temperature %5.2f K, volume %8.4f A^3" %\ (pp, tt, volp)) else: return fr
[docs]def check_spline(ifr, save=False, title=True, tex=False): """ Plot of the frequency as a function of volume Args: ifr: mode number save: if True, the plot is saved in a file dpi: resolution of the plot ext: graphics file format title: if True, a title is written above the plot tex: if True, LaTeX fonts are used in the labels """ if not flag_spline.flag: print("Spline fit not active: use set_spline") return vol=np.linspace(min(data_vol_freq),max(data_vol_freq),pr.nvol) freq=flag_spline.pol_stack[ifr](vol) ifl=[] for ivol in int_set: ifl=np.append(ifl,lo.data_freq[ifr,ivol+1]) dpi=80 ext='png' if tex: latex.on() dpi=latex.get_dpi() fontsize=latex.get_fontsize() ext=latex.get_ext() ticksize=latex.get_tsize() plt.figure() leg="Mode number "+str(ifr) if ifr in exclude.ex_mode: leg=leg+"\nExcluded from free energy computation" plt.plot(vol,freq,"k-") plt.plot(data_vol_freq,ifl,"k*") if latex.flag: plt.xlabel("Volume (\AA$^3$)", fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel("Frequency (cm$^{-1}$)", fontsize=fontsize) plt.xticks(fontsize=ticksize) plt.yticks(fontsize=ticksize) else: plt.xlabel("Volume (A^3)") plt.ylabel("Frequency (cm^-1)") if title: plt.title(leg) if save: filename=path + '/mode_' + str(ifr) + '.' + ext plt.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight') print("Figure saved as %s" % filename)
[docs]def check_poly(ifr, save=False, title=True, tex=False): """ Plot of the frequency as a function of volume Args: ifr: mode number save: if True, the plot is saved in a file dpi: resolution of the plot ext: graphics file format title: if True, a title is written above the plot tex: if True, LaTeX fonts are used in the labels """ if not flag_poly.flag: print("Polynomial fit not active: use set_poly") return pol_stack=flag_poly.pol_stack vol=np.linspace(min(data_vol_freq),max(data_vol_freq),pr.nvol) freq=np.polyval(pol_stack[ifr],vol) ifl=[] for ivol in int_set: ifl=np.append(ifl,lo.data_freq[ifr,ivol+1]) dpi=80 ext='png' if tex: latex.on() dpi=latex.get_dpi() fontsize=latex.get_fontsize() ext=latex.get_ext() ticksize=latex.get_tsize() plt.figure() leg="Mode number "+str(ifr) if ifr in exclude.ex_mode: leg=leg+"\n Excluded from free energy computation" plt.plot(vol,freq,"k-") plt.plot(data_vol_freq,ifl,"k*") if latex.flag: plt.xlabel("Volume (\AA$^3$)", fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel("Frequency (cm$^{-1}$)", fontsize=fontsize) plt.xticks(fontsize=ticksize) plt.yticks(fontsize=ticksize) else: plt.xlabel("Volume (A^3)") plt.ylabel("Frequency (cm^{-1})") if title: plt.title(leg) if save: filename=path + '/mode_' + str(ifr) + '.' + ext plt.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight') print("Figure saved as %s" % filename)
[docs]def mode_crossing(modes, title=True, tex=False, save=False, dpi=80, ext='png'): """ Plot of the frequencies of modes as a function of volume in the same plot. Useful to check for modes crossing. Args: modes: list of modes to be plotted title: if True, a title is shown save: if True, the plot is saved in the file 'crossing_modes' ext: extension of the file (relevant if save is True) dpi: resolution of the saved plot (relevant if save=True) tex: latex plotting Note: if tex is True, dpi and ext parameters are overwritten by those requested by the latex class """ pol_stack=flag_poly.pol_stack vol=np.linspace(min(data_vol_freq),max(data_vol_freq),pr.nvol) if tex: latex.on() dpi=latex.get_dpi() fontsize=latex.get_fontsize() ext=latex.get_ext() ticksize=latex.get_tsize() leg="Modes N.: " lnm=len(modes) for iq in range(lnm-1): leg=leg + str(modes[iq]) + ", " leg=leg+str(modes[lnm-1]) print("\nPlot of the frequencies of the modes ", modes) plt.figure() for ifr in modes: freq=np.polyval(pol_stack[ifr],vol) ifl=[] for ivol in int_set: ifl=np.append(ifl,lo.data_freq[ifr,ivol+1]) plt.plot(vol,freq,"k-") plt.plot(data_vol_freq,ifl,"k*") if latex.flag: plt.xlabel("Volume (\AA$^3$)", fontsize=fontsize) plt.ylabel("Frequency (cm$^{-1}$)", fontsize=fontsize) plt.xticks(fontsize=ticksize) plt.yticks(fontsize=ticksize) else: plt.xlabel("Volume (A^3)") plt.ylabel("Frequency (cm^-1)") if title: plt.title(leg) if save: filename=path+'/crossing_modes' + '.' + ext plt.savefig(filename, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight') print("Figure saved as %s" % filename)
[docs]def frequency_p_range(ifr, pmin, pmax, npoint, out=False, dir=False, temp=298.15, degree=1, \ title=True, tex=False, save=False, fit_out=False): """ Frequency of a mode computed as a function of pressure in a given range, at a fixed temperature. Args: ifr: mode number pmin, pmax, npoint: minimum and maximum pressure in the range (GPa), and number of points temp: temperature (default 298.15 K) out: if True, a pressure-frequency list is returned (default False) dir: if True, volume is computed through the volume_dir function; otherwise, the EoS-based new_volume function is used (default False) degree: degree of the fitting polynomial (default 1) title: if False, title of the plot is suppressed (default True) tex: if True, Latex output is used for the plot (default False) save: if True, the plot is saved (default False) fit_out: if True, fit parameters of frequency versus pressure are returned (default False) Note: A fit of the frequencies vs volume (either poly or spline) is required. Note: if save is True and tex is True, the fontsize, the resolution and extension of the saved file are controlled by the parameters of the latex class. """ if not (flag_poly.flag or flag_spline.flag): print("\n*** Warning No fit of frequency was set\n") return npp=np.linspace(pmin, pmax, npoint) if dir: freq_p=np.array([]) for ip in npp: vol=volume_dir(temp, ip) if flag_poly.flag: ifreq=freq_v_fun(ifr, vol) elif flag_spline.flag: ifreq=freq_spline_v(ifr, vol) freq_p=np.append(freq_p, ifreq) else: if flag_poly.flag: freq_p=np.array([freq_poly_p(ifr, temp, ip, plot=False, prt=False)[0] for ip in npp]) elif flag_spline.flag: freq_p=np.array([freq_spline_p(ifr, temp, ip, plot=False, prt=False)[0] for ip in npp]) fit=np.polyfit(npp, freq_p, degree) p_plot=np.linspace(pmin, pmax, npoint*10) f_plot=np.polyval(fit, p_plot) fit_rev=np.flip(fit) fit_str='fit: freq = ' + str(fit_rev[0].round(3)) + ' + ' for ic in np.arange(1, degree+1): if ic == degree: fit_str=fit_str + str(fit_rev[ic].round(3)) + ' P^' + str(ic) else: fit_str=fit_str + str(fit_rev[ic].round(3)) + ' P^' + str(ic) + ' + ' dpi=80 ext='png' if tex: latex.on() dpi=latex.get_dpi() fontsize=latex.get_fontsize() ext=latex.get_ext() ticksize=latex.get_tsize() title="Mode number " + str(ifr) label="Fit (degree: "+str(degree)+")" plt.figure() plt.plot(npp, freq_p, "k*", label="Actual values") plt.plot(p_plot, f_plot, "k-", label=label) if latex.flag: plt.ylabel("Freq (cm$^{-1}$)", fontsize=fontsize) plt.xlabel("P (GPa)", fontsize=fontsize) plt.xticks(fontsize=ticksize) plt.yticks(fontsize=ticksize) if title: plt.suptitle(title, fontsize=fontsize) plt.legend(frameon=False, prop={'size': fontsize}) else: plt.ylabel("Freq (cm^-1)") plt.xlabel("P (GPa)") if title: plt.title(title) plt.legend(frameon=False) if save: name=path+'/'+'mode_'+str(ifr)+'_vs_P.'+ext plt.savefig(name, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight') print(fit_str) if out and (not fit_out): return npp, freq_p elif fit_out and (not out): return fit elif fit_out and out: return fit, npp, freq_p
[docs]def frequency_t_range(ifr, tmin, tmax, npoint, dir=False, pressure=0., degree=1, \ title=True, tex=False, save=False): """ Frequency of a mode computed as a function of pressure in a given range, at a fixed temperature. Args: ifr: mode number tmin, tmax, npoint: minimum and maximum temperature in the range (K), and number of points pressure: pressure (default 0 GPa) dir: if True, volume is computed through the volume_dir function; otherwise, the EoS-based new_volume function is used (default False) degree: degree of the fitting polynomial (default 1) title: if False, title of the plot is suppressed (default True) tex: if True, Latex output is used for the plot (default False) save: if True, the plot is saved (default False) Note: A fit of the frequencies vs volume (either poly or spline) is required. Note: if save is True and tex is True, the fontsize, the resolution and extension of the saved file are controlled by the parameters of the latex class. """ if not (flag_poly.flag or flag_spline.flag): print("\n*** Warning No fit of frequency was set\n") return ntt=np.linspace(tmin, tmax, npoint) if dir: freq_p=np.array([]) for it in ntt: vol=volume_dir(it, pressure) if flag_poly.flag: ifreq=freq_v_fun(ifr, vol) elif flag_spline.flag: ifreq=freq_spline_v(ifr, vol) freq_p=np.append(freq_p, ifreq) else: if flag_poly.flag: freq_p=np.array([freq_poly_p(ifr, it, pressure, plot=False, prt=False)[0] for it in ntt]) elif flag_spline.flag: freq_p=np.array([freq_spline_p(ifr, it, pressure, plot=False, prt=False)[0] for it in ntt]) fit=np.polyfit(ntt, freq_p, degree) t_plot=np.linspace(tmin, tmax, npoint*10) f_plot=np.polyval(fit, t_plot) fit_rev=np.flip(fit) fit_str='fit: freq = ' + str(fit_rev[0].round(2)) + ' + ' for ic in np.arange(1, degree+1): if ic == degree: fit_str=fit_str + np.format_float_scientific(fit_rev[ic], precision=3) + ' T^' + str(ic) else: fit_str=fit_str + np.format_float_scientific(fit_rev[ic], precision=3) + ' T^' + str(ic) + ' + ' dpi=80 ext='png' if tex: latex.on() dpi=latex.get_dpi() fontsize=latex.get_fontsize() ext=latex.get_ext() ticksize=latex.get_tsize() title="Mode number " + str(ifr) label="Fit (degree: "+str(degree)+")" plt.figure() plt.plot(ntt, freq_p, "k*", label="Actual values") plt.plot(t_plot, f_plot, "k-", label=label) if latex.flag: plt.ylabel("Freq (cm$^{-1}$)", fontsize=fontsize) plt.xlabel("T (K)", fontsize=fontsize) plt.xticks(fontsize=ticksize) plt.yticks(fontsize=ticksize) if title: plt.suptitle(title, fontsize=fontsize) plt.legend(frameon=False, prop={'size': fontsize}) else: plt.ylabel("Freq (cm^-1)") plt.xlabel("T (K)") if title: plt.title(title) plt.legend(frameon=False) if save: name=path+'/'+'mode_'+str(ifr)+'_vs_T.'+ext plt.savefig(name, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight') print(fit_str)
[docs]def frequency_temperature(mode_list, temp_list, pres=0): vol_t=np.array([]) for it in temp_list: iv=volume_dir(it, pres) vol_t=np.append(vol_t, iv) for iq in mode_list: f_list=np.array([]) for iv in vol_t: ff=freq_v_fun(iq, iv) f_list=np.append(f_list, ff) plist=[] for idf in f_list: p='{:6.1f}'.format(idf) plist.append(float(p)) print(plist)
[docs]def check_spline_total(): """ Plots the frequencies of all the modes as a function of volumes along with their fitting according to the spline parameters chosen. The fitting is restricted to the volume range set by the set_volume_range function. """ for ifr in int_mode: check_spline(ifr)
[docs]def check_spline_list(list_of_modes): """ Plots the frequencies of a given list of normal modes as functions of volumes, along with their fitting according to the spline parameters chosen. Args: list_of_modes (a list of integers) Example: >>> check_spline_list([0, 1, 2]) """ for ifr in list_of_modes: check_spline(ifr)
[docs]def check_poly_total(): """ Plots the frequencies of all the modes as a function of volumes along with their fitting according to the polynomial degree chosen. The fitting is restricted to the volume range set by the set_volume_range function. """ for ifr in int_mode: check_poly(ifr)
[docs]def check_poly_list(list_of_modes): """ Plots the frequencies of a given list of normal modes Args: list_of_modes (a list of integers) Example: >>> check_poly_list([0, 1, 2]) """ for ifr in list_of_modes: check_poly(ifr)
[docs]def pressure_freq_list(tt,ifr,**kwargs): if (not flag_poly.flag) and (not flag_spline.flag): msg1='** Error ** This function can be used only in connection with ' msg2='a fitting of frequencies;\n' msg3=' '*12 +'POLY or SPLINE must be used' print(msg1+msg2+msg3) return l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True pmin=0. volmin=min(data_vol_freq) if fixpar: pmax=pressure(tt,volmin,fix=fix_value) else: pmax=pressure(tt,volmin) p_list=np.linspace(pmin, pmax, pr.npres) freq_list=np.array([]) for p_i in p_list: if flag_spline.flag: if fixpar: f_i=freq_spline_p(ifr,tt,p_i,prt=False,fix=fix_value) else: f_i=freq_spline_p(ifr,tt,p_i,prt=False) else: if fixpar: f_i=freq_poly_p(ifr,tt,p_i,prt=False,fix=fix_value) else: f_i=freq_poly_p(ifr,tt,p_i,prt=False) freq_list=np.append(freq_list,f_i) return freq_list, p_list
[docs]def pressure_freq(ifr,freq,tt,degree=4,**kwargs): """ Computes the pressure given the frequency of a normal mode, at a fixed temperature. Args: ifr: normal mode number freq: value of the frequency tt: temperature degree (optional): degree of the polynomial fitting the P/freq values from the pressure_freq_list function Keyword Args: fix: Kp fixed, if fix=Kp > 0.1 Notes: it is advised to keep Kp fixed by either specifying fix, or by using set_fix. For "noisy" modes, use polynomial fits (set_poly), or a spline fit (set_spline) with a large smooth parameter. """ if (not flag_poly.flag) and (not flag_spline.flag): msg1='** Error ** This function can be used only in connection with ' msg2='a fitting of frequencies;\n' msg3=' '*12 +'POLY or SPLINE must be used' print(msg1+msg2+msg3) return l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True if fixpar: freq_list, p_list=pressure_freq_list(tt,ifr,fix=fix_value) else: freq_list, p_list=pressure_freq_list(tt,ifr) plt.figure() plt.plot(freq_list, p_list,"k*") plt.ylabel("P (GPa)") plt.xlabel("Freq (cm^-1)") f_opt=np.polyfit(freq_list,p_list,deg=degree) pres_f=np.polyval(f_opt,freq) plt.plot(freq_list, p_list,"k-") print("Pressure: %6.2f GPa" % pres_f) print("Mode: %d, frequency: %6.2f cm^-1, temperature: %6.2f K" %\ (ifr, freq, tt))
[docs]def temperature_freq(ifr,freq, tmin, tmax, npt, pp,degree=2,**kwargs): """ Computes the temperature given the frequency of a normal mode, at a fixed pressure. A T range must be specified Args: ifr: normal mode number freq: value of the frequency tmin: minimum value of T tmax: maximum value of T npt: number of T points in the range pp: pressure degree (optional): degree of the polynomial fitting the P/freq values from the pressure_freq_list function Keyword Args: fix: Kp fixed, if fix=Kp > 0.1 Note: it is advised to keep Kp fixed by either specifying fix, or by using set_fix. For "noisy" modes, use polynomial fits (set_poly), or a spline fit (set_spline) with a large smooth parameter. """ if (not flag_poly.flag) and (not flag_spline.flag): msg1='** Error ** This function can be used only in connection with ' msg2='a fitting of frequencies;\n' msg3=' '*12 +'POLY or SPLINE must be used' print(msg1+msg2+msg3) return l_arg=list(kwargs.items()) fixpar=False for karg_i in l_arg: if 'fix' == karg_i[0]: fix_value=karg_i[1] fixpar=True freq_list=np.array([]) t_list=np.linspace(tmin,tmax,npt) if fixpar: for ti in t_list: nvi=new_volume(ti,pp,fix=fix_value) if flag_spline.flag: fi=flag_spline.pol_stack[ifr](nvi) else: fi=np.polyval(flag_poly.pol_stack[ifr],nvi) freq_list=np.append(freq_list,fi) else: for ti in t_list: nvi=new_volume(ti,pp) if flag_spline.flag: fi=flag_spline.pol_stack[ifr](nvi) else: fi=np.polyval(flag_poly.pol_stack[ifr],nvi) freq_list=np.append(freq_list,fi) plt.figure() plt.plot(freq_list, t_list,"k*") plt.ylabel("T (K)") plt.xlabel("Freq (cm^-1)") f_opt=np.polyfit(freq_list,t_list,deg=degree) temp_f=np.polyval(f_opt,freq) plt.plot(freq_list, t_list,"k-") print("Temperature: %6.2f K" % temp_f) print("Mode: %d, frequency: %6.2f cm^-1, Pressure: %6.2f GPa" %\ (ifr, freq, pp))
[docs]def grun_mode_vol(ifr,vv, method='poly',plot=False): """ Mode-gamma Gruneisen parameter of a normal mode at a given volume Args: ifr: mode number vv: volume method (optional): method chosen for the frequency/volume values (default: 'poly'; other possible method='spline') plol (optional): if not False (default), plots the frequency values of the selected mode in a neighborhood of the volume vv Returns: Mode-gamma Gruneisen parameter and the frequency of the mode at the volume vv """ if not vd.flag: v_range=np.linspace(vv-pr.delta_v,vv+pr.delta_v,pr.nump_v) else: v_range=np.linspace(,,pr.nump_v) f_list=np.array([]) for iv in v_range: if flag_poly.flag_stack and method=='poly': f_i=freq_v_fun(ifr,iv) elif flag_spline.flag_stack and method=='spline': f_i=freq_spline_v(ifr,iv) else: print("No fitting stack present for the method chosen") print("Create the appropriate stack by using set_poly or set_spline") return f_list=np.append(f_list,f_i) fit_f=np.polyfit(v_range,f_list,pr.degree_v) derv=np.polyder(fit_f,1) derf=np.polyval(derv,vv) ffit=np.polyval(fit_f,vv) if plot: if not vd.flag: v_fit_list=np.linspace(vv-pr.delta_v,vv+pr.delta_v,40) else: v_fit_list=np.linspace(,,40) f_poly_list=np.polyval(fit_f,v_fit_list) fig=plt.figure() ax=fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(v_range,f_list,"k*") ax.plot(v_fit_list,f_poly_list,"k-") ax.set_xlabel("V (A^3)") ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(5)) ax.set_ylabel("Freq (cm^-1)") return -1*vv*derf/ffit,ffit
[docs]def gruneisen(vol, method='poly',plot=True): """ Mode-gamma Gruneisen parameter of all the normal modes at a given volume Args: vv: volume method (optional): method chosen for the frequency/volume values (default: 'poly'; other possible method='spline') plot (optional): if True (default), plots the mode-gamma Gruneisen parameters of all the modes Returns: if plot=False, outputs the list of the mode-gamma Gruneisen parameters of all the modes """ if method=='poly' and not flag_poly.flag_stack: print("Polynomial stack not present; use set_poly to create") return if method=='spline' and not flag_spline.flag_stack: print("Spline stack not present; use set_spline to create") return grun_list=np.array([]) freq_list=np.array([]) for im in int_mode: g_i,f_i=grun_mode_vol(im,vol,method=method,plot=False) grun_list=np.append(grun_list, g_i) freq_list=np.append(freq_list, f_i) if plot: fig=plt.figure() ax=fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(freq_list,grun_list,"k*") ax.set_xlabel("Mode frequency") ax.set_ylabel("Gruneisen") if not plot: return grun_list
[docs]def gruneisen_therm(tt,pp,ex_data=False, dir=False, prt=True): """ Gruneisen parameter: alpha*K_T*V/Cv Args: tt: temperature pp: pressure dir: if True, the direct.dpdt function that returns the product k*alpha is used (default False) ex_data: if True, values of volume, constant volume specific heat, thermal expansion, bulk modulus and gamma are returned (default False) prt: if True, computed values are printed Note: The required bulk modulus (Reuss definition) is computed by the bulk_modulus_p function, with the noeos parameter set to True. Thermal expansion is evaluated by the function 'compute' of the thermal_expansion class, with the method 'k_alpha_dir'; Cv is from the method. """, pp) if dir: vol=volume_dir(tt,pp) ka=direct.dpdt(tt, vol, prt=False) alpha=thermal_expansion.compute(tt, pp) volume=(vol/zu)*avo*1e-30 grun_th=ka*volume*1e9/cv else: k, vol=bulk_modulus_p(tt,pp,noeos=True) alpha=thermal_expansion.compute(tt, pp) volume=(vol/zu)*avo*1e-30 grun_th=alpha*volume*k*1e9/cv if prt: print("\nGruneisen parameter (adimensional): %6.3f\n" % grun_th) if not dir: print("Thermal expansion: %6.2e (K^-1)" % alpha) print("Bulk modulus: %6.2f (GPa)" % k) else: print("K*alpha: %6.4e GPa/K" % ka) print("Specific heat at constant volume: %6.2f (J/mol K)" % cv) if ex_data & (not dir): return vol,cv,alpha,k,grun_th if ex_data & dir: return vol, cv, alpha, ka, grun_th
[docs]def q_parameter(pfin=5., temp=298.15, npoint=12, dir=False): """ Calculation of the parameter q of the equation gamma/gamma_0 = (V/V_0)^q The Gruneisen parameter is evaluated at constant temperature for a range of pressures, for which the corresponding volumes are computed, by using the gruneisen_therm function. Args: pfin: final (maximum) pressure (GPa; default 5) temp: temperature (K; default 298.15) npoint: number of points in the P range (default 12) dir: see the help of the gruneisen_therm function (default False) """ pfin=float(pfin) temp=float(temp) p_list=np.linspace(0., pfin, npoint) res=list(gruneisen_therm(temp, ip, ex_data=True, dir=dir, prt=False) for ip in p_list) res=np.array(res) v_list=res[:,0] if not dir: gr_list=res[:,4] else: gr_list=res[:,3] r_gr=gr_list/gr_list[0] r_v=v_list/v_list[0] qini=[1] q,_=curve_fit(q_parameter_func, r_v, r_gr, p0=qini) q_ref=q[0] rv_plot=np.linspace(np.min(r_v), np.max(r_v), 60) gr_plot=q_parameter_func(rv_plot, q_ref) plt.figure() plt.plot(r_v, r_gr, "k*") plt.plot(rv_plot, gr_plot, "k-") plt.xlabel("V/V0") plt.ylabel("gr/gr_0") plt.title("q-plot") print("Temperature: %5.1f K" % temp) print("Maximum pressure: %5.1f GPa" % pfin) print("Volume at pressure 0: %7.3f A^3" % v_list[0]) print("Gamma at pressure 0: %7.3f" % gr_list[0]) print("q value: %7.3f" % q_ref)
[docs]def q_parameter_func(rv,q): return rv**q
[docs]def delta_T_parameter(tmax, npoint=8, tref=298.15, out=False): """ Anderson-Gruneisen parameter delta_T K_T(T) = K_T(T0)*(V0/V(T))^delta_T """ t_list=np.linspace(tref, tmax, npoint) kv=list(bulk_modulus_p(it, 0., noeos=True) for it in t_list) kv=np.array(kv) kl=kv[:,0] vl=kv[:,1] k0=kl[0] v0=vl[0] rvl=v0/vl rkl=kl/k0 d_ini=[0.] d_t,_=curve_fit(delta_T_func, rvl, rkl, p0=d_ini) delta_t=d_t[0] print("Determination of the Anderson-Gruneisen parameter\n") print("T_ref = %5.2f K; T_max = %5.2f" % (tref, tmax)) rv_plot=np.linspace(np.min(rvl), np.max(rvl), npoint*10) rk_plot=list(delta_T_func(irv,delta_t) for irv in rv_plot) rk_plot=np.array(rk_plot) plt.plot(rv_plot, rk_plot,"k-",label="Fit") plt.plot(rvl,rkl,"k*", label="Actual values") plt.xlabel("V0/V") plt.ylabel("K/K0") plt.title("K/K0 = (V0/V)^delta_T plot") plt.legend(frameon=False) print("delta_T = %5.2f" % delta_t) if out: return delta_t
[docs]def delta_T_func(rv, d_t): return rv**d_t
[docs]def grun_therm_serie(tini,tfin,npoint=12,HTlim=2000.,degree=1,g_deg=1, ex=False, dir=False): print("\n---- High temperature estimation of the thermal expansion coefficient ----\n") reset_fix() if not dir: v0, k_gpa, kp=eos_temp(298.15,prt=False, update=True) set_fix(kp) else: v0, k_gpa, kp=bulk_dir(298.15, prt=False, out=True) print("EoS from bulk_dir calculation") print("V0: %6.3f A^3" % v0) print("K0: %6.2f GPa" % k_gpa) print("Kp: %6.2f" % kp) if not dir: vol=new_volume(298.15,0.0001) ent, cve=entropy_v(298.15,vol[0]) else: vol=volume_dir(298.15, 0.0001) ent=direct.entropy(298.15, 0.0001) #, 0.0001) dp_limit=apfu*3*avo*kb # Dulong Petit limit emp=10636/(ent/apfu+6.44) # Empirical Einstein T print("\nDulong-Petit limit of Cv %6.2f (J/mol K)" % dp_limit) print("Einstein's temperature: %6.2f (K)" % emp) t_list=np.linspace(tini,tfin,npoint) v_list=np.array([]) cv_list=np.array([]) k_list=np.array([]) alp_list=np.array([]) for it in t_list: iv,icv,ialp,ik,igr=gruneisen_therm(it,0,ex_data=True, dir=dir, prt=False) iv=iv*avo*1e-30/zu if dir: ik=ik/ialp v_list=np.append(v_list,iv) cv_list=np.append(cv_list,icv) k_list=np.append(k_list,ik) alp_list=np.append(alp_list,ialp) if not gamma_fit.flag: if dir: pol=gamma_estim(tini,tfin,npoint,g_deg, dir=True) else: pol=gamma_estim(tini,tfin,npoint,g_deg, dir=False) else: pol=gamma_fit.pol print("Gamma(V) fit from already stored data") grun_list=np.polyval(pol,t_list) fact_list=1e-9*grun_list/(k_list*v_list) f_coef=np.polyfit(t_list,fact_list,degree) fact_calc=np.polyval(f_coef,t_list) plt.figure() plt.plot(t_list,fact_list, "*") plt.plot(t_list,fact_calc) plt.xlabel("Temperature (K)") plt.ylabel("J^-1") plt.title("Gamma/VK_T") fact_lim=np.polyval(f_coef,HTlim) alpha_limit=dp_limit*fact_lim print("\nGamma/VK fit of degree %1i" % degree) print("Alpha constrained at the high temperature limit: %6.2e K^-1" % alpha_limit) print("\n -------------------------------") if ex: return alpha_limit
[docs]def number_phonon_mode(ifr,tt,vol,method='poly'): """ Number of phonons of a given mode at given temperature and volume Args: ifr: mode number tt: temperature vv: volume method (optional): method chosen for the frequency/volume values (default: 'poly'; other possible method='spline') Returns: Number of phonons computed according to the Bose-Einstein statistics """ if method=='poly' and not flag_poly.flag_stack: print("Polynomial stack not present; use set_poly to create") return if method=='spline' and not flag_spline.flag_stack: print("Spline stack not present; use set_spline to create") return if method=='poly': f_i=freq_v_fun(ifr,vol) else: f_i=freq_spline_v(ifr,vol) f_i=csl*f_i exp_fact=np.exp(h*f_i/(kb*tt)) return 1./(exp_fact-1),vol
[docs]def pressure_phonon_mode(ifr,tt,vol,method='poly'): """ Contribution to the vibrational pressure from a given mode, at fixed temperature and volume Args: ifr: mode number tt: temperature vol: volume method (optional): method chosen for the frequency/volume values (default: 'poly'; other possible method='spline') Returns: Vibrational pressure of the "ifr" mode (in GPa) at the selected temperature (tt) and volume (vv) """ if method=='poly' and not flag_poly.flag_stack: print("Polynomial stack not present; use set_poly to create") return if method=='spline' and not flag_spline.flag_stack: print("Spline stack not present; use set_spline to create") return nph,vol=number_phonon_mode(ifr,tt,vol,method=method) g_i,f_i=grun_mode_vol(ifr,vol,method=method,plot=False) pz_i=(1./(2*vol*1e-21))*h*(f_i*csl)*g_i pth_i=(1./(vol*1e-21))*nph*h*(f_i*csl)*g_i p_total_i=(pz_i+pth_i)*deg[ifr] return p_total_i, pz_i
[docs]def pressure_phonon(tt,vol,method='poly',plot=True, prt=True, prt_list=False, thr=0.): """ Vibrational pressure from all the normal modes at given temperature and volume Args: tt: temperature vv: volume method (optional): method chosen for the frequency/volume values (default: 'poly'; other possible method='spline') plot (optional): if True (default), plots the contribution to the vibrational pressure of all the normal modes. Returns: If plot=False, outputs the vibrational pressure of all the modes (in GPa) at the selected temperature (tt) and volume (vv). """ if method=='poly' and not flag_poly.flag_stack: print("Polynomial stack not present; use set_poly to create") return if method=='spline' and not flag_spline.flag_stack: print("Spline stack not present; use set_spline to create") return p_list=np.array([]) pz_list=np.array([]) for ifr in int_mode: p_total_i, pz_i=pressure_phonon_mode(ifr,tt,vol,method=method) p_list=np.append(p_list,p_total_i) pz_list=np.append(pz_list, pz_i) p_total=p_list.sum() pz_total=pz_list.sum() if not prt: return p_total, pz_total if plot: plt.figure(dpi=120) plt.plot(int_mode,p_list,"r*") if thr > 0.: x0=0 x1=np.max(int_mode) y0=thr y1=thr mxy=np.max(p_list) plt.plot((x0,x1), (y0,y1), "--") s_thr="Threshold: "+str(thr)+" GPa" plt.text(x1*0.65, y1+((mxy-y1)*0.05), s_thr) plt.xlim(0, np.max(int_mode)) plt.xlabel("Mode number") plt.ylabel("Pressure (GPa)") print("\nTotal phonon pressure: %4.2f GPa " % p_total) print("Zero Point pressure: %4.2f GPa " % pz_total) if prt_list: print("\nPhonon pressure (GPa) for each mode; threshold: %3.2f" % thr) print("\nMode Pressure") for iv in int_mode: if abs(p_list[iv]) > thr: print("%3i %5.2f" % (iv, p_list[iv])) if not plot: return p_list
[docs]def pressure_phonon_f_range(tt, pp=0, prt=True): """ Computes the vibrational pressure from optic modes which subdivided in a number of intervals according to their frequencies. Args: tt: temperature (K) at which the vibrational pressures are computed pp: pressure (GPa; default 0) prt: if True, a detailed printout is provided; if False, the pressure per mode in the low frequency interval is returned Notes: This function is mainly used to estimate the contribution to the total pressure due to acoustic phonons, in case no supercell data are available This estimation and the relative corrections to the elastic properties are performed by the methods of the ac_approx instance of the acoustic_approx_class. To change the number of intervals (bins) to build the histogram of the frequencies, use the ac_approx.set method, by specifying the nbin keyword argument Example: >>> ac_approx.set(nbin=5) >>> pressure_phonon_f_range(298) """ if not flag_poly.flag_stack: print("At present, the function requires the polynomial fits of") print("the frequencies") return class pressure_class(): pass vol=volume_dir(tt, pp) p_total=np.array([]) freq=np.array([]) modes=int_mode if exclude.flag: modes=np.setdiff1d(int_mode, exclude.ex_mode) size=np.size(modes) nbin=ac_approx.nbin pres_f=np.ndarray((nbin,), dtype=object) for ifr in range(size): ifreq=freq_v_fun(ifr, vol) freq=np.append(freq, ifreq) fmin=np.min(freq) fmax=np.max(freq) bins=np.linspace(fmin, fmax, nbin) dist=np.digitize(freq, bins) for ipos in range(nbin): pres_f[ipos]=pressure_class() pres_f[ipos].p=0. pres_f[ipos].fmin=0. pres_f[ipos].fmax=0. pres_f[ipos].f_mean=0. pres_f[ipos].f_list=freq[np.where(dist == ipos+1)] pres_f[ipos].nmode=np.size(pres_f[ipos].f_list) if pres_f[ipos].nmode != 0: pres_f[ipos].f_mean=np.average(pres_f[ipos].f_list) pres_f[ipos].fmin=np.min(pres_f[ipos].f_list) pres_f[ipos].fmax=np.max(pres_f[ipos].f_list) for ifr in range(size): i_pressure, _ = pressure_phonon_mode(ifr,tt,vol) i_pos=dist[ifr]-1 pres_f[i_pos].p=pres_f[i_pos].p+i_pressure for ipos in range(nbin): pres_f[ipos].ppm=0. if pres_f[ipos].nmode != 0: pres_f[ipos].ppm=pres_f[ipos].p/pres_f[ipos].nmode ac_approx.fmin=pres_f[0].fmin ac_approx.fmax=pres_f[0].fmax ac_approx.fmean=pres_f[0].f_mean ac_approx.nmode=pres_f[0].nmode if prt: print("\nVibrational pressure (GPa) as a function of frequency range\n") print("N. mod. mean freq min freq max freq pressure pres. per mode") for ipos in range(nbin): print(" %3i %6.1f %6.1f %6.1f %6.2f %6.2f" % (pres_f[ipos].nmode, pres_f[ipos].f_mean, \ pres_f[ipos].fmin, pres_f[ipos].fmax, pres_f[ipos].p, pres_f[ipos].ppm)) else: return pres_f[0].ppm
[docs]def acoustic_func(): """ Estimates the vibrational pressure for acoustic modes, as a function of temperature, in case frequencies data from supercell calculations are not available. Note: all the required computational parameters are set, used and controlled by the ac_approx methods of the acoustic_approx_class. """ ac_approx.fit_flag=True if not flag_poly.flag_stack: print("The function requires the polynomial fits of the frequencies") ac_approx.fit_flag=False return tmax=ac_approx.tmax tmin=ac_approx.tmin nbin=ac_approx.nbin nt=ac_approx.nt ndeg=ac_approx.deg t_list=np.linspace(tmin, tmax, nt) p_list=np.array([]) for it in t_list: ip=pressure_phonon_f_range(it, pp=0, prt=False) p_list=np.append(p_list, ip) fit=np.polyfit(t_list, p_list, ndeg) t_plot=np.linspace(tmin, tmax, 100) p_plot=np.polyval(fit, t_plot) plt.figure() plt.plot(t_plot, p_plot, "k-", label="Fit") plt.plot(t_list, p_list, "k*", label="Actual values") plt.xlabel("T (K)") plt.ylabel("P (GPa)") plt.legend(frameon=False) plt.title("P acoustic per mode") return fit
[docs]def pressure_temp(tmin, tmax, nt, ptot=0): """ Computes contribution to the total pressure in a given temperature range Args: tmin: minimum temperature (K) tmax: maximum temperature (K) nt: number of temperature values ptot: total (external) pressure (in GPa; default 0 GPa) """ t_list=np.linspace(tmin, tmax, nt) ptotal=np.array([]) pstatic=np.array([]) pzp=np.array([]) pth=np.array([]) pvib=np.array([]) volume=np.array([]) for it in t_list: v_i=volume_dir(it, ptot) pt_i=pressure_dir(it, v_i) ps_i=static_pressure_bm3(v_i, prt=False) pvib2_i, pz_i=pressure_phonon(it, v_i, prt=False) volume=np.append(volume, v_i) ptotal=np.append(ptotal, pt_i) pstatic=np.append(pstatic, ps_i) pzp=np.append(pzp, pz_i) pvib=ptotal-pstatic pth=pvib-pzp print("\nPressure analysis in a temperature range") print("T in K; V in A^3; P in GPa\n") print("P_st: Static pressure") print("P_zp: Zero point pressure") print("P_th: Thermal pressure") print("P_vib: Vibrational pressure (P_zp + P_th)") print("P_tot: Total pressure (sum of all the above pressures)") serie=(t_list, volume, pstatic, pzp, pth, pvib, ptotal) pd.set_option('colheader_justify','right') serie=pd.DataFrame(serie,index=["T","V","P_stat", "P_zp", "P_th", "P_vib", "P_tot"]) serie=serie.T serie['T']=serie['T'].map('{:,.1f}'.format) serie['V']=serie['V'].map(' {:,.4f}'.format) serie['P_stat']=serie['P_stat'].map(' {:,.2f}'.format) serie['P_zp']=serie['P_zp'].map(' {:,.2f}'.format) serie['P_th']=serie['P_th'].map(' {:,.2f}'.format) serie['P_vib']=serie['P_vib'].map(' {:,.2f}'.format) serie['P_tot']=serie['P_tot'].map(' {:,.2f}'.format) print("") print(serie.to_string(index=False))
[docs]def upload_mineral(tmin,tmax,points=12,HT_lim=0., t_max=0., deg=1, g_deg=1, model=1, mqm='py',\ b_dir=False, blk_dir=False, extra_alpha=True, volc=False): """ Prepares data to be uploaded in the mineral database. Args: tmin: minimum temperature for fit K0, Cp and alpha tmax: maximum temperature for fit points: number of points in the T range for fit mqm: name of the mineral, as specified in the internal database, b_dir: if True, the alpha_dir_serie function is used for the computation of thermal expansion blk_dir: if True, the bulk_modulus_p_serie function is used to compute the bulk modulus as a function of T (with noeos=False); K0, V0 and Kp are from an eos_temp computation. If False, the function bulk_serie is used. HT_lim: Temperature at which the Dulong-Petit limit for Cv is supposed to be reached (default 0.: no Dulong-Petit model) t_max: maximum temperature for the power series fit of Cp(T); if t_max=0. (default), t_max=HT_lim. The parameter is relevant oly if HT_lim is not zero. model: Used in the HT_limit estimation of Cv; Einstein model for Cv(T) with one frequency (default model=1), or with 2 frequencies (model=2) deg: Used in the HT limit estimation of alpha (relevant if HT_lim > 0; default: 1) g_deg: Used in the HT limit estimation of Cp (relevant if HT_lim > 0.; default 1) extra_alpha: if True, the high temperature estrapolation is done (relevant if HT_lim > 0; default: True) volc: if True, V0 is set at the value found in the database (default: False) Example: >>> upload_mineral(300,800,16,mqm='coe', b_dir=True) """ flag_int=False if f_fix.flag: kp_original=f_fix.value flag_int=True reset_fix() if not volume_correction.flag: volume_correction.set_volume(eval(mqm).v0) volume_correction.on() g0=eval(mqm).g0 if b_dir and blk_dir: v0, k_gpa, kp=eos_temp(298.15,prt=False, update=True) fit_b,_=bulk_modulus_p_serie(tmin, tmax,5,0, noeos=False, fit=True, deg=1, out=True) dkt=fit_b[0] else: v0, k_gpa, kp=eos_temp(298.15,prt=False, update=True) set_fix(kp) fit_b=bulk_serie(tmin,tmax,5,degree=1,update=True) dkt=fit_b[0] if not volc: v0=v0*1e-30*1e5*avo/zu else: v0=volume_correction.v0_init ex_internal_flag=False if exclude.flag & (not anharm.flag): exclude.restore() ex_internal_flag=True print("\nWarning ** Excluded modes restored in order\nto " "correctly compute entropy and specific heat") print("At the end of computation, exclusion of modes " "will be rectivated") s0,dum=entropy_p(298.15,0.0001,prt=False) if ex_internal_flag: exclude.on() ex_internal_flag=False mdl=1 if model==2: mdl=2 if HT_lim > 0.: fit_cp=cp_serie(tmin,tmax,points,0.0001,HTlim=HT_lim, t_max=t_max, g_deg=g_deg, model=mdl, prt=False) if extra_alpha: fit_al=alpha_serie(tmin,tmax,points,0.0001,HTlim=HT_lim, t_max=t_max, degree=deg,prt=False) else: fit_al=alpha_serie(tmin,tmax,points,0.0001,prt=False) else: fit_cp=cp_serie(tmin,tmax,points,0.0001, g_deg=g_deg, prt=False) if not b_dir: fit_al=alpha_serie(tmin,tmax,points,0.0001,prt=False,g_deg=g_deg) else: fit_al=alpha_dir_serie(tmin,tmax,points,0.0001,prt=False) eval(mqm).load_ref(v0,g0,s0) eval(mqm).load_bulk(k_gpa,kp,dkt) eval(mqm).load_cp(fit_cp,power) eval(mqm).load_alpha(fit_al,power_a) eval(mqm).eos='bm' reset_fix() if flag_int: set_fix(kp_original)
[docs]def reaction_dir(tt,pp,mqm,prod_spec, prod_coef, rea_spec, rea_coef): mv0=eval(mqm+'.v0') mg0=eval(mqm+'.g0') qm_energy=g_vt_dir(tt,pp,v0=mv0, g0=mg0) gprod=0. for pri, pci in zip(prod_spec, prod_coef): if pri != mqm: gprod=gprod+(eval(pri+'.g_tp(tt,pp)'))*pci else: gprod=gprod+qm_energy*pci grea=0. for ri,rci in zip(rea_spec, rea_coef): if ri != mqm: grea=grea+(eval(ri+'.g_tp(tt,pp)'))*rci else: grea=grea+qm_energy*rci return gprod-grea
[docs]def pressure_react_dir(tt,mqm,prod_spec, prod_coef, rea_spec, rea_coef): fpr=lambda pp: (reaction_dir(tt,pp,mqm, \ prod_spec, prod_coef, rea_spec, rea_coef))**2 pres=scipy.optimize.minimize_scalar(fpr,tol=0.001) return pres.x
[docs]def equilib_dir(tini,tfin,npoint, mqm='py', \ prod=['py',1], rea=['ens',1.5,'cor', 1], out=False): """ Computes the equilibrium pressure for a reaction involving a given set of minerals, in a range of temperatures. Args: tini: minimum temperature in the range tfin: maximum temperature in the range npoint: number of points in the T range mqm: mineral phase dealt at the quantum mechanical level, whose Gibbs free energy is computed as G=F+PV prod: list of products of the reaction in the form [name_1, c_name_1, name_2, c_name_2, ...] where name_i is the name of the i^th mineral, as stored in the database, and c_name_i is the corresponding stoichiometric coefficient rea: list of reactants; same syntax as the "prod" list. Example: >>> equilib_dir(300, 500, 12, mqm='py', prod=['py',1], rea=['ens', 1.5, 'cor', 1]) """ lprod=len(prod) lrea=len(rea) prod_spec=prod[0:lprod:2] prod_coef=prod[1:lprod:2] rea_spec=rea[0:lrea:2] rea_coef=rea[1:lrea:2] flag_volume_max.value=False lastr=rea_spec[-1] lastp=prod_spec[-1] prod_string='' for pri in prod_spec: prod_string=prod_string + pri if pri != lastp: prod_string=prod_string+' + ' rea_string='' for ri in rea_spec: rea_string = rea_string + ri if ri != lastr: rea_string=rea_string+' + ' t_list=np.linspace(tini,tfin,npoint) p_list=np.array([]) for ti in t_list: pi=pressure_react_dir(ti,mqm, prod_spec, prod_coef, rea_spec, rea_coef) p_list=np.append(p_list,pi) p_new=np.array([]) t_new=np.array([]) for pi, ti in zip(p_list, t_list): p_new=np.append(p_new,pi) t_new=np.append(t_new,ti) serie=(t_new,p_new) pd.set_option('colheader_justify', 'center') df=pd.DataFrame(serie, index=['T (K)','P (GPa)']) df=df.T df2=df.round(2) print("") print(df2.to_string(index=False)) ymax=max(p_new)+0.1*(max(p_new)-min(p_new)) ymin=min(p_new)-0.1*(max(p_new)-min(p_new)) xloc_py, yloc_py, xloc_en, yloc_en=field_dir(min(t_new),max(t_new), \ ymax, ymin, mqm,prod_spec, prod_coef, rea_spec, rea_coef) print("\n") fig=plt.figure() ax=fig.add_subplot(111) ax.title.set_text("Reaction "+ rea_string + " <--> " + prod_string + "\n" ) ax.text(xloc_en, yloc_en, rea_string) ax.text(xloc_py,yloc_py, prod_string) ax.plot(t_new,p_new,"k-") ax.axis([min(t_new), max(t_new),ymin,ymax]) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(5)) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.FormatStrFormatter('%.2f')) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(8)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.FormatStrFormatter('%.1f')) ax.set_xlabel("Temperature (K)") ax.set_ylabel("Pressure (GPa)") plt.savefig(fname=path+'/'+"react",dpi=600) if flag_volume_max.jwar > 0: print("\nWarning on volume repeated %d times" % flag_volume_max.jwar) flag_volume_max.reset() if out: return t_list, p_list
[docs]def field_dir(tmin,tmax,pmin,pmax,mqm,\ prod_spec, prod_coef, rea_spec, rea_coef, nx=6, ny=6): t_range=np.linspace(tmin,tmax,nx) p_range=np.linspace(pmin,pmax,ny) flag_volume_max.value=False fld=np.array([]) for ti in t_range: for pi in p_range: de=reaction_dir(ti,pi,mqm, prod_spec, prod_coef, rea_spec, rea_coef) fld=np.append(fld,[ti,pi,de]) fld=fld.reshape(nx*ny,3) prodx=np.array([]) prody=np.array([]) reax=np.array([]) reay=np.array([]) for fi in fld: if fi[2]>0: reax=np.append(reax,fi[0]) reay=np.append(reay,fi[1]) else: prodx=np.append(prodx,fi[0]) prody=np.append(prody,fi[1]) return prodx.mean(), prody.mean(), reax.mean(), reay.mean()
[docs]def einstein_t(tini, tfin, npoint, HT_lim=3000,dul=False,model=1): """ Computes the *Einstein temperature* Args: tini: minimum temperature (K) of the fitting interval tfin: maximum temperature npoint: number of points in the T range HT_lim: high temperature limit where Cv approaches the Dulong-Petit value model: if model=1 a single Einstein oscillator is considered (default), if model > 1, 2 Einstein oscillators are considered """ flag_int=False if f_fix.flag: kp_original=f_fix.value flag_int=True reset_fix() v0, k_gpa, kp=bulk_dir(298.15, out=True) print("\nbulk_dir computation of the Bulk modulus") set_fix(kp) print("Kp fixed to %4.2f" % kp) vol=volume_dir(298.15,0.0001) ent=direct.entropy(298.10, 0.), 0.) # ent, cve=entropy_v(298.15,vol) dp_limit=apfu*3*avo*kb # Dulong Petit limit emp=10636/(ent/apfu+6.44) # Empirical Einstein T t_range=np.linspace(tini, tfin, npoint) cv_list=np.array([]) for ti in t_range: enti=direct.entropy(ti, 0.), 0.) # enti, cvi=entropy_v(ti, vol, plot=False, prt=False) cv_list=np.append(cv_list, cvi) reset_fix() if flag_int: set_fix(kp_original) t_range=np.append(t_range,HT_lim) cv_list=np.append(cv_list, dp_limit) sigma=np.ones(len(t_range)) sigma[len(sigma)-1]=0.1 if model==1: ein_fit, ein_cov=curve_fit(einstein_fun, t_range, cv_list, p0=emp, \ sigma=sigma, xtol=1e-15, ftol=1e-15) else: ein_fit, ein_cov=curve_fit(einstein_2_fun, t_range, cv_list, \ sigma=sigma,p0=[emp,emp], bounds=(0, 2000.), xtol=1e-15, ftol=1e-15) t_range_new=np.linspace(tini,HT_lim,50) plt.figure() if model==1: plt.plot(t_range_new, einstein_fun(t_range_new, ein_fit[0]), "k-", \ t_range, cv_list, "k*") else: plt.plot(t_range_new, einstein_2_fun(t_range_new, ein_fit[0],ein_fit[1]), "k-", \ t_range, cv_list, "k*") plt.xlabel("Temperature (K)") plt.ylabel("Cv (J/mol K)") print("\nEinstein temperature") print("empirical estimation (from molar entropy): %6.2f K" % emp) if model==1: print("result from fit: %6.2f K" % ein_fit[0]) else: print("result from fit: %6.2f, %6.2f K" % (ein_fit[0],ein_fit[1])) print("Dulong-Petit limit for Cv (T = %5.2f K): %6.2f J/mol K" % \ (HT_lim, dp_limit)) t_table=np.linspace(tini,tfin,10) cv_real=np.array([]) cv_ein=np.array([]) for ti in t_table: enti=direct.entropy(ti,0),0) # enti, cri=entropy_v(ti, vol, plot=False, prt=False) if model==1: ce=einstein_fun(ti,ein_fit[0]) else: ce=einstein_2_fun(ti,ein_fit[0],ein_fit[1]) cv_real=np.append(cv_real, cri) cv_ein=np.append(cv_ein, ce) serie=(t_table,cv_real,cv_ein) pd.set_option('colheader_justify', 'center') df=pd.DataFrame(serie, index=['T (K)','Cv "real"','Cv "fit"']) df=df.T df2=df.round(2) print("") print(df2.to_string(index=False)) if model==1: print("\nFit at T = %6.2f K: Cv = %6.2f J/mol K" % \ (HT_lim, einstein_fun(HT_lim, ein_fit[0]))) else: print("\nFit at T = %6.2f K: Cv = %6.2f J/mol K" % \ (HT_lim, einstein_2_fun(HT_lim, ein_fit[0], ein_fit[1]))) if dul: return ein_fit
[docs]def einstein_fun(tt,eps): return apfu*3*avo*kb*((eps/tt)**2)*np.exp(eps/tt)/((np.exp(eps/tt)-1)**2)
[docs]def einstein_2_fun(tt,eps1,eps2): f1=apfu*3*avo*kb/2. f2=((eps1/tt)**2)*np.exp(eps1/tt)/((np.exp(eps1/tt)-1)**2) f3=((eps2/tt)**2)*np.exp(eps2/tt)/((np.exp(eps2/tt)-1)**2) return f1*(f2+f3)
[docs]def kief_intnd_t(x,tt,xnti): xi=xnti/tt num=((np.arcsin(x/xi))**2)*(x**2)*(np.exp(x)) denom=((xi**2 - x**2)**0.5)*(np.exp(x)-1)**2 return num/denom
[docs]def kief_int_t(tt,xnti): kief_l=lambda x: kief_intnd_t(x,tt,xnti) integ,err=scipy.integrate.quad(kief_l,0.,(xnti/tt),epsrel=1e-8) return integ*(3/zu)*avo*kb*((2/np.pi)**3)
[docs]def cv_kief(tt): cv_k=np.array([]) for ix in kieffer.kief_freq: ci=kief_int_t(tt,ix) cv_k=np.append(cv_k,ci) return cv_k.sum()
[docs]def kief_intnd_ent_t(x,tt,xnti): xi=xnti/tt num1=((np.arcsin(x/xi))**2)*x denom1=((xi**2 - x**2)**0.5)*(np.exp(x)-1) num2=((np.arcsin(x/xi))**2)*np.log(1-np.exp(-x)) denom2=(xi**2 - x**2)**0.5 val=num1/denom1 - num2/denom2 return val
[docs]def kief_int_ent_t(tt,xnti): kief_l=lambda x: kief_intnd_ent_t(x,tt,xnti) integ,err=scipy.integrate.quad(kief_l,0.,(xnti/tt), epsrel=1e-8) return integ*(3/zu)*avo*kb*((2/np.pi)**3)
[docs]def s_kief(tt): s_k=np.array([]) for ix in kieffer.kief_freq: si=kief_int_ent_t(tt,ix) s_k=np.append(s_k,si) return s_k.sum()
[docs]def kief_intnd_free_t(x,tt,xnti): xi=xnti/tt num=((np.arcsin(x/xi))**2)*np.log(1-np.exp(-x)) denom=(xi**2 - x**2)**0.5 val=num/denom return val
[docs]def kief_int_free_t(tt,xnti): kief_l=lambda x: kief_intnd_free_t(x,tt,xnti) integ,err=scipy.integrate.quad(kief_l,0.,(xnti/tt), epsrel=1e-8) return integ*(3*tt/zu)*avo*kb*((2/np.pi)**3)
[docs]def free_kief(tt): f_k=np.array([]) for ix in kieffer.kief_freq: fi=kief_int_free_t(tt,ix) f_k=np.append(f_k,fi) return f_k.sum()
[docs]def freq_ac_estimation(K, Vol, nu=0.35, set_kief=False): """ Estimation of Kieffer's frequencies for the estimation of the acoustic contribution to S and Cv, by the modified Kieffer model. The approximation here implemented computes the shear modulus (mu) from a given Poisson ratio (nu); then, secondary (vs) and primary (vp) velocities of the acoustic waves are estimated from K (bulk modulus) and mu. Finally, the frequencies at the Brillouin zone boundary are computed and printed. Args: K: bulk modulus (GPa) Vol: unit cell volume of the primitive cell (A^3) nu: Poisson parameter (default value 0.35) set_kief: if True, The kieffer frequencies are stored for the calculation of S and Cv. Note: Since the calculation requires the density of the crystal, the formula weight must be set by using the FWG keyword in the input.txt file. """ if fwg < 0.01: print("Formula weight not set in the input file") print("No estimation of the Kieffer frequencies") return print("\nKieffer acoustic frequencies estimation under") print("the isotropic assumption. Input data:") print("Bulk Modulus: %6.2f GPa" % K) print("Poisson ratio: %6.2f" % nu) mu=3*K*(1-2*nu)/(2*(1+nu)) rho=fwg/((1e-8)**3*Vol*avo) print("Density: %6.4f g/cm^3" % rho) Vol=Vol*1e-30*avo K=K*1e9 mu=mu*1e9 rho=rho*1e-3/((1e-2)**3) vs=np.sqrt(mu/rho) vp=np.sqrt((K+4.*mu/3.)/rho) kmax=(6*avo*np.pi**2/(zu*Vol))**(1/3) nu_p=vp*kmax/(2*np.pi*csl) nu_s=vs*kmax/(2*np.pi*csl) mu_print=mu/1e9 vs_print=vs/1000. vp_print=vp/1000. print("\nOutput:") print("k_max: %6.4e m^-3" % kmax) print("Shear modulus mu: %6.2f GPa" % mu_print) print("Vp and Vs velocities: %6.2f, %6.2f km/sec" % (vp_print, vs_print)) print("Frequencies: %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f cm^-1" % (nu_p, nu_s, nu_s)) print("------------") if set: kieffer.freq(nu_p, nu_s, nu_s)
[docs]def freq_ac_exact(KV, KR, GV, GR, VMAX, Vol, set_kief=False): """ Computation of Kieffer's frequencies for the estimation of the acoustic contribution to S and Cv, by the modified Kieffer model. The required input data can be read from a CRYSTAL calculation of the full elastic tensor Args: KV, KR: Voigt and Reuss bulk moduli (GPa) GV, GR: Voigt and Reuss shear moduli VMAX: maximum shear velocity Vol: unit cell volume of the primitive cell (A^3) set_kief: if True, The kieffer frequencies are stored for the calculation of S and Cv (default False) Note: Since the calculation requires the density of the crystal, the formula weight must be set by using the FWG keyword in the input.txt file. """ if fwg < 0.01: print("Formula weight not set in the input file") print("No estimation of the Kieffer frequencies") return KH=(KV+KR)*0.5*1e9 GH=(GV+GR)*0.5*1e9 rho=fwg/((1e-8)**3*Vol*avo) rho=rho*1e-3/((1e-2)**3) Vol=Vol*1e-30*avo vp=np.sqrt((KH+4.*GH/3.)/rho) vs=np.sqrt(GH/rho) VMAX=VMAX*1000 u3=vp u2=((2*vs**3*VMAX**3)/(VMAX**3+vs**3))**(1/3) u1=((u2**3*VMAX**3)/(3*VMAX**3-2*u2**3))**(1/3) u1_p=u1/1000. u2_p=u2/1000. u3_p=u3/1000. print("Computation of the frequencies of the acoustic modes for") print("the application of the modified Kieffer model\n") print("Velocities Vp, Vs1, Vs2: %6.4f, %6.4f, %6.4f km/sec" %\ (u3_p, u2_p, u1_p)) kmax=(6*avo*np.pi**2/(zu*Vol))**(1/3) nu_3=u3*kmax/(2*np.pi*csl) nu_2=u2*kmax/(2*np.pi*csl) nu_1=u1*kmax/(2*np.pi*csl) print("Kieffer frequencies: %6.2f, %6.2f, %6.2f cm^-1" % (nu_3, nu_2, nu_1)) if set_kief: kieffer.freq(nu_1, nu_2, nu_3)
[docs]def free_stack_t(tini, tfin, npoints): """ Computes the contribution to the Helmholtz free energy from acoustic phonons, in a given temperature range, according to the Kieffer model. Values of free energies are stored in a stack (of the kieffer class) and recovered, when needed, by the method get_value of the class. The function is called by quick_start or by the freq method of the kieffer class. """ t_range=np.linspace(tini, tfin, npoints) f_list=np.array([]) for ti in t_range: fi=free_kief(ti) f_list=np.append(f_list, fi) kieffer.stack(t_range, f_list) kieffer.stack_flag=True
[docs]def cv_k_plot(tini, tfin, npoints): t_range=np.linspace(tini, tfin, npoints) cv_range=np.array([]) s_range=np.array([]) for ti in t_range: cvi=cv_kief(ti) si=s_kief(ti) cv_range=np.append(cv_range, cvi) s_range=np.append(s_range,si) plt.figure() plt.plot(t_range, cv_range,"k-") plt.title("Cv contribution from acoustic phonons") plt.xlabel("T (K)") plt.ylabel("Cv (J/mol K)") plt.figure() plt.plot(t_range, s_range,"k-") plt.xlabel("T(K)") plt.ylabel("S (J/mol K") plt.title("Entropy contribution from acoustic phonons")
[docs]def anharm_setup(): anh_inp=path+'/'+'anh.txt' file=np.array([]) fi=open(anh_inp) for iff in np.arange(anharm.nmode): line=fi.readline().rstrip() file=np.append(file,line) fi.close() anharm.param=np.array([]) for iff in np.arange(anharm.nmode): anh_file=path+'/'+file[iff] with open(anh_file) as fi: anh_pow=np.array([]) l0=[''] while (l0 !='END'): str=fi.readline() lstr=str.split() l0='' if lstr !=[]: l0=lstr[0].rstrip() if lstr != ['END']: anh_pow=np.append(anh_pow,int(lstr[0])) anh_pow=np.append(anh_pow,int(lstr[1])) anh_pow=np.append(anh_pow,float(lstr[2])) fi.close() ll=len(anh_pow) row=int(ll/3) anh_pow=anh_pow.reshape(row,3) anharm.param=np.append(anharm.param,anh_pow) size=anharm.param.size fact=int(anharm.nmode*3) row=int(size/fact) anharm.param=anharm.param.reshape(anharm.nmode,row,3) deg_v_list=anharm.param[0,:,0] deg_t_list=anharm.param[0,:,1] anharm.vdeg=int(np.max(deg_v_list)) anharm.tdeg=int(np.max(deg_t_list))
[docs]def helm_anharm_func(mode,vv,tt): h=0. term=len(anharm.param[mode]) ntr=np.arange(term) for it in ntr: p1=int(anharm.param[mode][it][0]) p2=int(anharm.param[mode][it][1]) h=h+anharm.param[mode][it][2]*(vv**p1)*(tt**p2) return h
[docs]def anharm_pressure_vt(mode,vv,tt,deg=2,dv=2,prt=True): """ Pressure (GPa) of a single anharmonic mode at a given cell volume and temperature from the derivative -(dF/dV)_T Args: mode: mode number (a number in the list [0,..., anharm.nmode]) vv: volume (A^3) tt: temperature (K) deg: degree of the polynomial fitting the F(V) function (default: 2) dv: V range (A^3) for the calculation of the F(V) function (default: 2) prt: print formatted result (default: True) """ if not anharm.flag: print("Anharmonic correction is off. No calculation is done") return vmin=vv-dv/2. vmax=vv+dv/2. nv=8 v_list=np.linspace(vmin,vmax,nv) h_list=np.array([]) for iv in v_list: ih=helm_anharm_func(mode,iv,tt) h_list=np.append(h_list, ih) fit_h=np.polyfit(v_list,h_list,deg) fit_hd=np.polyder(fit_h,1) pressure=np.polyval(fit_hd,vv) pressure=-1*pressure*conv*1e21*anharm.wgt[mode] if prt: print("Pressure: %5.2f GPa" % pressure ) else: return pressure
[docs]def anharm_pressure(mode,tmin,tmax,nt,deg=2,dv=2,fit=True, fit_deg=4, prt=True): """ Pressure (GPa) of an anharmonic mode in a given T range Args: mode: mode number (a number in the list [0,..., anharm.nmode]) tmin: minimum temperature tmax: maximum temperature nt: number of points in the T interval deg, dv: see doc for anharm_pressure_vt fit: polynomial fit of the P(T) values fit_deg: degree of the fitting polynomial prt: if True, prints a list of T, V, P values """ if not anharm.flag: print("Anharmonic correction is off. No calculation is done") return nt_plot=50 t_list=np.linspace(tmin,tmax,nt) v_list=list(volume_dir(it,0) for it in t_list) p_list=list(anharm_pressure_vt(mode,iv,it,deg=deg,dv=dv,prt=False) for iv, it in zip(v_list, t_list)) if prt: serie=(t_list, v_list, p_list) pd.set_option('colheader_justify','right') serie=pd.DataFrame(serie,index=["T(K)","V(A^3)","P(GPa)"]) serie=serie.T serie['T(K)']=serie['T(K)'].map('{:,.1f}'.format) serie['V(A^3)']=serie['V(A^3)'].map('{:,.4f}'.format) serie['P(GPa)']=serie['P(GPa)'].map('{:,.2f}'.format) print("") print(serie.to_string(index=False)) if fit: fit_p=np.polyfit(t_list,p_list,fit_deg) t_plot=np.linspace(tmin,tmax,nt_plot) p_plot=np.polyval(fit_p,t_plot) title="Anharmonic mode number "+str(mode) plt.figure() plt.plot(t_list,p_list,"k*") if fit: plt.plot(t_plot,p_plot,"k-") plt.xlabel("T (K)") plt.ylabel("P (GPa)") plt.title(title)
[docs]def debye_limit(tmin=0.1,tmax=50,nt=24): """ Debye temperature estimation at the low temperature limit Args: tmin: lower limit of the temperature range tmax: higher limit of the temperature range nt: number of point is the T range """ t_list=np.linspace(tmin,tmax,nt) t_med=np.mean([tmin,tmax]) [k0,kp]=bulk_dir(t_med,serie=True) set_fix(kp) cv_list=np.array([]) for it in t_list: iv=new_volume(it,0) [ent,cv]=entropy_v(it,iv) cv_list=np.append(cv_list, cv) p0=[1.0e-5] deb_fit, deb_cov=curve_fit(cv_fit_func, t_list, cv_list, p0, \ xtol=1e-15, ftol=1e-15) cv_calc=np.array([]) for it in t_list: ic=cv_fit_func(it, deb_fit[0]) cv_calc=np.append(cv_calc, ic) par3=deb_fit[0] debye_t=(apfu*12.*(np.pi**4)*r/(5.*par3))**(1./3.) print("Debye Temperature estimation: %5.1f K\n" % debye_t) print("Tmin, Tmax, number of points: %4.1f K, %4.1f K, %3i" % (tmin, tmax, nt)) print("K0, Kp: %5.2f GPa, %4.2f" % (k0, kp)) plt.figure() plt.plot(t_list, cv_list, "*", label="Cv") plt.plot(t_list, cv_calc, "-", label="Cv from fit") plt.legend(frameon=False) plt.xlabel("T (K)") plt.ylabel("Cv (J/mol K")
[docs]def cv_fit_func(tt,par3): return par3*(tt**3)
[docs]def debye(tmin=5.,tmax=300.,nt=24, d_min=50., d_max=1500., nd=48): """ Debye temperature estimation Args: tmin: lower limit of the temperature range tmax: higher limit of the temperature range nt: number of point is the T range d_min, d_max, nd: define the range where the Debye temperature is to be searched """ tmin=float(tmin) tmax=float(tmax) if tmin < 5.: tmin=5. print("Warning: Minimum T set to 5. K") t_list=np.linspace(tmin,tmax,nt) t_med=np.mean([tmin,tmax]) [k0,kp]=bulk_dir(t_med,serie=True) set_fix(kp) cv_list=np.array([]) for it in t_list: iv=new_volume(it,0) [ent,cv]=entropy_v(it,iv) cv_list=np.append(cv_list, cv) t_deb=np.linspace(d_min, d_max, nd) err_array=np.array([]) for itd in t_deb: fit_array=np.array([]) for it in t_list: icv_fit=cv_fit_func_high(it,itd) fit_array=np.append(fit_array, icv_fit) fit_err=np.sum((fit_array-cv_list)**2) err_array=np.append(err_array,fit_err) min_t=np.argmin(err_array) t_deb_min=t_deb[min_t]-50. t_deb_max=t_deb[min_t]+50. t_deb=np.linspace(t_deb_min, t_deb_max, nd*2) err_array=np.array([]) for itd in t_deb: fit_array=np.array([]) for it in t_list: icv_fit=cv_fit_func_high(it,itd) fit_array=np.append(fit_array, icv_fit) fit_err=np.sum((fit_array-cv_list)**2) err_array=np.append(err_array,fit_err) min_t=np.argmin(err_array) min_t0=min_t-2 min_t1=min_t+3 t_deb_list=t_deb[min_t0:min_t1] err_list=err_array[min_t0:min_t1] fit_poly=np.polyfit(t_deb_list,err_list,2) fit_der=np.polyder(fit_poly,1) debye_t=-1*fit_der[1]/fit_der[0] cv_calc=np.array([]) for it in t_list: ic=cv_fit_func_high(it, debye_t) cv_calc=np.append(cv_calc, ic) ierr=cv_calc-cv_list ierr2=ierr**2 mean_err=np.sqrt(np.mean(ierr2)) print("\nDebye Temperature estimation: %5.1f K" % debye_t) print("Error on fit: %6.1f J/mol K\n" % mean_err) print("Tmin, Tmax, number of points: %4.1f K, %4.1f K, %3i" % (tmin, tmax, nt)) print("K0, Kp: %5.2f GPa, %4.2f" % (k0, kp)) plt.figure() plt.plot(t_list, cv_list, "*", label="Cv") plt.plot(t_list, cv_calc, "-", label="Cv from fit") plt.legend(frameon=False) plt.xlabel("T (K)") plt.ylabel("Cv (J/mol K") plt.title("Fit with the Debye model") plt.figure() plt.plot(t_list,ierr,"*") plt.xlabel("T (K)") plt.ylabel("Cv error (J/mol K)") plt.title("Cv_fit - Cv distribution")
[docs]def cv_fit_func_high(tt,debye_t): t_lim=debye_t/tt d_integ, err=scipy.integrate.quad(d_integrand, 0.0, t_lim) debye_val=9*r*d_integ*(tt/debye_t)**3 return apfu*debye_val
[docs]def d_integrand(y): y_val=(y**4)*np.exp(y) y_val=y_val/((np.exp(y)-1.)**2) return y_val
[docs]def reset_flag(): flag_list=['disp.flag', 'disp.input', 'kieffer.flag', 'kieffer.input', 'anharm.flag', 'lo.flag', 'flag_spline.flag', 'flag_poly.flag', 'f_fix.flag', 'verbose.flag', 'bm4.flag', 'disp.eos_flag', 'disp.fit_vt_flag', 'static_range.flag', 'vd.flag', 'disp.thermo_vt_flag', 'disp.error_flag','flag_fu', 'p_stat.flag', 'flag_cp', 'flag_alpha', 'flag_fwg'] for iflag in flag_list: r_flag=iflag+'=False' exec(r_flag) flag_view_input.on() zp.on() print("All global flags set to False; flag list:\n") for iflag in flag_list: print(iflag) print("") exclude.restore() if supercell.flag: supercell.reset()
[docs]def remark(string): print(string)
[docs]def main(): global h, kb, r, csl, avo, conv, fact, e_fact, ez_fact,ctime, version global al_power_list, cp_power_list, power, power_a global flag_fit_warning, flag_volume_warning, flag_volume_max, flag_warning global flag_view_input, flag_dir, f_fix, vol_opt, alpha_opt, info, lo, gamma_fit global verbose, supercell, static_range, flag_spline, flag_poly, exclude global bm4, kieffer, anharm, disp, volume_correction, volume_ctrl, vd global path_orig, p_stat, delta_ctrl, volume_F_ctrl, latex, thermal_expansion global plot, direct, zp, ac_approx,upl, upl, flag_upl, eosf version="2.8.1 - 18/10/2022" print("This is BMx-QM program, version %s " % version) print("Run time: ", ctime) h=6.62606896e-34 # Planck's constant (SI units) kb=1.3806505e-23 # Boltzman's constant (SI unit) r=8.314472 # gas constant (SI unit) csl=29979245800 # speed of light (m/sec) avo=6.02214179e23 # Avogadro number conv=4.3597447222071E-18 # conversion factor for energy a.u. --> j fact=csl*h*1e-9/(2*1e-30) e_fact=-1*h*csl/kb ez_fact=0.5*h*csl/conv al_power_list=(0, 1, -1, -2, -0.5) cp_power_list=(0, 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3, -0.5) vd=volume_delta_class() zp=zero_point() flag_fit_warning=flag(True) flag_volume_warning=flag(True) flag_volume_max=flag(False) flag_warning=flag(True) flag_view_input=flag(True) flag_dir=flag(False) flag_upl=flag(False) f_fix=fix_flag() vol_opt=fit_flag() alpha_opt=fit_flag() p_stat=p_static_class() info=data_info() lo=lo_class() gamma_fit=gamma_class() verbose=verbose_class(False) supercell=super_class() static_range=static_class() flag_spline=spline_flag() flag_poly=poly_flag() exclude=exclude_class() bm4=bm4_class() kieffer=kieffer_class() anharm=anh_class() disp=disp_class() volume_correction=vol_corr_class() volume_ctrl=volume_control_class() volume_F_ctrl=volume_F_control_class() delta_ctrl=delta_class() latex=latex_class() thermal_expansion=thermal_expansion_class() direct=direct_class() ac_approx=acoustic_approx_class() upl=UploadMineral() eosf=EosFit() vol_opt.on() alpha_opt.on() quick_file='quick_start.txt' if exe_flag: quick_file=input("Input name for the quick_start file: ") outfile=input("Output file name: ") sys.stdout = open(outfile, 'w') if os.path.isfile(quick_file): with open(quick_file) as fq: l0='#' while (l0 == '#'): input_str=fq.readline().rstrip() if input_str != '': l0=input_str[0] else: l0='#' path=input_str path=path.rstrip() path_orig=path print("\nFile quick_start.txt found in the master folder") print("Input files in '%s' folder" % path) path_file=open("path_file.dat", "w") path_file.write(path) path_file.close() instr=np.array([]) input_str='' while (input_str != 'END'): input_str=fq.readline().rstrip() if input_str !='': l0=input_str[0] if l0 !='#': instr=np.append(instr,input_str) plot=plot_class(path) quick_start(path) instr=instr[:-1] len_instr=len(instr) if len_instr > 0: print("Instructions from quick_start file will be executed:\n") [print(i_instr) for i_instr in instr] print("-"*50) print("") rspace=False for i_instr in instr: if not (i_instr[0:3] == "rem"): print("") print(i_instr) rspace=True else: rspace=False if i_instr[0:6] == "import": file_name=i_instr.split()[1] file=path+'/'+file_name import_file(file) else: exec(i_instr) if rspace: print("") if exe_flag: sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ input("Input ENTER to exit\n")
[docs]def import_file(file): if not os.path.isfile(file): print("\n**** Warning: File %s not found" % file) else: instr=np.array([]) with open(file) as iq: input_str='' while (input_str != 'END'): input_str=iq.readline().rstrip() if input_str !='': l0=input_str[0] if l0 !='#': instr=np.append(instr,input_str) instr=instr[:-1] len_instr=len(instr) if len_instr > 0: print("Instructions from %s file will be executed:\n" % file) [print(i_instr) for i_instr in instr] print("-"*50) print("") rspace=False for i_instr in instr: if not (i_instr[0:3] == "rem"): print("") print(i_instr) rspace=True else: rspace=False exec(i_instr) if rspace: print("")
if __name__=="__main__": main()