Source code for anharm

# Anharmonic correction to vibrational frequencies

# Version 2.0 - 05/05/2023

# The file anharm_path.txt must be present in the root folder (the
# one containing the program). The content of anharm_path.txt is the name
# of the folder containing the data (usually, the folder relative to
# the phase to be investigated). Such name is assigned to the abs_path
# variable.

# Input file: input_anharm.txt (under the abs_path folder)

# Structure of the input (input_anharm.txt):
#  1) folder name where SCAN data from CRYSTAL are stored
#  2) output file name (it will be written in the folder
#         specified at line 1)
#  3) minimim, maximum temperatures and number of points
#         where the anharmonic Helmholtz function will be
#         computed       
#  4) order of the polynomial used to fit the Helmholtz 
#         free energy as a function of V and T. The unit
#         of the computed free energy is the hartree. 
#  5) name of the file containing volumes and harmonic frequencies
#     for which the computation of the Helmholtz energy follows the 
#     harmonic approximation
#     If no harmonic frequencies has to be used, this line must contain the
#     keyword 'None' (or 'none') 
#  In case the 5^th line of the file above is not 'None', the indicated file
#  must contain a list of volumes (A^3) and harmonic frequencies (cm^-1). 
# The output file contains the power of the fitting polynomial
# together with the optimized coefficents to reconstruct the
# Helmholtz free energy as a function of V and T in the specified 
# ranges. Volume ranges are from the input files found in the 
# specified folder.

# Files required to be found in the specified folder:
# 1) volumes.dat: it contains the volumes at which the SCANMODE's
#                 where done together with the harmonic frequencies
#                 computed by CRYSTAL.
#                 If not both 0., the last two columns, specifies
#                 the minimum and maximum q to select.  
#                 Volumes of the primitive cell in cubic A; 
#                 frequencies in cm^-1. 
# 2) vect.dat:    eigenvectors of the normal mode: une column for
#                 each volume, n the same order as specified in
#                 the volumes.dat file
# 3) input.txt:   it contains the names of the files where the Q
#                 energies from the SCANMODE's are stored, as 
#                 they are copied and pasted from the CRYSTAL
#                 output
# 4) File anh.txt containing the name(s) of the file(s) to be read by
#                 the bm3_thermal_2 program. 

# NOTE: in order to be used with the BM3_thermal_2 program,
# fits from more than one normal modes must be of he same order
# All the output files produced here are copied in the relevant 
# input folder specified for the BM3_thermal_2. 
# The Anharmonic correction in BM3_thermal_2 program is activated
# by the ANH keyword in the input file for that program.

# In addition to the variational procedure for the computation of the 
# anharmonic vibrational energy levels, a direct solution of the Schroedinger
# equation algorithm has been implemented. To compute the F(V,T) function
# by using this method, the function helm_fit must be invoked by setting to True
# the 'direct' parameter. See the help to the drc instance of the AnhDirect class
# for more information.

# Usage: 
# At the simplest level, just use the helm_fit() function to read 
# the all the input and to make the relevant fits. 
# To compute F(V,T) by the direct algorithm use 
# helm_fit(direct=True)

# To compare results from the variational method and from the direct one
# use the function 'compare' by specifying the volume number for the 
# computation.

# To compute frequencies with the direct method for a given volume with number
# iv, follow the instructions
# set_up()
# start_fit(iv)
# drc.set_direct()
# energy_anh(iv)
# frequencies(iv) 


# from IPython import get_ipython
# get_ipython().magic('clear')
# get_ipython().magic('reset -sf')

import datetime
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import scipy.linalg as lin 

# from IPython import get_ipython

# get_ipython.run_line.magic('cls')
# get_ipython().magic('reset -sf')

[docs]class anh_class(): pass
[docs]class data_class(): def __init__(self,dim): self.dim=dim self.nlev=int(self.dim/2)
[docs]class data_flag(): def __init__(self): self.comp=np.array([],dtype=bool) self.setup=False
[docs]class AnhDirect(): """ Direct solution of the Schroedinger equation The Schroedinger equation for the 1D anharmonic potential is directly solved by a numerical method using sparse matrix algebra. Relevant parameters for the calculation are: the number of points (N) at which the L interval for the numerical integration is sampled, and the length L itself. The computation is performed by setting the boundary conditions as psi(-L/2)=psi(L/2)=0, so that if the distance L is not large enough compared to the length scale of the oscillator, a 'particle in the box energy' spectrum will arise to affect the computed oscillator energy levels. The length parameter L is determined by the factor 'fact' which, by default, is set to 1; the interval for the integration is then [-fact*0.5, fact*0.5] The default value for 'fact' proved to be suitable for low frequency vibrational modes. For higher frequency modes, a larger value of such parameter is generally required. The parameter can be modified by means of the set_fact method. The default value for N in 4000. Use the method set_N to modify it. The potential from the SCANMODE CRYSTAL calculation is fitted by a polinomial function of degree 4. Use the method set_deg to change such degree """ def __init__(self): self.N=4000 self.fact=1. self.dy=self.fact/self.N self.y=np.linspace(-0.5*self.fact,self.fact*0.5, self.N+1) self.deg=4 self.flag=False
[docs] def set_N(self, n): self.N=n self.y=np.linspace(-0.5*self.fact, self.fact*0.5, self.N+1) self.dy=self.fact/self.N print("Direct solution of the Schroedinger equation. Num. of points: %6i" % self.N)
[docs] def set_fact(self, fact): self.fact=fact self.dy=self.fact/self.N self.y=np.linspace(-0.5*self.fact,self.fact*0.5, self.N+1) print("Length factor set to %5.2f" % self.fact)
[docs] def set_direct(self): self.flag=True
[docs] def set_deg(self, deg): self.deg=deg
[docs] def reset_direct(self): self.flag=False
[docs] def diag(self,iv): pot=self.potential(iv) self.d=(1/self.dy)**2 + pot[1:-1]
[docs] def extra(self): self.exd = -1./(2.*self.dy**2)*np.ones(len(self.d)-1)
[docs] def potential(self, iv): q_m=bohr*anh[iv].q min_q=np.min(q_m) max_q=np.max(q_m) L=(max_q-min_q) y=-0.5+(q_m-min_q)/L self.L2=L**2[iv].red pot=anh[iv].e pot=conv*pot**self.L2/ht**2 pot=pot-np.min(pot) fit=np.polyfit(y, pot, self.deg) return np.polyval(fit, self.y)
[docs] def compute(self, iv): self.diag(iv) self.extra() w,v=lin.eigh_tridiagonal(self.d, self.exd, eigvals_only=False) w=w/(*self.L2) w=w*ht**2 return w,v,self.y
[docs] def info(self): print("Direct Solution of the Schroedinger equation") print("Number of points: %5i" % self.N) print("Factor for the determination of L: %5.2f" % self.fact)
[docs]def load_files(): ''' Loads data files and file names of the SCAN data ''' data=np.loadtxt(path+'volumes.dat') if data.size==4: volumes=np.ndarray((1,), buffer=np.array(data[0])) h_freq=np.ndarray((1,), buffer=np.array(data[1])) qmn=np.ndarray((1,), buffer=np.array(data[2])) qmx=np.ndarray((1,),buffer=np.array(data[3])) nvol=1 else: volumes=data[:,0] h_freq=data[:,1] qmn=data[:,2] qmx=data[:,3] nvol=volumes.size scan_name=np.loadtxt(path+"input.txt", dtype=str) mode_vect=np.loadtxt(path+"vect.dat", dtype=float) glob.volumes=volumes glob.h_freq=h_freq glob.nvol=nvol if data.size==4: glob.scan_name=np.array([scan_name]) glob.mode_vect=mode_vect glob.qmn=qmn glob.qmx=qmx else: glob.scan_name=scan_name glob.mode_vect=mode_vect glob.qmn=qmn glob.qmx=qmx prn_vol=str(volumes) print("Number of data SCAN's: %3i:" % nvol) print("Volumes: %s" % prn_vol) glob.nvol_t=glob.nvol if glob.nharm > 0: glob.nvol_t=glob.nvol+glob.nharm print("\nHarmonic contributions:\n V Freq") for ih in range(glob.nharm): print("%8.4f %8.2f" % (glob.hvol[ih], glob.hfreq[ih]))
[docs]def set_up(): for i in np.arange(glob.nvol): qmn=glob.qmn[i] qmx=glob.qmx[i] anh[i]=anh_class() anh[i].name=glob.scan_name[i] anh[i].vol=glob.volumes[i] anh[i].h_freq=glob.h_freq[i] energy_data=np.loadtxt(path+glob.scan_name[i]) anh[i].q=energy_data[:,0].astype(float) anh[i].q_orig=np.copy(anh[i].q) energy=energy_data[:,1].astype(float) min_e=np.min(energy) anh[i].e=energy-min_e if (qmn != 0.) or (qmx != 0.): test=((anh[i].q >= qmn) & (anh[i].q <= qmx)) anh[i].q = anh[i].q[test] anh[i].e = anh[i].e[test] if glob.nvol==1: anh[i].vector=glob.mode_vect else: anh[i].vector=glob.mode_vect[:,i] fh_crys=anh[i].h_freq*csl anh[i].omega=2*np.pi*fh_crys anh[i].qmax=np.sqrt(sum(anh[i].vector**2)) anh[i].q2max=(anh[i].qmax**2)*(bohr**2) anh[i].red=ht/(anh[i].omega*anh[i].q2max); anh[i].q=anh[i].q*anh[i].qmax flag.comp=np.append(flag.comp, False) flag.setup=True
[docs]def energy_func(qq, a, b, c, d): return a+b*qq**2+c*qq**3+d*qq**4
[docs]def energy_quad(qq, a, b): return a+b*qq**2
[docs]def start_fit(iv, npt=40): q=anh[iv].q e=anh[iv].e fit_par,_ =curve_fit(energy_func,q,e) fit_quad,_ =curve_fit(energy_quad,q,e) anh[iv].par=fit_par min_q=np.min(q) max_q=np.max(q) q_list=np.linspace(min_q,max_q,npt) e4_list=np.array([]) e2_list=np.array([]) for iq in q_list: ieq4=energy_func(iq,*anh[iv].par) ieq2=energy_quad(iq,*fit_quad) e4_list=np.append(e4_list,ieq4) e2_list=np.append(e2_list,ieq2) plt.figure() plt.plot(q_list,e4_list,"-",label='Quartic fit') plt.plot(q_list,e2_list,"--",label='Quadratic fit') plt.plot(anh[iv].q,anh[iv].e,"*",label='Actual values') plt.xlabel("Q") plt.ylabel("E") plt.legend(frameon=True) anh[iv].ko=2*anh[iv].par[1]*conv/(bohr**2) lam=anh[iv].par[3] d3l=anh[iv].par[2] anh[iv].zero_l=anh[iv].par[0] anh[iv].om=np.sqrt(anh[iv].ko/anh[iv].red) anh[iv].nu=anh[iv].om/(2*np.pi*csl) anh[iv].lam=lam*conv/(bohr**4); anh[iv].d3l=d3l*conv/(bohr**3); anh[iv].fact=(ht/(2*anh[iv].red*anh[iv].om))**2; anh[iv].factd=(ht/(2*anh[iv].red*anh[iv].om))**(3/2); anh[iv].fact_1=anh[iv].lam*anh[iv].fact; anh[iv].factd_1=iun*anh[iv].factd*anh[iv].d3l; anh[iv].h_omeg=ht*anh[iv].om;
[docs]def diag_n(iv, n): dn=(anh[iv].fact_1*6*(n**2+n+0.5))+(anh[iv].h_omeg*(n+0.5)); return dn
[docs]def extra_1(iv, n): ext1=-3*anh[iv].factd_1*((n+1)**1.5) return ext1
[docs]def extra_2(iv, n): ext2=-2*anh[iv].fact_1*(3+2*n)*(np.sqrt((n+2)*(n+1))); return ext2
[docs]def extra_3(iv, n): ext3=anh[iv].factd_1*np.sqrt((n+3)*(n+2)*(n+1)); return ext3
[docs]def extra_4(iv, n): ext4=anh[iv].fact_1*np.sqrt((n+4)*(n+3)*(n+2)*(n+1)); return ext4
[docs]def H_matrix(iv): ind=np.arange(glob.dim) H=np.zeros((glob.dim,glob.dim),dtype=complex) for ii in ind: for jj in ind: if ii==jj: H[jj][ii]=diag_n(iv, ii) elif jj==ii+2: H[jj][ii]=extra_2(iv, ii) elif jj==ii-2: H[jj][ii]=extra_2(iv, jj) elif jj==ii+4: H[jj][ii]=extra_4(iv, ii) elif jj==ii-4: H[jj][ii]=extra_4(iv, jj) elif jj==ii+1: H[jj][ii]=+1*extra_1(iv, ii) elif jj==ii-1: H[jj][ii]=-1*extra_1(iv, jj) elif jj==ii+3: H[jj][ii]=+1*extra_3(iv, ii) elif jj==ii-3: H[jj][ii]=-1*extra_3(iv, jj) return H
[docs]def energy_anh(iv): if not drc.flag: H_mat=H_matrix(iv) vals=np.linalg.eigvals(H_mat) vals=np.real(vals) anh[iv].vals=np.sort(vals) else: anh[iv].vals,_,_=drc.compute(iv) anh[iv].e_zero=anh[iv].zero_l+anh[iv].vals/conv
[docs]def partition(iv, temp, nl=10): """ Computes the partition function by direct summation of the exponential terms. By default, the number of the energy levels involved in the summation is in the variable glob.nlev, whose value is 1/2 of the dimension of the Hamiltonian matrix. Args: v: volume index (according to the list of volumes specified in the volumes.dat file) temp: temperature (K) nl: number of energy levels considered in the summation (default: 10) """ lev_list=np.arange(nl) z=0. for i in lev_list: z=z+np.exp(-1*anh[iv].vals[i]/(k*temp)) return z
[docs]def helm(iv, temp): """ Computes the Helmholtz free energy (in hartree) Args: iv: volume index (according to the list of volumes specified in the volumes.dat file) temp: temperature (K) """ z=partition(iv, temp, nl=glob.nlev) return -1*k*temp*np.log(z)/conv
[docs]def check_partition(iv, temp, from_plot=False): """ Checks convergence of the partition function at a given temperature Args: iv: volume index (according to the list of volumes specified in the volumes.dat file) temp: temperature (k) """ tol_der=0.005 min_lev=5 max_lev=glob.nlev lev_list=np.arange(min_lev,max_lev) z_list=np.array([]) for il in lev_list: iz=partition(iv,temp,il) z_list=np.append(z_list,iz) der_z=np.gradient(z_list) tlt="Partition function: convergence test for T = " + str(temp) + " K" plt.figure() plt.plot(lev_list, z_list) plt.title(tlt) plt.xlabel('Number of vibrational levels') plt.ylabel('Partition function') test=(der_z >= tol_der) st=sum(test)+min_lev print("Threshold for convergence (on the variation of Z): %4.4f" % tol_der) if (st < glob.nlev): print("Convergence reached at the %3i level" % st) else: print("Warning: convergence never reached") eth=anh[iv].e_zero[st] test_scan=(eth-anh[iv].e) >= 0. zero_scan=True scan_sum=sum(test_scan) if scan_sum == 0: zero_scan=False if zero_scan: min_q=0. max_q=0. q_test=anh[iv].q[test_scan] min_q=np.min(q_test) max_q=np.max(q_test) else: min_q=np.min(anh[iv].q)*anh[iv].qmax max_q=np.max(anh[iv].q)*anh[iv].qmax min_sc=np.min(anh[iv].q) max_sc=np.max(anh[iv].q) mn_qmax=min_q/anh[iv].qmax mx_qmax=max_q/anh[iv].qmax if from_plot: print("Minimum and maximum q values: %4.2f, %4.2f" % (mn_qmax, mx_qmax)) else: print("Minimum and maximum q values: %4.2f, %4.2f" % (min_q, max_q)) if min_q <= min_sc or max_q >= max_sc: print("Warning: Q-SCAN out of range")
[docs]def frequencies(iv, mxl=5, spect=False): energy_anh(iv) delta_e=np.gradient(anh[iv].vals) freq=delta_e/(csl*h) if not spect: print("\nFrequencies (cm^-1) from the first %2i levels\n" % mxl) il=0 while il <= mxl: print(" %6.2f" % freq[il]) il=il+1 else: return freq
[docs]def computation(iv, direct=False): if direct: drc.set_direct() if not flag.setup: set_up() start_fit(iv) energy_anh(iv) flag.comp[iv]=True
[docs]def start(temp=300, direct=False): set_up() for ii in np.arange(glob.nvol): print("\n--------------\nVolume N. %3i" % ii) print("Volume %6.3f A^3, harmonic freq.: %6.2f cm^-1" %\ (anh[ii].vol, anh[ii].h_freq)) print("Scan data file: %s" % glob.scan_name[ii]) computation(ii, direct) check_partition(ii,temp) frequencies(ii)
[docs]def helm_fit(temp=300, direct=False): """ Main function of the program: the produces the final result of the F(V,T) surface. Args: temp: temperature (in K) used in the test for convergence of the partition function (default: 300 K) """ if direct: drc.flag=True else: drc.flag=False start(temp) tl=np.linspace(tmin,tmax,nt) vl=glob.volumes vl_anh_flag=np.repeat(1, glob.nvol) if glob.nharm > 0: vl=np.append(vl,glob.hvol) vl_h_flag=np.repeat(0, glob.nharm) vl_flag=np.append(vl_anh_flag, vl_h_flag) glob.v_flag=vl_flag glob.volumes_t=np.append(glob.volumes, glob.hvol) else: glob.volumes_t=glob.volumes glob.v_flag=vl_anh_flag helm_val=np.array([]) for it in tl: jh=0 for iv in np.arange(glob.nvol_t): if glob.v_flag[iv]==1: ih=helm(iv,it) else: ih=helm_harm(glob.hfreq[jh],it) jh=jh+1 helm_val=np.append(helm_val,ih) helm_val=helm_val.reshape(nt,glob.nvol_t) vl,tl=np.meshgrid(vl,tl) ptt=np.arange(pt+1) pvv=np.arange(pv+1) p_list=np.array([],dtype=int) for ip1 in ptt: for ip2 in pvv: i1=ip2 i2=ip1-ip2 if i2 < 0: break ic=(i1, i2) p_list=np.append(p_list,ic) psize=p_list.size pterm=int(psize/2) glob.p_list=p_list.reshape(pterm,2) x0=np.zeros(pterm) vl=vl.flatten() tl=tl.flatten() helm_val=helm_val.flatten() fit, pcov = curve_fit(helm_func, [vl, tl], helm_val, p0 = x0) t_plot=np.linspace(tmin,tmax,40) v_plot=np.linspace(np.min(vl),np.max(vl),40) v_plot,t_plot=np.meshgrid(v_plot,t_plot) v_plot=v_plot.flatten() t_plot=t_plot.flatten() h_plot=helm_func([v_plot, t_plot], *fit) h_plot=h_plot.reshape(40,40) v_plot=v_plot.reshape(40,40) t_plot=t_plot.reshape(40,40) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111,projection='3d', ) ax.plot_surface(t_plot, v_plot, h_plot) ax.scatter(tl,vl,helm_val,c='r') ax.set_ylabel("Volume", labelpad=7) ax.set_xlabel("Temperature", labelpad=7) ax.set_zlabel('F(V,T)', labelpad=8) file=open(outfile,"w") for iw, iff in zip(glob.p_list,fit): issw0=iw[0] issw1=iw[1] siw=str(issw0)+" "+str(issw1)+" "+str(iff)+"\n" file.write(siw) file.write('END') file.close() print("\nFile %s written" % outfile) print("V, T polynomial fit of degree %3i %3i" % (pv, pt)) print("Temperature range: tmin=%4.1f, tmax=%4.1f" % (tmin,tmax)) vmin=np.min(glob.volumes_t) vmax=np.max(glob.volumes_t) print("Volume range: Vmin=%5.3f, Vmax=%5.3f" % (vmin, vmax)) hc=helm_func([vl, tl],* df2=(helm_val-hc)**2 mean_error=np.sqrt(sum(df2))/df2.size max_error=np.max(np.sqrt(df2)) print("Mean error from fit: %6.2e" % mean_error) print("Maximum error: %6.2e" % max_error)
[docs]def helm_func(data,*par): vv=data[0] tt=data[1] nterm=glob.p_list.shape[0] func=0. for it in np.arange(nterm): pvv=glob.p_list[it][0] ptt=glob.p_list[it][1] func=func+par[it]*(vv**pvv)*(tt**ptt) return func
[docs]def plot_levels(iv, max_lev, qmin=0., qmax=0., tmin=300, tmax=1000, nt=5, \ degree=4,chk=False, temp=300): """ Computes and plots vibrational energy levels on top of the potential curve of the mode. Args: iv: Volume index (select the volume according to the input list) max_lev: Number of levels to plot qmin, qmax: Q-range (default: qmin=qmax=0. --> full range) tmin, tmax: T-range for the computation of probability of of occupation of the vibrational levels (default: 300, 1000K) nt: number of points in the T-range degree: degree of the polynomial fitting the potential function (default: 4) chk: check on the corvengence of the partition function (default: False) temp: temperature for the check of the partition function (default: 300K) """ npoint=200 if not flag.setup: set_up() if not flag.comp[iv]: computation(iv) if chk: check_partition(iv, temp, from_plot=True) levels=anh[iv].vals/conv pot=anh[iv].e q=anh[iv].q/anh[iv].qmax t_list=np.linspace(tmin, tmax, nt) prob=np.array([]) for it in t_list: z=partition(iv,it) for idx in np.arange(max_lev): energy=levels[idx]*conv iprob=(np.exp(-1*energy/(k*it)))/z iprob=(iprob*100).round(1) prob=np.append(prob, iprob) prob=prob.reshape(nt,max_lev) pd.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x: '%5.2f' % x) df=pd.DataFrame(prob,index=t_list.round(1)) df=df.T print("Energy levels occupation (probabilities) at several") print("temperatures in the %4.1f - % 4.1f interval\n" % (tmin, tmax)) print(df.to_string(index=False)) if (qmin == 0.) & (qmax == 0.): qmin=np.min(q) qmax=np.max(q) test=((q>=qmin) & (q<=qmax)) pot=pot[test] q=q[test] fit=np.polyfit(q,pot,degree) q_fit=np.linspace(qmin,qmax,npoint) e_fit=np.polyval(fit,q_fit) q_l=np.array([]) for idx in np.arange(max_lev): ie=levels[idx] test=(e_fit < ie) iqmin=np.min(q_fit[test]) iqmax=np.max(q_fit[test]) q_l=np.append(q_l,[iqmin,iqmax]) q_l=q_l.reshape(max_lev,2) plt.figure() plt.plot(q,pot) for idx in np.arange(max_lev): p1=q_l[idx][0] p2=q_l[idx][1] qp=(p1,p2) ep=(levels[idx],levels[idx]) plt.plot(qp,ep,"k--",linewidth=1) volume=anh[iv].vol.round(3) tlt="Volume: "+str(volume)+" A^3; Num. of levels: "+str(max_lev) plt.xlabel("Q (in unit of Q_max)") plt.ylabel("E (hartree)") plt.title(tlt)
[docs]def spectrum(iv,temp,nline=5,tail=8., head=8., sigma=2., fwhm=2., eta=0., npp=240): """ Computes the spectrum of the anharmonic mode by using a specified peak shape Args: iv: Volume index temp: Temperature (K) nline: Number of lines to be considered tail, head: the plotted range is [min(freq)-tail. max(freq)+head] where min(freq) and max(freq) are respectively the minum and maximum frequencis resulting from the "nline" transitions sigma: sigma associated to the Gaussian profile fwhm: full widthat half maximum associated to the Lorentzian profile eta: Gaussian/Lorentzian ratio; eta=0: full Gaussian (G) profile eta=1: full Lorentzian (L) profile in general: profile=G*(1-eta)+L*eta npp: number of points used for the plot Note: The vertical lines drawn under the spectrum mark the positions of the transition frequencies. If the number of lines is greater than 3, a color code is associated to such lines; blue - transitions involving levels associated to low quantum numbers; green -transitions at intermediate quantum numbers; red - transition at high quantum numbers """ if not flag.setup: set_up() if not flag.comp[iv]: computation(iv) freq=frequencies(iv,nline,spect=True) freq=freq[0:nline] z=partition(iv,temp) levels=anh[iv].vals/conv prob=np.array([]) for idx in np.arange(nline): energy=levels[idx]*conv iprob=(np.exp(-1*energy/(k*temp)))/z prob=np.append(prob, iprob) f_min=np.min(freq)-tail f_max=np.max(freq)+head s_list=np.linspace(f_min, f_max, npp) ps_list=np.array([]) for ff in s_list: ff_int=0. idx=0 for if0 in freq: ig=gauss(if0,ff,sigma) il=lorentz(if0,ff,fwhm) ff_int=ff_int+prob[idx]*(ig*(1.-eta)+il*eta) idx=idx+1 ps_list=np.append(ps_list,ff_int) int_max=np.max(ps_list) y_mx_lim=int_max+int_max*0.1 if nline > 2: n3=nline/3. c3=int(round(n3,0)) t1=c3 t2=2*c3 color_l=np.array([]) idx=0 for idx in np.arange(nline): if idx < t1: icol="b" elif (idx >= t1) and idx < t2: icol="g" else: icol="r" color_l=np.append(color_l,icol) else: color_l=["r"]*nline lin=["-"]*nline v_style=list(color_l[idx] + lin[idx] for idx in np.arange(nline)) if nline > 2: idx=0 v_line=np.array([]) for if0 in np.arange(nline): if color_l[idx]=="b": iv_line=int_max/20 elif color_l[idx]=="g": iv_line=int_max/30 else: iv_line=int_max/50 idx=idx+1 v_line=np.append(v_line,iv_line) else: v_line=[int_max/50]*nline y_line=list([0., iv_line] for iv_line in v_line) title="Spectrum at T = "+str(temp)+" K"+"; volume = " + str(anh[iv].vol.round(3)) + " A^3" plt.figure() plt.plot(s_list, ps_list, "k-") idx=0 for if0 in freq: plt.plot([if0,if0],y_line[idx],v_style[idx]) idx=idx+1 plt.ylim(0., y_mx_lim) plt.xlabel("Wave Number cm^-1") plt.ylabel("Relative Intensity") plt.title(title) prob=prob*100. print("\nFrequencies and relative weights\n") idx=0 for if0 in freq: print("%5.2f %5.1f" % (freq[idx], prob[idx])) idx=idx+1
[docs]def gauss(f0,ff,sigma): sig=sigma/2.355 return np.exp((-1*(ff-f0)**2)/(2*sig**2))
[docs]def lorentz(f0, ff, fwhm): f2=fwhm/2. numer=(1./np.pi)*f2 denom=(ff-f0)**2+(f2**2) return numer/denom
[docs]def single(temp=300, max_lev=5, qmin=0., qmax=0., tmin=300, tmax=1000, nt=4, nline=4,\ tail=4., head=4., sigma=2., fwhm=2., eta=1., npp=240): """ Computation in case of a single volume. Optional input parameters are those described for the plot_levels and spectrum functions. """ set_up() start_fit(0) energy_anh(0) plot_levels(0, max_lev, qmin, qmax, tmin, tmax, nt, \ degree=4,chk=False, temp=300) spectrum(0,temp,nline, tail, head, sigma, fwhm, eta, npp)
[docs]def helm_harm(freq, temp, prt=False): """ Computation of the Helmholtz (F) free energy for an harmonic mode having a given frequency, at a given temperature. Args: freq: frequency (cm^-1) temp: temperature (K) prt: if True, the value of F is printed, otherwise the value of F is returned """ fth=np.log(1-np.e**(freq*e_fact/temp)) enz=freq*ez_fact free=enz+fth*k*temp/conv if prt: print("Free energy from the harmonic calculation") print("Harmonic Frequency: %6.2f cm^-1" % freq) print("Temperature: %6.2f K" % temp) print("Free energy: %8.6e J/mole" % free) else: return free
[docs]def compare(iv, mxl=10): drc.reset_direct() set_up() start_fit(iv) energy_anh(iv) variational=anh[iv].vals[0:mxl] w,_,_=drc.compute(iv) direct=w[0:mxl] pd.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x: '%0.4e' % x) print("") df=pd.DataFrame({ ' Variational': variational, ' Direct: ': direct}) print(df)
[docs]def direct_plot(iv, lev_list): set_up() start_fit(iv) w,v,y=drc.compute(iv) vt=v.T for il in lev_list: plt.figure() plt.plot(y[1:-1], vt[il]**2)
[docs]def frequencies_compare(iv, mxl=5): set_up() start_fit(iv) drc.set_direct() energy_anh(iv) delta_e=np.gradient(anh[iv].vals) freq_direct=delta_e/(csl*h) drc.reset_direct() energy_anh(iv) delta_e=np.gradient(anh[iv].vals) freq=delta_e/(csl*h) print("\nFrequencies (cm^-1) from the first %2i levels\n" % mxl) il=0 while il <= mxl: print(" %6.2f %6.2f" % (freq[il], freq_direct[il])) il=il+1
[docs]def main(): global ctime, h, k, r, csl, avo, ht, bohr, uma, iun, conv, anh global glob, flag, abs_path, path, outfile, temp, power_limit global tmin, tmax, nt, Version, pv, pt, e_fact, ez_fact, drc Version="2.0 - 05/05/2023" print("Run time: ", ctime) h=6.62606896e-34 k=1.3806505e-23 r=8.314472 csl=29979245800 avo=6.02214179e23 conv=4.35981E-18 ht=h/(2*np.pi) bohr=5.291772108e-11 uma=1.6605386e-27 iun=complex(0,1) e_fact=-1*h*csl/k ez_fact=0.5*h*csl/conv glob=data_class(200) flag=data_flag() drc=AnhDirect() fi=open('anharm_path.txt') abs_path=fi.readline().rstrip() fi.close() fi=open(abs_path+'/'+'input_anharm.txt') path=fi.readline() path=path.rstrip() path=abs_path+'/'+path+'/' outfile=fi.readline() outfile=abs_path + '/' + outfile.rstrip() temp=fi.readline().rstrip() temp=temp.split() pwl=fi.readline() power_limit=pwl.rstrip().split() if len(power_limit) == 1: power_limit=int(power_limit[0]) pv=power_limit pt=pv else: pv=int(power_limit[0]) pt=int(power_limit[1]) harm_file=fi.readline().rstrip() flag_h=False if (harm_file != 'None') & (harm_file != 'none'): flag_h=True fih=open(path+'/'+harm_file) harm_line=fih.readline() harm_line=int(harm_line.rstrip()) glob.nharm=0 glob.hvol=np.array([]) glob.hfreq=np.array([]) if flag_h: glob.nharm=harm_line for ih in range(harm_line): iline=fih.readline() iline=iline.rstrip().split() hivol=float(iline[0]) hfi=float(iline[1]) glob.hvol=np.append(glob.hvol, hivol) glob.hfreq=np.append(glob.hfreq, hfi) tmin=float(temp[0]) tmax=float(temp[1]) nt=int(temp[2]) if flag_h: fih.close() fi.close() print("This is Anharm, version %s \n" % Version) print("Basic usage: helm_fit()\n") load_files() anh=np.ndarray((glob.nvol,), dtype=object)
if __name__=="__main__": main()